Rule Number Five: A College Hockey Romance (Rule Breaker Series Book 1)(32)

I jerked back on reflex, then raised a brow. “Show-off.”

“Wish me luck, Trouble.” His voice was barely audible over the noise. He placed his glove-covered fist to the glass and gave me an expectant look.

Mia smiled. “He wants a fist bump.”

I bumped my hand against the glass. “Good luck.”

He held it to his chest and played like he was swooning.

Piper giggled from my side. “You’re totally screwed.”

Nothing could’ve prepared me for watching Jax play. He danced around the other players like they weren’t even there. Like he was in control of every second he was on the ice. Hell, he was practically a god out there.

There were only thirty seconds left of the tied game, and I sucked in a breath, heart pounding in my chest when Alex passed Jax the puck. He took it straight up the middle, but he didn’t see the defenseman charging right at him. I jumped up from my seat and screamed at him to watch out. My body yelled at me to somehow magically protect him, but all I could do was watch as Jax’s opponent lowered his shoulder, going in for the check. At the absolute last second, Jax deked out of the way, and the asshole player went flying across the ice. I couldn’t believe I used to like that team.

Jax made the goal look easy, and his teammates wrapped him up in a huddle. Jax escaped his teammates, and his eyes found mine. The floor dropped out of my stomach while my heart tried to escape my chest. I wasn’t sure how I would be able to look at him again. Hell, how was I going to complete full sentences when he was around after this?

Piper knocked her shoulder against mine, smiling. “Right?”

Not moving my eyes from Jax, I smiled back, cheeks flushed. “Right.”



The Brewhouse was where everyone hung out after games. It was an older bar with wood tables, perfect for getting together with friends. After tonight’s win, it was packed with cheering fans, all vying for our attention, but all I cared about was getting to Sid.

Lucas led the way through the crowd to get to the girls’ table. “You ready?”

“For what?”

He wrapped an arm around my shoulder. “To see your girl after she’s watched you play?”

“Fuck off, asshole.” I shrugged him off and walked toward the table, ignoring the little thrill his words evoked.

He called from behind me, “We’ll see.”

A tight feeling of possessiveness filled my chest when I spotted Sidney. She was stunning, standing in front of the high-top wood table, completely relaxed while everyone talked over each other. My fingers itched to run through her dark hair. It was perfectly in place, and everything in me wanted to go over there and mess it up.

A low growl formed at the back of my throat when Johnsy stepped to her side. He was in his rookie year and had already made a name for himself as a man whore. Sidney had to tilt her head to look at him, and the fucker leaned in closer. Fire burned through my veins when his fingers slid over her waist, shifting her out of the way of guys piling into the bar.

Fuck this.

My feet ate up the space between us, and before I could think better of it, I wrapped my arms around her waist and tugged her back against my chest. “How’d you like the game, Sid?”

Her body tensed for a second, but she relaxed into my hold, turning her face to look at me, eyes full of curiosity.

“I liked when that huge guy landed a punch,” she said, her voice teasing.

A loud buzzing coursed through my body when Sidney smiled at me, a little awe shining in her eyes. It looked like my girl enjoyed watching me play.

My chest rumbled with my suppressed laugh, and I tightened my arms around her waist, drawing a squeak from her. “Of fucking course you saw that. I thought you’d pay more attention to the hat trick I scored.”

Johnsy cleared his throat, looking between us. “Uh, sorry, Ryder. I didn’t know.”

“Know what?” Sid cut in, but I didn’t let him answer. God, I fucking knew she’d be pissed if she caught me staking a claim on her. Didn’t stop me from doing it, though.

“Now you fucking do.” I stared down at him until he shifted his weight from foot to foot.

“Yeah, alright. Um, yeah, have a good night, Sidney.” He disappeared through the crowd faster than should’ve been possible.

“What was that?” Sid asked, accusation clear in her voice, and pulled from my arms.

“Nothing.” I smirked, and she rolled her eyes. She turned her attention to Piper, who was currently wrapped in Lucas’s arms, but her eyes kept drifting my way. That invisible magnet caused constant tension between us.

“Move over.” Alex sat on the stool beside Mia. Beside them, Lucas had lifted Piper onto his lap. Piper caught my eye when she leaned into his chest and winked at me. I didn’t like her all-knowing look since I wasn’t even sure I knew what was going on between Sid and me.

Sid glanced between the last stool and me. “You can take it. You played tonight and all.”

Piper smiled wide. “Just sit on his lap. There’s no reason for you to stand. It’s not like he’s going to bite you.”

I sank my teeth into my bottom lip to prevent myself from saying I’d do just that and sat down. I slid my fingers through Sidney’s belt loops and pulled her between my knees. “You look good with my jersey on, Trouble.”

Jessa Wilder's Books