Tales & Time (Lost Time Academy #1)(48)

"This place is magical, almost unbelievable, if I'm honest," I say, needing to break the tension and say something. Anything.

"Before I knew the truth, fairy tales and happy endings seemed unbelievable. Now they are real. Magic is real, and despite everything bad about this world, it makes us special and ever so lucky," he replies, pulling me closer and pressing his warm lips to my forehead. I close my eyes, breathing in how Sin smells like home and everything that feels safe.

"Magic is frightening...but you are right, it is special. We are lucky," I reply to him.

"I hope to one day live in a world where dark tales don't exist and we can be safe. Maybe we can all live together in a house, have a few children, and be happy until we die," he tells me, being so shockingly honest that I'm not sure how to respond to it.

"Sounds like you have it all planned out," I nervously reply. I haven't thought about a future for us all, I don't even know where to start. Sin leans back, and slides a hand under my chin, never stopping our dance as he stares down at me.

"I want a future with you, that is my only plan, Madi," he explains to me, and as I stare into his light silver eyes that are as enchanting as he is, I want the same. I've always wanted the same, and we have a chance at that future now. I lean up and gently press my lips to his, needing to kiss him. Words aren't always the best tool to tell someone how you feel, a kiss can do so much more. A scream makes us jolt apart only seconds before a powerful explosion slams into the side of the dining room, and the wall blasts into a million pieces. I cover my eyes, and when I open them, the teachers are standing in a line, blocking us from seeing what is in front of them.

"Students, run into the forest to the portals!" Miss Ona turns back to shout at us, locking her eyes with me for just a moment, and there is fear. So much fear in them. Sin grabs my hand, dragging me through the students running for the door. The students in front of us scream at something I can't see, and Sin rapidly turns us around. We run to the back of the dining hall, where the door is already open. I grab the door frame, stopping Sin from dragging me, to look back. Knox and Tobias are fighting two men who have incredible powers. Knox is spinning fire, water and lighting in circles around the men while Tobias is using his powers to make the men walk into the fire. I glance around for Noah and Tavvy, only to see them both knocked out on the floor behind Knox.

"We have to go! They wouldn't want you to die as well!" Sin demands, trying to pull me away.

"We have to help them!" I turn back to tell him.

"No, we have to survive and then help them. Knox and Tobias will get them out. I'm protecting you, come on," Sin demands, tugging on my arm. "Please, Madi."

"Fine," I eventually say, letting Sin drag me away through the kitchens. We run to the back of the building, hearing the explosions and screams behind us, which makes me just want to go back. I have to trust Sin though, he wouldn't leave his brothers unless there was another choice. Knox and Tobias can fight and handle themselves much better than I could anyway. I'd likely be in the way. Sin stops us in front of a door and lifts his hand, creating a sphere of fire and throwing it at the handle which melts away, and the door swings open as I kick my heels off. I can run faster without them anyway. Taking my hand again, we head out the door and start running straight across the grass to the forest ahead.

I suddenly hear the squawking of ravens and slow down, my feet sinking into the freezing cold grass as I look up at the dozens of ravens in the sky. They swirl around as Sin shouts at me, grabbing my arm, but I shove his hand away. Something is so wrong and so familiar about this all. I pull my gaze from the sky and the crows to the edge of the forest as someone steps out. Snow gently starts to fall all around us as I look into the familiar face I've longed to see for a long time.


Chapter 31

"Qu-Quinton?" I manage to whisper, feeling like the entire world is frozen in this moment as he steps closer. Quin looks different, strange almost from what I'm used to. Snow falls onto his large shoulders, which have silver clips holding on a black cloak. His skin is so pale that it almost has a blue quality to it. Quinton's black hair is shorter than the last time I saw him, making him appear so much older. He looks colder yet still feels like my Quin. I instantly go to step forward, but Sin grabs my arm, and I look up at him to see him shake his head at me.

"That isn't Quin. Not anymore," Sin quietly warns me, and I flash him a confused look as the crunching of Quinton's boots on the frozen grass catches both our attention.

"Didn't you miss me, brother?" Quin sarcastically asks, taking one more step closer. The ground beneath his feet freezes each time, and it doesn't take me long to figure it out.

"You have powers," I gasp in shock. How did this happen? He is here, just like in my dreams, but it is so real. My dreams were telling me the truth, and the ravens are still circling, still loudly squawking. They are warnings, but that is all. They can't help us.

"He is a dark tale, don’t you feel the need to kill him?" Sin hisses, trying to pull me away, but I stop him. This is Quin, my Quin.

"No," I whisper, my breaths coming out in clouds of cold smoke.

"You should run, Oisin," Quin warns, crossing his arms, "before this ends badly."

G. Bailey's Books