The Blessed Curse (The Elder Blood Chronicles, #4)(109)

Zoelyn smiled widely at Legacy but let her gaze drift to where Seth had seated himself against the wall behind the throne. With a nod to Legacy she continued past the child to Seth’s side and sat down beside him.

“You will have a better view up there,” Seth informed her quietly as she adjusted her coat beneath her.

Nodding she smiled at him then leaned back against the wall beside him. “This makes more sense. If I don’t understand what they are singing or telling stories about I can ask you and you will know. Legacy would no doubt be just as confused as I am,” Zoelyn replied with a faint shrug. There was no easy way to say I’d rather be close to you without embarrassing herself so she left the rest unsaid. She wasn’t sure if Seth even realized how often she gravitated toward him.

“You would be surprised what Legacy knows. For his age he is very well educated, but I see your point,” Seth said with a nod then waved a hand toward a juggler that was twirling flaming batons near the back wall. “That in itself is so much more impressive when they are still alive. Kind of loses the danger and excitement when you know it’s a dead man braving fire. It’s not as if spirits are flammable.”

“I don’t even know how a spirit could juggle so it’s impressive to me regardless if it’s dangerous,” Zoelyn admitted with a smile.

“Powerful spirits can take on a physical form similar to my own. These are by no means powerful spirits, but Finn lends them power for the rare occasions he calls upon them. Today is meant as entertainment for Legacy so it should be especially good. By the looks of the room, he summoned every entertainer in the Darklands for this,” Seth explained quietly.

Silence fell over the throne room as the double doors opened and all eyes locked onto the Lord of Death as he entered. Finn regarded the crowd with a wide grin, and then looked to Legacy with eyes sparkling. “What will it be? A play? Music? Maybe the acrobats?” he asked cheerfully and Zoelyn couldn’t help but smile in response. Finn was quite possibly the last person she could imagine being the Lord of Death. He was always kind to her and seemed so vibrant. She didn’t know the full story of how he had attained his status, but she knew better than to ask him. It was obvious from her few conversations that it wasn’t a topic he favored, and she enjoyed his company too much to intentionally make him uncomfortable.

“A play and then the acrobats while they play music,” Legacy replied happily as he rose to hug his father.

Seth snorted in amusement and nodded his approval at the answer. “When Legacy is older the High Lords are doomed. The child has wit and he will have the knowledge and skills to support it. When he wants something, he will get it,” he whispered to her.

“You heard my son. A play and then Acrobats and music. It better be good entertainment too, or I’ll have you singing to Fiona for the rest of the week,” Finn called loudly as he dropped into his throne and lifted Legacy onto his lap. Leaning over the side he glanced back at Zoey and Seth and grinned. “Glad he brought you for the entertainment, Zoey. I hope you enjoy,” he said quietly.

“Who is Fiona? I’ve heard him threaten you with her before,” Zoelyn asked softly.

Seth snorted again and shook his head at her. “Someone I hope you never meet, but if you do, I pray I’m there to buffer for you. She is Finn’s advisor and she is a very bitter creature.”

“Why would Finn choose someone like that as an Advisor,” Zoelyn glanced up at him in confusion.

“It’s Hell, Zoey. Not even the Lord of Death gets things exactly like he wants them. We all suffer here,” Seth replied wryly.

The lights in the throne room flickered and dimmed as several spirits moved forward. They bowed to Finn and the lights above them strengthened as their costumes shifted and the wall behind them took on the illusion of a sunlit meadow.

“A comedy, then, to lighten the heart of the young Lord,” a woman proclaimed as she curtsied to Legacy and smiled. “Listen, young Lord, and we will tell you the tale of how the first Shifter came to be.”

Zoelyn grinned and settled back against the wall as the actors began their penance. She had never seen an acting troupe before, and even if these were spirits, it was still impressive to behold. She glanced up at Seth and leaned her head against his arm as she returned her attention to the actors. He tensed for a breath then settled back once more and she could feel his eyes on her. A faint smile touched her lips as she kept her gaze firmly on the play. She didn’t need to see the look on his face. She knew it would be a faint smile to match her own.

Chapter 18


“I can’t believe you released him from his cell,” Neph grumbled as he dropped heavily into a corner chair and watched Jala. She looked exhausted, and from the state of her armor the trip hadn’t been nearly as easy as she had implied it would be. Her bright shining chain mail was battered and torn and the leather pieces of her armor still bore scorch marks.

Jala sighed and unbuckled her bracers, dropping them onto the table with a loud clatter. “Valor is devising punishment for him and I’m sure Noble will suffer from it,” Jala replied quietly. She rubbed her wrists for a moment and glanced over at him. “If it’s any consolation, Vaze agreed with you and was voting we hang him.” She smiled faintly and shook her head sadly. “Noble is a good man and I don’t think the thought of treason ever crossed his mind. He has poor judgment, as he clearly displayed with this incident, but he isn’t a traitor.”

Melissa Myers's Books