Satin Princess(16)

“Simon Cooper, Jessa,” he says with exasperation. “Your landlord.”

“Okay?” I say, trying to reign in my confusion. “Why?”

“I mentioned Freya. I asked about her lease. He had no clue who she was.”

I can’t tell if the chill I’m feeling is a result of the wind or if it’s something else entirely. “Maybe he was confused.”

“He’s the landlord. He knows who he’s renting to. And he said he never rented an apartment to anyone named Freya. But he did rent the apartment below yours—to a man. Apparently, it was a short-term rental agreement and the man in question paid in cash.”

I’m gripping the phone so tightly my hand is actually starting to hurt. “I’ve been in her apartment, Chris. She was definitely living there.”

“I don’t know who that bitch is,” he growls. “But she’s not who she says she is, Jessa. Get the hell out of there, do you hear me?”


“I’m serious. You don’t follow your instincts, Jess. But this time, I’m going to need you to dig down deep and listen.” He’s pleading with me, his voice breaking with fear. “And if you can’t do that, then at least listen to me. Trust me. You promised me you would, remember?”

Had I promised him that? At this point, I’m not sure. Then again, I’m not sure of anything anymore.

“Please,” he continues desperately. “Please, Jess. Don’t trust her. Don’t act differently, either. Just get your shit and go. If you can’t get your things, then leave them. They’re not important. You are.”

I hear something behind me and my grip around the phone tightens. “I’ve got to go.”


I hang up before he’s done talking.

Then I turn to find Freya looking right at me.



Hey Chris, I just wanted to check in and tell you that I’m safe. It’s beautiful here and I’m glad I’m not alone. I miss you though. Wish I could see your face right now. It always calms me down. Don’t waste too much time worrying about me. Xoxo, Jess the Mess.

I’ve been staring at the text for the last half an hour. So many things stand out. So many things to focus on. So many things to get fucking pissed about.

I miss you. That’s one.

Wish I could see your face right now. It always calms me down. There’s two.

Xoxo. I’m counting that as three, four, five, and six.

“Can I get you anything, sir?”

I look up at the blonde flight attendant. She’s being paid double for the journey since it was so last-minute. And since it’s a private jet, she’s giving me her full attention. Right now, I don’t actually mind.


She gives me a bright smile. “Coming right up.”

I watch her walk away, but I take no pleasure in the sight. There was a time when my cock would have stiffened at the sight of her tight skirt, the way her ass moved beneath it, the promise of more.

But as it stands, I don’t feel anything.

I have another forty minutes before the plane touches down in England. From there, it’ll take me at least another half an hour before I can get to my destination.

Laurel Manor.

I scroll down the conversation that Jessa thought she was having with Chris. The Xoxo makes me clench my teeth every time I read it.

If I didn’t know better, I might have suspected there was something going on between the two of them. But upon closer inspection of their texts, it’s clear to me that Chris has feelings for Jessa. Unfortunately for the poor bastard, they’re not reciprocated.

I scroll up and stop at a random date. March 4th. Three years ago. Jessa sent Chris a picture of a dog in the park. Reminds me of Cupcake, read the caption.

CHRIS: Like the dessert?

JESSA: LOL no, dummy, the neighbor’s dog. You don’t remember Cupcake???

CHRIS: Guess not. If you had a dog, what would you name it?

JESSA: I’m so glad you’ve asked, because I’ve actually given this topic quite a lot of thought. And I’ve come to the conclusion that I would name my dog… Risotto.

CHRIS: The sad part is, I know you’re serious.

I scroll down from there, trying to find a snippet of conversation that will hold my interest. I find it about a month later.

April 7th. Jessa sent the first text at 1:17 am. How was your date? If you’re still with her, then I think I know how it went. The text is followed by a wink emoji.

Chris replied almost instantly. She was nice. Really smart and very beautiful.

JESSA: Awesome. So you think you’ll see her again?


J: Nah?

C: We didn’t have a whole lot in common.

J: It was one date. Give it some time.

C: When you know, you know. And I know what I want.

J: A perfect woman? She added a GIF of a woman palming her forehead.

C: No… just the perfect woman for me. Vanessa, as lovely as she was, is not for me. I want things to be easy and natural with the woman I end up with. I want to be comfortable.

J: How are you supposed to get comfortable with any woman if you won’t go on a second date with her?

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