Supernatural Academy: Year One (Supernatural Academy #1)(102)

I shook my head. “Nope. Sleeping like a log.”

Well, outside of all those nights I ended up in Asher’s bed with him loving my body until I couldn’t breathe or think. Come to think about it, maybe that was the reason I slept so well. Asher kept the nightmares at bay.

For the first time in my life, I wasn’t alone.

My exams were over fast, and even though I wasn’t as confident as I had been in previous exams, I still felt good about it. I’d worked hard. I’d learned so much. And I would continue to do so, for however long Supernatural Academy allowed me.

“Party time!” Calen shouted, hooking an arm around my waist and twirling me across the commons. “Get your sexiest clothes on and meet us back here at 10:00 P.M.”

Ilia and Larissa shooed him away, and then the three of us crowded into Ilia’s little apartment. It was in the magic users’ wing, but on a floor lower than the shared area with the couches. I hadn’t even realized this section existed until she brought me here the first time.

It was bigger than our dorms, with a small sitting area and her own private bathroom.

Larissa threw herself back on the bed. “Guys, I need help,” she said.

We both crowded closer; she flung a hand dramatically across her face. “I think I love him.”

Ilia and I exchanged a grin. “Rone?” we both said.

Larissa groaned again. “Fuck. Yes. I can’t stop thinking about him, imagining him naked. I … I either need to get laid immediately, or—”

“You need to get laid by Rone immediately,” Ilia confirmed. “That vamp is fine, and you’re going to explode if you don’t take advantage of all that.”

I held both hands up. “Back up for a moment. Did you say love? Like … real deep feelings?”

She pulled herself up, her smile fading. “I-I think so. My feelings are definitely deep. He makes me feel things I never expected. I’ve never had a relationship before, just sex. An itch that you scratch. This thing with Rone, it’s so much more than that. We’re friends, really great friends, and I thought that would be enough. But….”

“It’s not,” I confirmed, knowing exactly how she felt. That’s how it was with Asher and me.

Ilia ruffled her hair, sending the red curls tumbling everywhere. “Take the chance. Make him realize what he’s missing.”

Her face brightened and she spun, rifling through her wardrobe, which was about ten times more impressive than Larissa’s and mine combined. “I have the perfect dresses for both of you in here,” she said. “Aha!”

She pulled out a short, tight, red number and threw it at Larissa. “That one is way too short for me, so it should be perfect for you. And red is a great color on you, girl.”

Larissa normally didn’t go for the revealing clothes like Ilia, but this time she just held the dress up, stared for a few minutes, and then nodded. “Yep. I’m going to go for it.”

She disappeared into the bathroom, and I turned my attention to Ilia. “Okay, give me your best,” I said. Asher was going tonight. I wanted to create new, better memories than the ones we had from the last party we’d attended.

Ilia flicked through more clothes, her forehead wrinkled as she shook her head over and over. “It’s here,” she muttered. “I know it.”

Finally her expression brightened. “Yes!”

She pulled it out and I blinked at the deep pink. She spun and held it out to me. “These are your last days of pink hair,” she told me, her eyes wide and excited. “You said it was the year of pink hair. You’ve rocked it better than anyone I know. But I also think it’s time to move forward. To let pink go and…” She lifted one eyebrow. “Have you decided on your next color?”

I nodded, but I didn’t tell her yet. Half the fun was seeing the transformation in person. My birthday was fast approaching, and with it my ritual would kick into effect again.

Ilia huffed. “Fine, don’t tell me. My point is, let go of pink in a big way.”

She waved the dress at me, and I got up to take it from her.

It was not my normal style: a strapless number with a mermaid skirt that stopped just above my knees. It would hug my curves, and hopefully I had long enough legs to pull it off. “You’re thinner than me,” I said, stretching the bodice across my chest. “You’re going to have to lube me into this.”

Ilia snorted. “The visual of that…”

We both laughed just as Larissa stepped out of the bathroom, a red sheath draping across her body, falling to midthigh. “Yes!” I shouted, jumping up and down. “That’s it. You look so gorgeous.”

She covered her breasts, which were much more exposed than I’d ever seen on her before.

“You have great boobs,” Ilia exclaimed, and Larissa shot her a dark look.

“I’m changing,” she said, spinning around. We both dove forward to grab her, yanking her back before she could.

“Don’t you fucking dare,” Ilia said. “You’re going to show Rone exactly what he’s missing. There’s a sex goddess hidden under all of the plaid, I know it.”

Larissa stuck her tongue out at her. “I don’t wear plaid, asshole.”

She didn’t try to escape to the bathroom again; instead she moved to the mirror and started to work her hair into a braid. “I’ll wear it,” she finally said when she finished dealing with her hair.

Jaymin Eve's Books