Tales & Time (Lost Time Academy #1)(45)

"Did you say my name?" Ella asks, stopping right behind my seat. Speak of the devil. I turn my head back to see Ella glaring down at me, her long red hair covering her shoulders. That's all of her body that is covered though, considering she has a tiny tube top on and skinny jeans that barely cover her hips, let alone her ass. It makes me wonder if she is shopping for the wrong size or just wants to look like this. It's most likely option two.

"Yes. Now go away," Tavvy suggests, shooing her with her hand before tucking into her food, pretending Ella has taken her advice, which of course she has not.

“Ella, what do you want?” I ask her as she leans over the table, blocking my view of Noah. Her long red hair falls into my face, making me lean back in my seat.

“You may fuck them now, new girl, but it will be my bed they will all be in at the end of the year. They are engaged to me, not you. The Masters just told me,” she says, a smug expression on her pretty face.

I push out my chair, ignoring Tavvy and the brothers’ advice to ignore her. The dining room goes deathly silent, and a few people run out the room just in case. Ella only backs up, crossing her arms with that stupid smug look.

“They aren’t marrying you, dumbass,” I remark, watching how red she goes, almost the colour of her hair.

“They are! You have a fiancé, so why don’t you leave mine alone!” she shouts at me, pointing a long red-nailed finger into my chest. I push her away, and she steps back, huffing before looking at the brothers. “Aren’t you going to defend your fiancé?”

“No.” Knox is the only one to reply, and it’s a tense reply at that. It makes Ella look even more embarrassed.

“Just leave them the hell alone, you whore!” Ella screams in frustration. This is a real shame, I was starting to think we could be friends.

“Make me,” I suggest, and she almost sweetly smiles before running and slamming herself into me. We fall to the floor, and before she can do anything, I grab her hair, pulling tight as I wrap my legs around her waist. She screams, pushing me away as I call my power and push my hand into her face, feeling warm dust on it. Her hands tighten on my neck for a second before Ella collapses with wide eyes, her head banging into my shoulder with a puff of dust that makes me cough. I look over her to see Knox standing over us, shaking his head with his arms crossed. Noah, Sin and Tavvy are laughing their heads off though. All I can think of is how Ella is damn heavy.

“What is going on in here!” Miss Noa’s strict voice beckons across the dining room, and I quickly push Ella’s passed out body off me and crawl to my feet. I look over to see Miss Noa place her hand on the ground, her eyes going white for a moment before she straightens up.

“Miss Dormiens, I did not expect you to be such a troublemaker,” she remarks and looks behind me. “Mr. Tale, any of you actually, can take Miss Wateredge to the medic bay. Make sure the healer informs her when she wakes up that she has detention tomorrow night.”

“I got this,” Knox says, picking Ella up like a sack of potatoes and carrying her out of the room.

“As for you, Miss Dormiens, I will see you in detention tomorrow,” she says, and I have a feeling I’m not going to like detention, nor is it going to be like detention at my human school when I could just run out when the teacher wasn't looking. I should have at least slapped Ella, then this detention would have been worth it.

Chapter 29

"Good luck," Tavvy whispers to me as I pull the door open and glance back at her. "It can't be as bad as you are thinking."

"I don't trust this school, and either way, I'm going to be stuck alone with Ella for hours," I whine.

"Don't kill her," she says with a chuckle, before snuggling back into her bed. I look longingly at my own bed before leaving the room, knowing it is just best to get this all over with. Detention is going to be bad, no matter how much I try to put it off. I cross my arms against my chest, thankful I have my comfy hoodie on and my favourite joggers. At least I will be comfy during this torture. I get to the top of the stairs, where Ella and Miss Noa are waiting for me. I walk down, pausing as Knox, Sin, Noah, and more to my surprise, Tobias walk over.

"Miss Dormiens and Mr. Tale, all of you are late," Miss Noa tuts, and Ella keeps her glare firmly fixed on me as she tugs at the casual clothes she has on. It must feel weird for her to wear actual clothes. I frown at the Tale brothers before placing my hands on my hips, waiting for an explanation. Noah comes over first, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"We made a mess in the science lab and got detention. Shame that," Sin states and fist bumps Noah.

"You all got detention on purpose to spend time with me?" I ask, because that is pretty romantic, if you ask me.

"You guys are all sickly sweet about her," Ella huffs, flipping her hair over her shoulder as Miss Noa clears her throat. We all follow after her as she takes us behind the staircase and unlocks a rusty door. After a few pushes, the door creaks open, and Miss Noa wipes the cobwebs away that cover the door. Ella makes a disgusted sound and steps back, wiping her arms like the spiders are on her or something. Miss Noa brushes the wall of dust, finding a switch, and clicks it on. Dozens of wall lights switch on one after another all the way down the staircase. Miss Noa starts walking down, and I follow after her, hearing the guys and I'm sure Ella after us.

G. Bailey's Books