The Blessed Curse (The Elder Blood Chronicles, #4)(112)

“Dresharn and Jail are needed in Sanctuary and Nigel and the Three Sisters are guarding Glis’s borders. Wisp and Sovann are out of the question and Shade is negotiating with the Blights. Sovaesh is busy, so I really have limited choices when it comes to Elder Bloods that can help us. I’m going to summon Vosha and we will take Dray with us as well. That gives us seven pure blood and two Bendazzi on our s ide. So, nine to their ten. I think we can pull it off,” Jala explained with a shrug of her slender shoulders.

“Vosha is only a boy and Dray has no experience with fighting. Zoelyn is going as a healer and you neglected to count the twenty archers and two hundred swordsmen in your calculations of even,” Neph pointed out with a smirk. He shook his head at her with amusement and couldn’t help but feel a bit of pride that she had so much faith in her people.

“Vosha may be young, but he is a young dragon and he was raised by Dresharn and the Three Sisters. I have no doubt he knows how to fight,” Valor pointed out with a smile and nodded to Jala. “Might I suggest we take Foster as well. He is Elder Blood as well, and his Earth crafting could come in handy underground.”

“That works,” Jala agreed with a smile and winked at Neph. “I didn’t count the others because I know we can handle them without too much trouble. It’s the ones that have strong magic that worry me.”

“So I will have Vosha summoned here and find Foster,” Valor rose from the table as he spoke and smiled at Jala. “Should be an interesting day,” he said with a smirk as he headed for the door.

“Interesting, frustrating, and depressing all rolled into one, I’m sure,” Jala murmured as her gaze found Neph. He could see the sadness in her eyes once more and he smiled faintly in return.

“I know,” Neph muttered before she could say a word. “I’ll have Delvay back soon and I’ll lose you all in the process,” he added glumly. His attention moved to Zoelyn who had been watching them in silence. She had a look of apprehension about her, but not fear. That was to be expected, though. She had seen the aftermath of battle in Arovan and that had been horrible. This would be her first time actually seeing honest fighting, though, and he knew how she felt about violence. “Are you sure you want to go, Zoey?” he asked quietly in a voice that was far kinder than he typically used with anyone save Jala.

Zoelyn looked up at him silently and nodded her head slowly. Her dark eyes were still filled with concern, but he could see determination there as well. “I won’t fight, but I will heal if needed,” she replied softly.

“No one expects you to fight, Zoey. Just stay in the back, behind the rest of us, and you will be fine,” Jala assured her with a smile. With a heavy sigh, she looked to Neph and rose from the table. “Let’s kick these pigs out of your home, Lord Delvay,” she said with false cheer as she nodded for them to rise.

“You do realize I will be the one in front, right, Jala?” Vaze asked as he rose.

“We shall see. Valor usually likes to be up front with his bright shiny bull’s eye armor on, and you know I can’t let him be the only target. I love him too much for that,” Jala grinned and winked at him as she headed for the door.

Neph shook his head again and let out a long sigh. “I wish just once you would remember how dainty you are Jala,” he grumbled as he followed her from the room.

“Tell that to the dead dragons in Seravae, Neph. I don’t think they considered me dainty at all,” Jala replied with more arrogance lacing her words.


Neph leaned back against the wall and watched in silence as Vosha tried his best to impress Zoelyn. The boy was wearing chain and leather armor that had obviously never seen combat, but that didn’t seem to dampen his attempt to appear as a seasoned warrior to her. He had spent the last ten minutes of preparations informing her how he had learned from the Three Sisters, and then tryied to dazzle her with stories about the campaign in Avanti. Shaking his head, Neph looked away and wondered exactly how long it would be before the poor brat realized Zoelyn was anything but impressed.

“Someone really should have warned him that she is a pacifist,” Valor muttered and Neph smiled in response.

“Or that she can kill him with a touch when he annoys her enough?” Neph offered quietly.

“Not to mention the Blight that is no doubt beside her planning on how best to get rid of his competition,” Valor added with a snort of amusement, then fell silent as Jala and Vaze entered the room.

Jala smiled at them and glanced back at Vaze before clearing her throat. The room fell silent at once with all eyes on her. Her eyes lingered on Neph for a moment and he smiled in response. “All preparations have been made and everyone has been briefed on this mission. This may look difficult at a glance, but I have faith that we can accomplish this,” Jala began in a clear voice. Gently she lifted her amulet and kissed both sides paying homage to War as well as Death with her action. “Victory for us in battle and death to our enemies,” she intoned quietly and looked to Vaze. “Ready when you are.”

Vaze nodded sharply and moved to her side. “I will be taking us in near the bottom of the city. I will also be in front when we move. I know how to scout, the rest of you don’t,” he paused and looked at Jala with narrowed eyes. “If you try to move past me I will stab you in the ass,” he warned in a lower voice then smiled at her and winked.

Melissa Myers's Books