Supernatural Academy: Year One (Supernatural Academy #1)(106)

This year the wolves are there too. Including Axel, an alpha wolf, who leads his people with a iron fist and a darkly captivating presence.

The last time they were at the hotel, Lettie and Axel spent one night together, and this year he plans on tracking her down again -the siren who sung a song around his soul.

Only sirens don't settle and alphas don't mate outside their pack. There is no white picket fence in their future.

It's a battle of the wills, with explosive chemistry, and two alpha supernaturals who will learn that above all else, love is worth fighting for.


I’ve always loved school based books. Something about the new beginnings and the firsts we experience during our schooling years. I really wanted this story to feel like you were taking a stroll through magic classes, and feeling the vibe of being in a school for supernaturals. It was so much fun for me to explore that exciting new beginning for Maddi.

And I hope you all loved it too!

As always, thanks to my family for loving me, even on my erratic and distracted days. You are my reason for everything.

Thank you to Heather, my amazing PA, who keeps life functioning when I can’t. And who always betas my books, and lifts me up when I’m really sure that this one is shit.

Huge thanks to Marice, Lela, and Teresa for reading an early copy, and providing such amazing feedback. I appreciate you guys.

Thank you to my review team, my Nerd Herd, and everyone else that has a hand in supporting me. Without you, I would not be writing books.

To my editors Lee, from Ocean’s Edge Editing, and Liv, from Hot Tree editing, I appreciate your hard work on this piece.

Thank you to Tamara, my cover artist, for this absolute masterpiece. OMG. You could not have done a more amazing job. I adore it. (Think it might be my favourite).

To the readers who have stuck with me through thirty plus books, 7 years, and countless breakdowns (lucky you didn’t see those), I thank you. Sending you big love.

Jaymin Eve's Books