Supernatural Academy: Year One (Supernatural Academy #1)(80)

Asher scoffed. “Most people would ignore a letter from their dead mother.”

She smirked; she knew she had him.

“Asher…” I managed to choke out. The hold was making it hard to speak. “Don’t. Please.”

His dark eyes met mine, and what I saw there scared me: resignation.

Pushing at my power, I struggled to get free, because I couldn’t let him do this. Whatever his evil fake mother wanted, I had to stop him.

But I couldn’t break the shield over my powers; it was too strong, and again, I was not enough.

A sob escaped me as Asher and I exchanged another long look. “I agree to your terms,” he said, never turning from me. Some of his power faded from the room.

“No!” I cried, my chest aching. I didn’t know what he’d agreed to, but I knew it was bad and he’d done it to save me.

“It’s agreed,” the woman said. “You will follow me to the islands of your birth and help us to bring about the rise of Atlantis.”

Asher nodded. “I will, but what I said stands as well. You must allow Maddi to return safely to the Academy, and you will never go near her again.”

The woman’s eyes met mine, and she waved her hand, releasing the magical hold binding me. Bitch. It had been her holding me all along.

As I tumbled to the floor, Asher crossed to me, leaving Connor and the woman near the door. Reaching down, he gently lifted me, careful of my ribs and other injuries. He seemed to know exactly where I was hurt as he held me close. “Go with the guys,” he said softly, leaning forward. “Don’t leave the Academy until I return. Promise me. Whoever is impersonating my mother, they’re strong. I don’t trust them to keep their word.” His voice went even lower. “I have a plan to eliminate the threat, but I need to know you’re safe first. Work with me on this.”

Tears were already filling my eyes. “No, Asher. Please, don’t do this. We can deal with it together.”

His lips pressed to mine and I cried hot silent tears as our bittersweet kiss lasted for many long moments. “Find the library,” he whispered as he pulled back. “Find it, and then figure out what your part is in all of this. Figure out how to channel your power. I think it’ll come in handy soon.”

A hand landed on his shoulder. “Your time is up,” the woman said. “Let your little friend go home and we will take our first and most important step forward as a family.”

Her eyes locked with mine and I could see the promise there. She was not done with me. But whatever she wanted from Asher was worth postponing my part of her big plan.

Asher shrugged her off. He stroked his thumb across my cheek one last time, his expression heavy and filled with regret.

“Ash,” I cried as she pulled him away.

His face once again emotionless, he turned to leave with her.

Connor joined them, looking unhappy. His eyes kept darting back to me, and I knew it was bothering him to leave me behind. He truly believed I was the daughter of a god.

My heart broke when they were almost out of the room. Sobs burst free. Asher paused, his shoulders tense as he turned back. I took a step closer.

“Don’t do this,” I begged. “I’m not worth it.” I couldn’t live if he sacrificed himself to save me.

He shook his head, a sad smile tilting his lips. “You’re worth so much more than this,” he said.

I took another step forward, but they had disappeared. I crossed my arms over my chest as more sobs ripped from me. So much of what just happened I didn’t understand. All I knew for certain was that Asher was gone.

Asher had been my friend for months. My lover for a night. And in my heart for a long time.

Now he was gone.

“Maddi!” Rone’s rumbling roar broke through my grief. I lifted my head to see the giant vampire rushing through the doorway.

He moved in a flash, his body blurring with speed as he dashed toward me. I was crying too hard to say anything. All I could do was choke out indecipherable words.

He reached out, wrapping his huge hands around my biceps, pulling me closer. The icy vampire energy hit me, and strangely enough, it made me feel the tiniest bit better.

“What happened?” he pressed, staring down at me. “I was held by some sort of spell, and it only just released me.”

I tried again. “Asher,” I managed to get out.

Rone shook his head, and then he shocked the shit out of me when he yanked me right into his body and … hugged me. Held me close to his chest.

“Holy fuck,” he growled in my ear. “You scared the ever-living gods out of me.”

More tears fell, because this was the first time I’d ever heard or seen Rone express any sort of softer emotion toward me, and I couldn’t even enjoy it because of Asher.

He set me gently on my feet, icy blue eyes looking me over. “Are you hurt?” he asked. Then he looked around. “Where is Ash?”

I shook my head, throat tight. Rone’s expression turned into a grim specter of death. Not mine this time, thankfully; his rage was for another. “That stupid bastard sacrificed himself to save you, didn’t he?”

I nodded, anger crushing the pain, giving me a surge of energy. “Yes.” I cleared my throat. “Some woman that looked exactly like his mother was here, but Ash said she was a fake. She said she had left him a letter about his destiny, which he said he had ignored. It was Asher or me, and he took the bullet for us both.”

Jaymin Eve's Books