Supernatural Academy: Year One (Supernatural Academy #1)(83)

Princeps Jones paused to consider. “Mossie is actually friends with their princeps. They’re old family friends. He might be exactly who you need.” He straightened, nodding. “I’ll make it happen. Stand by for more information.”

He focused on me, tilting his head to the side in a confused manner. “Your energy feels different,” he finally said. “Your scent has changed as well.”

Uh, awkward.

Larissa nodded. “Yes. I noticed it when I hugged you. I think the block on your power is shifting.”

Princeps Jones nodded as well. “Yes. I will contact Louis.”

I didn’t bother to tell them that I had been picking at the block since I got kidnapped. I mean, at the time it had seemed like a “what do I have to lose?” sort of situation, but now maybe it was better that my crazy power didn’t explode all over the place. I was playing the long game to save Asher.

Princeps Jones turned to leave; Larissa lingered for a few more minutes. “Will you be in your room later?” she asked.

I was about to nod when Jesse said, “No.”

“Maddison stays here with us now,” Rone added. “For her safety.”

I crossed my arms. “If you guys insist on that, then I insist on Larissa and Ilia being able to visit whenever they want.”

The four exchanged a glance, their expressions hard to read.

Rone turned back, his eyes lingering on my tiny friend for a beat longer than was necessary. “We agree.”

Larissa sagged forward. “Okay, great. I’m going to go and get some sleep now. I’ve been up all night. But I’ll be back later to see how you are.”

She hugged me tightly, before following the same path as her father.

I was exhausted too, but I was also angry, half-naked in my torn-up purple dress, and covered in all sorts of crap. I needed a shower, sleep, and then information. In that order.

“Someone better show me to my room,” I said softly.

We walked back into the garage, using that entrance to get inside the house, which was already as familiar to me as my room back in the magic wing. “The spare room isn’t actually set up for long-term sleeping,” Axl said when we were all inside, the doors magically sealed shut. He had some wicked security system set up on the entire place. “But … I think Asher would want you to take his room.”

My immediate reaction was to shake my head. I wasn’t okay staying there without checking with him.

“He would definitely want you in there,” Jesse pushed. “And for now, it’s the most comfortable place we can put you.”

“You were going to move me to the spare room last time,” I pointed out, feeling like they were trying to manipulate me somehow. “I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

“Nope,” Calen said, sliding in next to me. “It’s just got a lounge-bed thing in there, and you’ll definitely hate it after a few nights. Let me show you to Asher’s room.”

I wanted to protest. I really wanted to, but I was just too exhausted for another fight, so I let him lead me. “I’ll grab your clothes and personal belongings from the dorm,” Axl shouted after me. “Just get some rest.”

I waved a hand and followed Calen. Asher’s room was in the back part of the house, and it was just as huge as I remembered. I hadn’t paid much attention last time, but now I really noticed the soft ocean colors of the décor. The greens and blues soothed my soul.

“Asher has a private bathroom, so double bonus of not having to share with us,” Calen told me. His normally smartass grin was nowhere to be seen. “We’re going to get him back, Maddi. You haven’t known us that long, but you’ll come to see, we never leave a brother behind.”

I nodded, my throat so tight I almost couldn’t breathe. I didn’t want to cry in front of them though; I needed to be alone.

Calen left me, the door closing softly after him.

And I broke.

I broke into a million pieces, dropping to my knees, my hands fisting in the carpet as I silently sobbed my heart out, letting myself grieve. For that moment, I felt all the fear and anger and pain. I let myself worry and cry and miss Asher.

His scent was everywhere around me, but he was not here.

Eventually I pulled myself together and dragged my tired ass into his bathroom. Like the other bathroom I’d used here, Asher had a huge shower, with five showerheads and a ton of other cool gadgets that I didn’t bother to figure out. I just stripped off my clothes, washed myself with his bodywash, and climbed out some time later, cleaner but still emotionally wrecked. Naked, I entered his wardrobe and grabbed a soft shirt from his drawers. It was large enough to cover me while I slept. Hopefully my clothes would be here by the time I woke.

Crawling into Asher’s bed, I snuggled under his impossibly soft sheets. They were silky and warm, contrasting to the cool air. My eyes fluttered shut, and I forced all the dark thoughts into a box. A box I would examine tomorrow. For now, I needed sleep.

I drifted off to the scent of Asher surrounding me.


The next two months passed by in slow agonizing increments. Parents’ Day came and went, and I met Calen’s and Jesse’s parents, and they were both wonderful. Jesse’s left us with a ton of wine, and Calen’s parents proved Axl right with their baking skills. They’d brought us French apple-almond cake, Le Fraisier French strawberry cake, and a bunch of profiteroles. By the time they left, I considered asking them if they were open to adopting any new children.

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