Raw (RAW Family #1)(73)

I know he likes to be in control, but this is ridiculous.

Uncomfortable and rigid, I open my mouth to speak when he leans down and whispers in my ear, “I think you’ll find I usually get what I want.”

My brain’s mouth gapes.

The f*cking nerve!

Suddenly, his hands come down on my shoulders and he rubs them firmly. My rigid posture collapses, my head falls forward, and I moan low in my throat. He says, “You work too hard. Got knots all over. You need a break. Let the little shits fend for themselves a while. Take some time off.”

I mumble, “They aren’t little shits.”

“Yeah, they are, babe. I know this because I used to be one of them. My caseworker was an *, though. Bitch used to hound me all the damn time ‘bout growing up and getting a job. Then when I got a job, she demanded that I quit.”

That’s unusual. My brow furrows. “What job?”

“Dealing weed.”

Laughter bursts out of me. “Oh, sweet lord. You would’ve been a handful. I’m glad I wasn’t your caseworker.”

“Baby, if you were my caseworker, I would be on the straight and narrow. And I would’ve done that shit just to impress you. Just like Mickey does.”

I smile. “How is Mickey? He doesn’t visit anymore.”

Bliss flows through me as Tony’s strong hands work my muscles into a pulp. He says, “Yeah, that’ll be my fault. I’m keepin’ him busy. Giving him lots a stupid shit to do. Things that really don’t even need to be done. I just don’t want him back on the streets dealing for easy money. I don’t want him to be what I am. I want him to be better. He’s gonna get a degree and be someone. Mark my words. The kid is smart.”

I know Michael is smart. He has so much potential. What I originally thought was a bad idea has turned into something I’m grateful for. I’m glad he’s working with Tony. He can learn a lot from him.

They can learn a lot from each other.

“Well, tell him to visit me. Mama Bear misses her cub.”

His hands still, and using his knees for leverage, I stand, shrugging out the kinks in my neck. Taking my hand, he spins me towards him, brings me between his open legs, and pulls me close. Looking up at me, he utters quietly, “You gonna listen next time I ask you to do something?”

Thankful for my shoulder rub, I reply breathily, “Yeah.”

His lip twitches. “Good girl.”

And I think I just fell more in love with this man.

“Angel, what is all this?” I ask, shoving a handful of chocolate into my mouth, peering at the bags and bags of groceries she and Happy trudge through the door and into the kitchen.

She yells out, “Shit! I forgot the damn milk!”

I can all but hear her pout from my place at the foot of the stairs.

Making my way to the kitchen, as soon as I see her standing in the middle of the room with a pout and her arms crossed, I smirk. “What’s the matter?”

She utters dejectedly, “I was attempting to be a good girlfriend and make you dinner and now it’s ruined, all because I forgot the freaking milk.” Walking over to her, I open my arms and she falls into me, muttering into my tee, “I’m sorry, babe. I was trying to do something nice.”

“It’s okay. It was the thought that counts, yeah? Anyways, I can drive you back to the store if you’re still up to cooking?”

Looking up at me with goo-goo eyes, she whispers, “Would you?”

I haven’t been to the grocery store in an age.

“Sure. Let’s go.”

And I was about to be reminded of why.

Tony finds a parking spot at the local grocery store and we both hop out of the car. Holding his hand out to me, I take it eagerly with a smile and all but skip to the entrance.

I can’t remember the last time I’d been so happy. All I know is that it had been a while. And Tony brought it out of me.

Hand-in-hand, we walk into the store and something pops into my head. “Can you get the milk? I just need to get some cinnamon while we’re here.”

“Sure,” he utters as we part ways.

Asking an attendant where the spices are kept, I make quick work of picking up what I need and dawdle towards the milk section.

We have been official for two weeks now. He made sure we saw each other every single day, going out of his way to come to me when it was late at night or I was just plain tired. Every single day we made it to the bedroom. And it’s been a far cry from our original arrangement. Don’t get me wrong, he is still very controlling…in and out of the bedroom, but there’s so much more to him that I’d never seen.

He’s tender. And sweet. And passionate.

Every kiss he places on my body is filled with affection, and although he hasn’t told me he loves me, his kisses convey exactly what he feels. And I love those knee-weakening kisses.

He spoils me too, bringing me something different every day and completely ignoring my pleas to stop. He said it was something I didn’t get a say in, and he said this firmly, so I dropped it. For now. The last gift he brought me was a bangin’ new stereo system to replace the crappy CD player he threw out the window. I never got around to replacing it, and as it was used as a sleeping aid, of course he got me something fancy and top of the line. The one I had cost me forty dollars on sale. And I was happy with that. When he handed me the remote and I stood there staring at it, he asked me what was wrong.

Belle Aurora's Books