Rule Number Five: A College Hockey Romance (Rule Breaker Series Book 1)(28)

Lucas came up to us. “My girlfriend, Piper, told me you were in the same class together a few years back.” He slid his hands in his pockets, continuing. “She said you helped her out with some notes, but she wasn’t sure you’d remember her.”

I sucked in a breath as a full-blown smile took over Sid’s face. “Are you kidding me? She’s the sweetest. Tell her hi for me.” The way she said it, with such genuine enthusiasm, had us all nodding.

“Will do.” Lucas beamed. He was easy. Compliment his girl and he was a pushover.

I liked her being around my friends. Instead of giving her space, I took two steps into her until the side of her body touched my chest. I sucked in a breath when Sidney leaned against me, and her scent surrounded me. I was sure it would be years before I could smell an orange and not think of her. Wetting my lips, I slid my hand down her arm until my fingers threaded through hers. Her hand twitched, but she didn’t pull away.

“Good to see you, Sidney,” River shouted and waved from the couch, barely taking his eyes off the game. Meanwhile, I couldn’t move mine away from her.

“You can’t just squirrel her away in your room,” Lucas said, clapping his hand on my shoulder.

“Watch me.”

“Bye, Sidney. You let me know if he gives you any problems,” Alex winked.

Her palm was delicate in mine as I led her up the stairs. My room was nothing special. There were hockey posters on the walls, a rack with medals on display, and notepads stacked on the desk corner.

Stopping at the threshold, she hesitated to come in, and her teeth gnawed on her bottom lip. I held back a groan and pictured running my finger along her mouth to release her lip.

I dropped her bag on the bed, breaking the tension, and started pulling out binders. “Relax, we’re just studying. I promise to stay on my side.”

Sidney looked between me and the bed and shrugged. “Yeah, okay.”

She backed herself against the wall with her legs tucked under her, taking up the least amount of room on the bed as humanly possible.

“Put this behind your back.” I tossed her a pillow, and she caught it before it collided with her face, eyes round with shock. She mocked throwing it back, but she placed the pillow behind her and wiggled a bit to get more comfortable. My mouth watered. She had no idea what that little wiggle did to me.

I turned on my playlist, about to get started when Lucas barged in with a tray of drinks. “You guys are actually studying? I’m a little disappointed.”

I grabbed the tray and pushed him out of the room. “Thanks, man. Now fuck off.”

I shut the door in his overeager face, and I turned, walking back to a now smiling Sidney. “One strawberry milkshake, as per our agreement.”

She took it from me and moaned, tilting her head back with the first sip. “Hmm, so good.”

I froze, staring at her. She looked utterly blissed-out, which had me thinking of other ways to keep her looking like this. It was only made worse by having her on my bed.

Mentally giving my head a shake, I sat facing her and propped my elbows on my knees, using one hand to support my head and the other to hold my chocolate shake. We were mirror images sitting this way.

“So you guys are all lined up for playoffs.”

“Not yet. Still a few games to earn our spot. Wait? How do you know that?”

Her cheeks turned cherry red.

“You’ve been watching?” I couldn’t help the surprise in my voice.

“You wish” was her feisty reply.

“Yeah, I kind of do.”

After a few hours and several chapters later, we were completely laid out on my bed, our heads beside each other, surrounded by books and papers. I hadn’t been this relaxed in a long-ass time. She was barely awake, eyes blinking at a slow speed, and she gently rested her head on her arm as if she might drift off.

She looked so fucking exhausted. “Do you want to sleep here? I can sleep in the other room.”

She shifted into a seated position and yawned while shaking her head. “That’s okay. I can drive.” Her eyes were still droopy, giving her a kiss-drunk look.

“I’d prefer it if you stayed. You’re barely holding yourself up.”

She looked at me, deciding that I was sincere and not just horny, and gave me a nod.

“Is there anyone you need to let know where you are?”

Sidney took out her phone and sent a quick message. “All good.”

I handed her my softest shirt and gym shorts. “You can wear these.”

“Thanks.” Her eyes searched for me, and the slightest hint of a smile curved her lip, and then she headed to the bathroom to get ready. I grabbed my spare blanket and a pillow before freezing on the spot. She walked in looking damn good in my clothes. The shirt slid to the side, exposing the soft skin over her collarbone, making me want to lower my head and run my tongue in the dip. She held on to the tangled short strings, not paying attention to me. The shorts were obviously too big for her, and they would have to be tied if they had any hope of staying up. I hummed at the back of my throat at the thought of them sliding down. Her eyes met mine, and I couldn’t resist the draw she had on me. I walked closer, dipping my head to bring my lips just shy of her ear.

“You look like you could use some help.”

Sidney’s skin pebbled along her neck, and a shiver ran through her. “It’s stuck.”

Jessa Wilder's Books