Supernatural Academy: Year One (Supernatural Academy #1)(36)

As I shuffled to the right, I barely noticed the students peeling off the main group and sliding past Asher to disappear into the darkness behind him. There was about two dozen first years left. And ninety percent of them were female.

Something told me that Asher being the teacher for Water Magic was not a secret. Personally, had I known, I probably would have avoided this class altogether. Why the heck was he a teacher as well as a student? Water Magic needed to come with a warning label.

“Before we start, I’ll give you a little background on this class,” Asher continued, and even though I was trying to edge behind one of the other students, it still felt like he was staring right at me. “Water magic is one of the lesser known branches of magic for all races except fey—they’re used to elemental classes. Here we’ll explore the power that lives within this element. An element that can shape worlds … and destroy them. We’ll take the natural power of water and we will wield it with our own sorcery.” He turned and waved a hand. “First test to pass, though, is stepping through the barrier.”

I was confused about what that meant, because I’d just seen a ton of advanced students run through there with ease. Students pushed to the front, and I ended up near the back of the line waiting my turn.

The line started to move, but as more students fell in behind me I realized that no one was making it through. They had their turn, failed, and then rejoined the line.

When there were about five in front of me, a slender redheaded chick spun around, practically vibrating with excitement. “He’s insanely gorgeous. If I pass out when I get close to him, promise you’ll catch me.”

I laughed at her frantic expression.

“Promise,” I said, reaching out and shaking the hand she offered.

She shot me a grateful smile, and then it was her turn. Stumbling forward, she stopped near Asher. He leaned down, whispering softly to her, and her creamy skin went stark white. I already had my hands out ready to catch her, but she didn’t faint.

She stepped forward and closed her eyes, and where she should have crossed the threshold, her body bounced back, like she’d been rejected. Asher didn’t look surprised, he just gestured for her to head to the back of the line and then waved me forward. I was the last student to have a first attempt at crossing the barrier, and since I’d been relatively shit at everything I tried today, I wasn’t holding out much hope.

“Has anyone crossed?” I asked, when I reached his side.

He didn’t smile, but there was amusement on his face. “I’m still the only first year to ever make it through on a first attempt.”

I glared, because there was something endearingly arrogant about him.

“I could be tempted into giving you a hint at how to make it across,” he added, his lips tilting minutely so the dimples came into play. I wondered if I should have followed the redheaded chick’s advice and worked out a safety for if I fainted.

Asher was lethal to females everywhere. And probably half the males.

“No, thanks.” No one did favors without wanting something in return, and I also had too much pride to cheat when everyone else had to do this the hard way.

He shrugged, inclining his head toward the doorway. “Well, off you go, then. Be one with the water.”

I narrowed my eyes on the smug bastard, turning my focus to the doorway.

Sucking in a shaky breath, I stepped forward. Only half my attention was where it should be though, because Asher was standing infuriatingly close, and his scent … goddamn. I’d noticed it when I crashed into him at lunch, a sunshine, salt water, endless summer days and cocktails on the beach sort of smell, and it was intoxicating and…


Damn him and his sexy smell.

As I shuffled forward again, I tensed at the exact place the girl before me had bounced back, but I didn’t hit a hard wall like I’d expected; instead it was spongey as my body molded into it.

Panic overtook me when my breath was cut off; I felt like I’d just been dropped in a vat of jelly. Gasping, my mouth filled with a salty gelatin mess, I jerked myself backward, spitting and gagging as I went.

Asher was staring at me with the oddest expression as I leaned forward choking and coughing. “What the fuck?” I gasped again, my throat burning.

His lips twitched, and he no longer was casually leaning against the wall. Instead he was watching me like I was the most interesting thing he’d seen in a long time. “What the fuck indeed,” he murmured, before tilting his head and running that silvery gaze across me. “Looks like I might have some future competition for this job.”

I glared, my heart still pounding hard against my ribs.

Before he could tell me to move, I took myself to the back of the line, and tried to calm the hell down. “What happened?” the redhead asked. “You all but disappeared, and then suddenly you were back again, coughing and choking.” Her eyes got really wide. “What’s on the other side? Is it sharks? Octopuses?”

I snorted, my throat aching less, thankfully. “Octopuses and sharks? No sea creature between those two that scares you?”

She shrugged. “Sharks for obvious reasons, and octopuses have all of those legs. I mean, what the hell do they need so many legs for? It’s not natural.”

She made a fair point there. “It was soft, almost sponge like, and then jelly went in my mouth, and I freaked out because I couldn’t breathe. It was majorly uncomfortable, and I’m not sure I’m ready for a second attempt.”

Jaymin Eve's Books