Supernatural Academy: Year One (Supernatural Academy #1)(39)

“Can you swim faster than most humans?” Asher asked, returning the conversation to my water situation.

“Never actually raced anyone, so I have no idea. I’m a good swimmer, despite never having lessons or living near a pool.”

He shook his head. “I’m very interested to see what your energy feels like when this sorcerer unlocks your magic. When’s that supposed to happen?”

“No idea,” I told him truthfully.

Asher watched me for a few more long moments, expression unreadable.

“We should get going,” he said shortly, but it felt like some of the tension had faded.

He started to walk away from the water, and with one last look at the sparkling greens and blues, I followed. When we were through the doorway and back in the glass water walkway, he asked me, “What would you say to a few after-class sessions with me? Push that power of yours and see if we can unlock whatever secrets you’re hiding.”

I almost tripped over my own feet, managing to save myself at the last minute. All I could think about was being alone with him. I was attracted to Asher, had been before I even saw his face. Something about him—beyond the godlike looks—drew me in. But he also made me nervous, and I knew I was nothing more than a newbie human chick with weird powers to him. A mystery he wanted to unravel.

Nothing worse than being looked at like a sideshow in a circus. On the other hand, I was pretty keen to unravel the mystery myself.

“If you think it’s a good idea for me to come back here after class, then I’m ready to figure out my energy.”

Worst case, I spent a few hours in a gorgeous beach location with the hottest guy I’d ever seen by my side. Best case: I learned something new about myself.

Asher lifted his arm and glanced at an expensive looking watch. “How about Friday at 6:00 P.M?”

I didn’t have my schedule on me, but I’d already memorized it somewhat. As long as no changes occurred, my last class on Friday was at two.

“Okay, sounds good.”

We were outside of the water world, and there was an awkward moment as I tried to figure out if I should just wave and leave, or if he was going to dismiss me.

I mean, why the fuck I was waiting to be dismissed was ridiculous, but he had me all flustered.

“Wear your swimsuit,” he told me. Then he gave me a nod and turned to leave. “See you on Friday,” he called over his shoulder.

All the breath rushed from my lungs as I sagged against a nearby pillar. “Holy shit.”

I had no idea how to process everything that had happened today, and it was only day one of my new life.

I wasn’t complaining though. This was the most excitement and fun I’d had in years.


That night I barely slept again, my dreams filled with water and magic and hot gods. I spent half of Thursday in a daze as I tried to process everything.

“Girl, you’re out of it,” Ilia said at lunch, and I jerked my head up, realizing I’d been daydreaming.

“Sorry, I’m just… Has Princeps Jones said when the sorcerer is coming to unlock my powers?”

Larissa leaned forward, chewing quickly so she could swallow her bite of sandwich. “Yes, shit! I forgot to tell you. He should be here Friday morning. What time does your first class start?”

“Ten,” I said, with more enthusiasm then was probably warranted. “I only have two classes on Friday, one before lunch and one after.”

And then my “off the books” lesson with Asher, which was part of the reason I’d barely slept last night.

Larissa smiled brightly. “Great! Well, Louis will be here then to help you out.”

I’d never heard of this Louis, but Ilia apparently had because she gasped loudly. “Louis?” she whisper-yelled. “As in the Louis?”

I looked between the two of them, waiting for someone to tell me what that meant. Larissa nodded, her lips curving into a sly smile. “Yes. I am so excited to meet him.”

“Who is the Louis?” I pressed.

They both spun toward me. “Holy shit, only the most powerful, hottest, scariest sorcerer in the world,” Ilia said in a rush, and it was clear that she was a fan.

I snorted. “Got his poster on your walls, I see…”

Ilia fanned her face. “When you see him, you’ll understand. I promise you, this is going to be the best day of your life.”

Right. I wasn’t sure anyone could compare to Asher, so I doubted this Louis was all that, but the powerful thing did sound attractive. As someone who’d been powerless my entire life, there was something deliciously enticing about never being in that position again.

Hopefully he’d figure out what was locking my powers out.

When lunch was over, I ended up in my History of Supernaturals class. Of all the classes I’d been to so far, it was one I enjoyed the most. Not just because the teacher was a troll named Quark who stood about five feet tall, with skin that strongly resembled rough bark and a wickedly dry sense of humor, but because it gave me a deeper understanding of this new world.

Quark started by explaining the races, their connections, and how we had crossed from Faerie over different periods in history. He promised we would go into more details about that over the year, and I couldn’t wait.

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