Raw (RAW Family #1)(64)

My heart races, but my hands grip his cheeks tighter. “You won’t. I have faith in you.”

I watch him squeeze his eyes shut further. “Then you’re dumber than I thought.”

He lowers his demanding mouth to mine and I slump into him. He forces brutal, punishing kisses on me. And I take them, kissing back just as fiercely. His tongue strokes my lower lip as he grinds his erection into my hip.

Heat singes my insides.

My hands slide down his cheeks and back, to circle his neck. I need to get closer to him.

Pulling his head, I connect our mouths again and moan. He tastes so good. Like candy and scotch. I’ve never tasted anything more intoxicating in my life.

I’m beginning to understand the term love-drunk.

Without warning, his muscular arms wrap around my waist, lifting me. My legs circle his lean, muscular hips, and he walks me over to his desk.

I know what’s coming. I should stop it. I really should.

But I can’t.

I want it. Really bad.

My core floods. Twitch has that sordid effect on me.

Turning me almost harshly, he pushes on my back, hard, and my stomach meets the desk. My hands, having a mind of their own, meet behind my back, and he grips them tightly in one of his own. Lifting my skirt, he tugs on my panties and they’re gone. Just like that.

Although I can’t see him, I feel him. His free palm slides down my back to my ass, squeezing before I hear him expel a heavy breath while his fingertips trail the backs of my thighs. Letting go of my hands, he orders a gruff, “Keep ‘em there. Don’t f*cking move, Lexi.”

Linking my pinkie fingers behind my back, my * clenches when his fingertip trails my wet slit. I shiver. I hear him suck his finger while making a mmm sound. My hips jerk.

I need him so bad. And I know he can feel it. He’s torturing me purposely.

I pout. His power display is unnecessary.

Suddenly, my ass cheeks spread and I feel a tongue swipe my folds. Clenching my hands together tightly, my eyes widen and I gasp, “Oh God!”

He barks, “Not a f*cking word. Or I stop.”

Biting my lip, I whimper but obey. As always.

Gripping my butt tighter, he pulls me apart; his tongue prods my entrance and my legs shake. The wet heat from his tongue is almost too much to bear. Pushing further into me, his nose bumps my puckered back entrance as he laps away at my slit.

He’s making out with my * as if he would my mouth.

So enthusiastically. So determinedly. So demandingly.

It’s heaven. I’ve never felt more wanted in all my life.

He asks, “You like that, baby?”

Immediately, I still. This is a trap.

I’ve come to know Twitch. He’s a trickster. A cheat and a swindler.

But I’m suddenly nervous and sweating bullets.

When I don’t answer, he utters approvingly, “Good girl.”

And even though I hate that term, coming from him, it means something to me. My body slumps into the desk in relief, and he continues to eat me as if I were his last meal.

This is what oral sex should be. Uninhibited and freeing. Not awkward and clumsy, as I’ve always had.

His tongue slides up my * until the firm, wet warmth meets a place I haven’t yet explored sexually, and he licks again and again. This is new to me. I’m not sure how I should be feeling, but my stomach is clenched and my back is rigid. I whisper, “Stop.”

But, of course, he doesn’t. What he does do is massage my ass cheek with one hand, and reach around with the other. His fingers meet my clit, and he strokes it slowly and gently. Almost lovingly.

The sensations start to change. I’m no longer uncomfortable. In fact, I’m burning up.

My breathing deepens, and I begin to move against his fingers. He stiffens his tongue and presses into me.

My insides flip and twist.

This shouldn’t feel so good!

My pinkie fingers hold each other tighter. My body trembles.

He pushes in further, and his breath warms the skin there. Pushing back into him, he growls, licks once more, then stands.

I just know he’s going to f*ck me. And I could cry from happiness.

I hear the zipper lower. It sounds so loud in the still room. But when his cock touches me, my eyes widen and I push forward away from him.

Smacking my ass hard with an open palm, he makes me wince and jump. He reaches out to grip my hair, tight, and pulling it gently, he states, “You want this.”

Do I? Do I really? I’m not so sure.

The head of his cock settles at my back entrance once more, and he mutters, “Now’s your chance to get away. You’re so sure I won’t hurt you? Are you really stupid enough to stay?”


This is a goddamn test! And I’m going to fail. Dammit!

I’m not ready for this. Not this way. Any other time, maybe, but not now.

A tear slips out the side of my eye and I say unconvincingly through a shuddering breath, “I trust you.”

Where that came from, I’m not sure. But it’s been said now. It’s too late to turn back.

I feel his body go rigid as he hisses, “You made the wrong choice.”

The very tip of him enters me and I whimper. It hurts a little, but my entrance is so slick from his saliva that it might just be the shock of it. My breath hitches as another tear escapes me. He sighs behind me, and gripping my hands at my back in his, he leans forward and it pushes his cock a little further inside me. It stings and my eyes close, brows bunched in pain.

Belle Aurora's Books