Tarian Alpha (New Tarian Pride #1)(25)

He buckled her in. Did she need him to? Fuck no, she could take care of herself, but he wanted the excuse to lean over her lap and steal one last kiss. He let his lips linger on hers. They were late to the meeting with Cassius, but he was finding it hard to care.

She tasted so sweet. Like the honey she’d just smeared on her toast a few minutes ago. She hadn’t been hungry for the huge meal he’d brought to the park, but she’d agreed to him making her a piece of honey toast before she went back to the Old Tarian Pride.

Her eyes had little blue specks when he studied them up close like this. Had anyone else ever noticed? He hoped not. He hoped he was the only one who knew about the blue. “I wish…” You could be mine. I could take you out. I could make you queen. I could protect you. I could fix this fucked-up situation we’re in. I wish you could stay here with me.

“I know,” she murmured. Her lip trembled. and she bit down and then forced a little smile. Brave Em.

She didn’t know it yet, but he was going to figure out a way to go back for her after her father was safe. He wished he would’ve known last night, and he would’ve rescued him, too. Now, the Old Tarian Pride would be ready for a rescue mission, and that put her dad in even more danger. He wasn’t going to worry her with that knowledge, though.

“Hand me your phone.”

Emerald put her hand on her chest dramatically and inhaled. “Are you asking for my number?”

Ronin chuckled. “I’m giving you mine.” He punched it in and sent a text to himself. “And now I have your number.”

Before she could say anything clever, he inhaled deeply and shut the passenger door, strode around the front, frozen air chugging in front of him. He slid in behind the wheel and sighed, gripping the steering wheel. “Zeke always told me if you like a woman, don’t beat around the bush about it. Let her know. There’s my number,” he said, flickering his fingers toward her phone. “I want to talk to you again. I like you.” He nodded once and held her pretty green gaze. “Now you know.”

And he got to see it there. She melted. Her eyes went all soft, and her smile turned tender and her cheeks turned the prettiest shade of pink. God, she was a stunner.

“I like you, too. I thought I should say that now, just in case…”

“You’ll see me again, Em. I swear it on my life.”

Her smile turned so sad it hollowed out his chest. “And if I see you again, I’ll be an Old Tarian queen, and you’ll be paired up. You’ll be an amazing mate for one of those strangers, and I’ll have to smile at you and pretend I’m okay.”

Ronin shook his head and stared out the front window of the woods. He squeezed her thigh. “Em, the only seer I ever knew was named Beaston. You ain’t him. You can’t see what the future will be like. Everything will be okay. I’ll fix it.” He edited his number in her phone and entered his name as Jenny. When she frowned at it, he grinned and handed it back to her. “In case the Pride watches your phone.”

“Very clever,” she said with a tinkling giggle. Good God, he hoped he could hear that laugh again soon. It was infectious.

He started the truck. “Just so you know,” he said over the sound of the engine roaring to life, “the Pride doesn’t Change together very much.”

Emerald tucked her legs under her and rested her cheek against the seat. “What do you mean?”

Ronin hit the gas and eased onto the road that led away from the cabin. “I mean you attracted them. Something about you. Something good. We’ve been pretty stale and frustrated around here, but today was different. You’re a bright spot, Em.”

“Me?” she asked softly. Why were her eyes so hopeful? Did she really not understand how special she was? “Well…Terrence doesn’t like me.”

Ronin snorted. “Terrence can eat a dick. He just wants me to focus on my duties.”

Emerald snorted, and he could’ve sworn she murmured, “You said doody.”

He was about to laugh, but movement in the rearview caught his attention. Kannon was pulling up behind them, driving his old rusted-out, beat-up Bronco. “What the hell?” he muttered, slowing down.

He began rolling down his window to tell all the lions piled in Kannon’s rig to “piss off,” but Emerald slid her hand over his leg and stopped him. “They’re being a good Pride, having their Alpha’s back. They choose to be here, Ronin. Let them.”

She was right. Smart kitty. He was being too careful trying to protect everyone and was stunting their ability to bond as a Pride.

Emerald was texting someone on her phone as he pulled through the security checkpoint. Gray was working it today.

“Anything?” Ronin asked Gray.

“Not a peep,” he murmured. “ I keep doing perimeter searches, and I’m watching the monitors like a hawk, but nothing. Birds aren’t even setting off the motion sensors today. It’s too quiet.” He cast a frown at the Bronco behind him. “Is everyone going to the drop-off?”

“None of them are,” Emerald said suddenly. She shoved open her door and turned. “It was nice to meet you, Ronin. I hope to see you again someday.” The way she spoke was so formal, as if she’d already shut down.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I’m protecting you.” She lifted her chin higher. “You and I both know they’re waiting somewhere close. I’ve texted Derek that I’m headed toward them and to pick me up.”

T. S. Joyce's Books