Queen of Myth and Monsters (Adrian X Isolde, #2)(91)

Naked, I straddled him, and his hands dug into my ass as he settled me over his heavy arousal.

He tipped his head back to hold my gaze and I whispered over his lips, “Kiss me.”

His hands moved up, over my back and to my shoulders, and as his mouth found mine, he ground against me, his tongue matching the pace at which I moved against him. I moaned and started to push him back, but he shifted first and pushed me into the bed.

His hand swept down my body, and I widened my legs, desperate to feel his touch. I was swollen and hot and completely void, and when he ran his hand over my heat, he moaned, breaking our kiss.

“So fucking wet,” he said, and let one finger slip inside, then another. “Fuck.”

He sat back, gripping himself as he curled inside me. As he watched me, I moved my hand to my swollen and sensitive clit, teasing him at first but soon becoming lost in the sensation as I increased the friction against it.

I dug my heels in. I threw my head back, a guttural cry leaving my lips, and then Adrian’s mouth was on me while his fingers moved inside me, and with each thrust, each lick of his tongue, I felt myself breaking apart. I did not know how he could do this to me, how I could feel so grounded within my body, how I could feel the heaviness of my breasts and the heat inside me, the tightness in my muscles and the pleasure of his touch, but also have no control over my mind or the words and sounds that came from my mouth.

My fingers tangled into his hair, my nails scraping along his scalp as I pulled. I did not care that it might hurt; I needed something to hold onto as I rode this pleasure—until I came with a guttural sob. As my body relaxed, I became aware of how hot it was in this tent. I was covered in a thin sheen of sweat and my hair stuck to my neck and the sides of my face.

Adrian withdrew and kissed a path up my body before his mouth was on mine, and as he shifted to his side, positioning my back against his chest, he shoved his fingers into my mouth. I sucked them, shamelessly, tasting my come.

“I want this come around my cock,” he said, and then he kissed me, and I had to crane my neck to reach him. He guided my leg over his, opening me wide, and the cool air did nothing to ease our heat. I moaned as he slipped his cock through my wetness, teasing until he slid inside.

My head fit into the crook of his arm, and he held my gaze as he moved inside me, touching my breasts and stroking my mouth with his tongue. I had no choice but to bend to his will—my back arched away from him, my head pressing into his shoulder. I fought to breathe as I writhed, lost in the pleasure he coaxed with each thrust of his cock.

I could tell when he was close because his pace changed, and he stroked my clit, which felt just as swollen as his cock. When he touched me, my lips parted on a silent scream, and he used the opportunity to thrust his tongue into my mouth once more. As he pulled away, he gripped my jaw, fingers splayed down the column of my neck, thrusting harder and faster—and as he erupted inside me, he bit into my neck.

This scream was not silent. It tore from my throat, a heady mix of pleasure and pain, soothed only when Adrian pushed his wrist to my mouth. We fed from each other until our bodies and eyes grew heavy and sleep drowned us in darkness.


Lightning lit the sky and rain fell in heavy sheets, but I could see through the curtain, between each drop of crystal rain, to the tree line where in the darkness, soldiers lay in wait for my army.

An arrow shot through the night, straight for my heart, and I caught it, but not before the tip could draw blood.

It was the start of the battle, and I raced forward, my legs carrying me at an unnatural speed—my bones broke and shifted, and my screams turned to howls as I transformed into my aufhocker form, my clawed feet tearing into the earth as I raced across the field toward the dark forest of trees.

My eyes were hazed in red, honed upon the dark between the trees where I saw men moving—I was so focused upon them, the shock of fire erupting around me did not register until it was too late. My hair caught fire and my howls turned to wails and then to screams as I faded into my human form only to wilt and die upon the ground.


I opened my eyes.

There was no transition from sleep to wakefulness—my body was alive, and I sat up, taking a moment to live within this energy which was so electric, it was magic.

The answer had come from my dream, a manifestation of what was to come and what I was called to do now.

I looked at Adrian, who lay sleeping beside me, and I bent to kiss him. When my lips touched his, all the heat in my body pooled between my thighs again. Insatiable. I straddled him and he woke beneath me, his erection pressing hard against me.

He groaned, his hands resting on my thighs, fingers gripping me I slid onto him.

“Fucking queen,” he said as I rode him hard and fast, desperate to come as this storm built inside me. When it released, I would harness a different kind of strength that came with the confidence in knowing I could call to my magic and it would come.

As tremors shook my body, I slowly rose from Adrian and started to leave the tent.

“Where are you going?” he asked, a note of alarm in his voice.

I turned and looked at him over my shoulder, and something in my gaze must have told him to stay because he did not move from his place on the bed.

“I am going to summon an army,” I said. “I will meet you at the border of Lara.”

I stepped into the twilight, naked, drawn to the woods by an invisible force—a call from some deep place inside me. It was familiar but still distant, a part of my power I had not used in a very long time, and yet as I raced through camp, feet hitting the cold, soft earth, I knew this was right—I was on the path laid out for me.

Scarlett St. Clair's Books