Tarian Alpha (New Tarian Pride #1)(20)

Emerald was falling so hard for this man. For his heart, his mind, and his body as well.

It shouldn’t happen like this—falling. She should’ve toed the cliff for a while and watched to find the safest place to jump. She should’ve observed and found the deepest waters below. She should’ve done this safely.

But she didn’t.

Instead, she’d come barreling for the cliff and leapt, not checking if there were rocks below or waves. Not checking how far or short the drop was.

Was this how it was supposed to happen?

A heart recognizing a heart as its own?

A body recognizing a body as its own?

It was terrifying and exciting all at once.

Afraid he was cold because he was currently sitting on top of his jacket, she unzipped hers and wrapped the sides around him as best as she could, smashing her chest onto his.

Ronin smiled against her lips and grabbed her ass under her jacket. His kisses became little sexy smacks until he finally rested his forehead against hers and sighed. “We need to go back to the house.”

“Noooooo,” she murmured. “Five more minutes.”

Ronin laughed and hugged her tight. “As much as I would love to spend the next seven to ten days here with you, I have a meeting to call.” He looked up at the sky. “We have about an hour before I need to leave to meet with Cassius.”

Oh, she hadn’t missed it. He’d said only that he needed to leave. Not both of them. Emerald narrowed her eyes at him. “What are you planning?”

“Nothing at all,” he said smoothly. Too smoothly.

“Also, did you just look at the sun to gauge the time? Like Crocodile Dundee?”

“I learned a lot in my time with the tigers.”

Utterly impressed, she muttered, “That’s the sexiest thing ever. Any time in the next hour you want to make out some more, just do that again.”

Ronin snorted. “I set my alarm on my phone. It’s been vibrating in my pocket for the last ten minutes. I just didn’t want to stop kissing you.”

“Oh.” Emerald giggled. “I’m really gullible around you.”

“It’s pretty damn cute.” His lips were all curved up in a smile as he stared at her with those bright blue eyes. “You’re really pretty.” He said it fast and then gave this hotboy chuckle at himself and shook his head, cleared his throat. In a softer voice, he told her, “You’re hard to look away from, but it’s more than you just being beautiful, Em. You’re so different from everyone else.”

“What do you mean?” she asked softly, touching his beard.

“You’re submissive, but strong. Loyal. Brave.”

“No one has ever mistaken me for brave before.”

“Then no one really knew you. Your dad’s in danger so you’re doing what it takes to save him. You had two options. Run, like he asked you to, or go right into a terrifying situation that will swallow up your whole life, just to make sure he’s safe. I don’t care what anyone else would call that. I see it how it is. You’re brave, Em. And funny, beautiful, and resilient. And even if your lioness tries to be invisible, I hope someday I get the chance to see her.”

And because she had nothing to lose, she asked, “Do you want to see her now?”

It was the biggest risk of all. Letting this dominant Tarian Alpha see her biggest shame. But why not? He’d passed every test she hadn’t even realized she’d been giving him.

Sure, he was dangerous, but deep down to her soul, she knew he was only dangerous to the ones who hurt his people. And just as deep down, where she would never admit it out loud because she knew her reality, she wished she could be one of his people, too.

“You would Change for me?” he asked softly.

“It’s the only chance we have,” she said, trying so hard to keep the sadness from her voice. That was the rule. Stay in the moment.

Slowly, she dismounted his lap and unzipped her jacket. Heat was already creeping up her neck, and she couldn’t meet his gaze. She shrugged out of her jacket and kicked off her snow boots before carefully tucking her socks into them. The snow was freezing against her bare feet.

Okay, now for the big stuff. When she glanced up at Ronin, he was watching her with fiery gold eyes. When she hesitated at the hem of her sweater, he stood and turned around, giving her privacy. She kind of wished she could’ve made it sexy and stripped down for him without going all shy. Nudity was second nature to most shifters, but not to her.

She folded her clothes and stood there with her bare skin getting whipped by the wind. “I don’t Change around people.”

“Why not?”

“Because of how my animal is. I was rogue with my parents for so long I didn’t really get caught in the situation too often. Not since I was a cub.” The last sentence shook because she was shivering, from cold and from nerves. “Okay, here I go.”

She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. Usually, it took a long time because the lion was shy, but today was different. She’d been watching Ronin, fully aware, fully awake, and she was right there under her skin, waiting for permission to take over. The pain was blinding, but it was over so fast, it left her breathless on all fours, stunned that she wasn’t writhing on the ground, waiting for every bone to break and every muscle to take on a new shape. It was a second, maybe two, and then she was this. She was the lioness. The Invisible.

T. S. Joyce's Books