The Blessed Curse (The Elder Blood Chronicles, #4)(123)

Finn paused by the door and smiled back at him. “Did you honestly think the Aspects and other Divines would let your actions in Delvay slide? It’s time to pay the piper, Seth, and I’m not sure how long it will take me.”

“You could have simply given them me,” Seth stammered as he rose to his feet once more. “I acted without your permission and you didn’t have to claim the blame for this.”

“I didn’t have to,” Finn agreed with a nod. “But that’s what friends do, Seth, and you are more than simply a friend. You are family.”



Neph settled back on his throne and stared at the empty room dismally. Two days had passed since Jala turned her back on him and he had yet to find motivation to do anything. The only true accomplishment he could claim was cleaning the dead from the city and that had been a simple matter of magic. The rest of the time he had spent in thought and nothing that had crossed his mind had been good. As far as he could tell, no matter what he did he was f*cked. Even if he woke his people from stasis, there weren’t enough of them to hold the city when Rivasa attacked, and he knew they would soon. By now, rumors of the attack had surely reached the High Lord of Rivasa and he had to know how weak Delvay was once Merro returned home.

Muffled clatter from the courtyard beyond pulled him from his thoughts and Neph stiffened in his chair. That had been hooves, he was certain of it. Standing slowly, he moved to the door and braced himself for what was coming. He had known there would be an attack and the only thing he could do now was fight until he had nothing left to give. Closing his eyes, he summoned the memory of Jala’s face and seized the pain that rose in his chest for focus. Magic hummed through his veins and he pushed the doors open wide in front of him.

“I’d really appreciate it if you would release all of that magic.” Madren’s voice rose from the courtyard beyond.

“Madren?” Neph gasped in shock and the magic faded from his mind instantly. He couldn’t fathom a single thing that would bring the High Lord of Goswin to his door. In all the time he had known Madren, Neph had never once thought he would be happy to hear that voice, but he was.

“Thank you, Neph. I really didn’t want to be cooked in my armor,” Madren called in response and stepped slowly through the doorway into the inner city. He was armored in shining plate with a massive sword across his back and looked nothing like the fragile boy Neph remembered from the city.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Neph demanded, though there was no anger in his voice, only confusion.

“Protecting my ally,” Madren answered calmly and gazed around the empty hall curiously. His dark eyes found Neph once more and his expression softened. “Anthe saw what was coming, Neph, but I couldn’t say anything then. No one would have listened to me,” he explained and shrugged. “So I remained behind in Arovan and did what I could to ensure Jala had full support from those Lords so when the time came she wouldn’t need me. I knew I would be needed here.”

“Madren you don’t even like me, remember?” Neph pressed as he stared at the man in wonder.

Madren smiled and let out a short sigh. “I do at times, Neph. Besides, you aren’t the only one that knows how important this city is. Goswin and Delvay have been allies for a very long while if you remember correctly and it’s not just your Grandmother that cast the spell to contain the Veyetta, if you recall. My Grandfather helped with that as well and I know what must be protected.”

Neph stared at him gape-jawed and tried to pull his thoughts back into order. Just when he had been mastering his own confusion, Madren had sucker punched him with another wave of shock. “I thought only Delvay knew about that,” he admitted quietly.

“And I never thought I would have to admit to knowing,” Madren replied with a shrug. “But here we are, and from the looks of things we have a lot to do. I have to admit I expected you to have your people released by now.”

“I couldn’t face them yet, and I really didn’t see the point in forcing them to die beside me when Rivasa showed up,” Neph said quietly. His own gaze moved slowly around the room and then back to Madren. Slowly he shook his head and smiled faintly. “I can’t believe how much I have underestimated you.”

“Probably not nearly as much as I have underestimated myself in the past. Thanks to Anthe, I think I finally have it all together.” Madren glanced over his shoulder and then back to Neph. “I’ve brought five thousand with me, but most of them are guarding the border. Anthe is in charge there and she has promised that the Rivasans won’t pass without paying dearly for it. That should buy us time to get the city repaired and get your own people situated.”

“Thank you, Madren,” Neph said quietly. After the way he had treated Madren in the time he had known him, he couldn’t believe that he had moved to help at all. Had he been in Madren’s place, he doubted he would have.

“We are allies, Neph,” Madren replied with a smile. “And if we work quickly enough we might manage to get this done before your sister arrives,” he added quietly with dark eyes locked on Neph’s.

“What?” Neph stammered once more. Madren had certainly grown adept at keeping people off balance in the short time he had been in Goswin.

Melissa Myers's Books