Only Mine (Honey Mountain #5)(43)
And she whipped around and pushed open her door.
“Don’t worry, Minx. I have bootie calls on speed dial.” I didn’t, but I just wanted to piss her off. She was overreacting, per usual. Which was why it would not be a good idea to let this go any further.
But she didn’t respond.
Instead, she slammed the door in my face.
Well, that went well.
Looks like I had a date with another cold shower.
Because that fucking kiss was going to haunt my dreams.
The last week and a half had been crazy. I’d worked long hours and made it a point to avoid Wolf. Even when he sent texts trying to get me to react, I hadn’t taken the bait. The look I’d seen on his face after we’d made out like horny teens in the back of the car had been a warning sign.
He looked the w
ay I usually did when I thought someone might like me more than I liked them.
And I would not be playing that game.
So, I’d ignored him aside from the necessary times I’d had to see him at work. I’d acted completely professional but refused to meet his gaze when we were in the same room.
I could ice someone out with the best of them, and Wolf Wayburn would not find me chasing after him.
It was just a damn orgasm. One I’d been in desperate need of, by the way. If he wanted to make it into something more than it was, he could do that on his own.
This morning, I was surprised to find the contract for the position of chief legal on my desk. He’d texted me a few days ago to tell me he’d made the decision a while ago, and he should have been honest about it. Again, I’d ignored the message. Of course, he’d just chosen to torture me.
The bastard.
But I was thrilled to be out of the probationary period and happy to be a full-time employee with the Lions.
Today, Buckley Callahan, our goalie, was coming to the office to meet with us. Duke wanted to get a feel for where his head was at. Buck was Hawk’s best friend, and there was talk that he might retire when my brother-in-law did later this year, but we were hoping he’d stay on another season. I knew him well, as he visited Honey Mountain often in the off-season, and we’d grown to become good friends.
I’d sat with Everly down by the ice last night during the game, even though Wolf had texted me and invited us up to the box.
I didn’t need his fancy seats or his orgasms.
I was fine without him.
Tawny knocked on my open door, and I looked up from my computer screen. “Buckley is here, and everyone is on their way to the conference room.”
“Thank you. I’ll head there right now.” I pushed to my feet.
“Hey,” she whispered. “Do you know why Wolf has been in such a bad mood lately?”
I rolled my eyes. “Isn’t he always?”
“No. The last few days have definitely been worse.”
I shrugged. Probably not getting those bootie calls to come over and relieve his blue balls. “I think he’s just a moody guy most of the time.”
She smiled. “All right. Good luck at the meeting.”
I made my way to the conference room, and when I pulled the door open, my gaze locked with Wolf’s. I quickly looked away, and Buck was on his feet and hurrying toward me.
“There she is. The star of the Lions’ team.” He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. He smelled like Old Spice aftershave, which is what my father still wore to this day. It made me miss home. I couldn’t wait to go back this weekend for Halloween and see everyone.
“Don’t be ridiculous. Great game last night,” I said as I moved to sit in the open seat across from him and beside Wolf.
“Have you all signed her yet?” Buckley asked because he knew I’d been on a temporary contract.
“We did. She was given the contract this morning.” Wolf folded his hands and set them on the table. “And now we’d like to keep you on the team, as well.”
Buckley chuckled. “I figured that’s what this was about. You know I won’t play for anyone else. I’m a Lion until I leave the league. I think I’ve got another year in me, as long as you bring in some strong replacements, because we’re going to take a hit when Hawk leaves.”
The next half hour was a lot of back-and-forth between all of us about the future of the Lions, and everyone seemed to be on the same page. Buck would be a free agent at the end of the season, but we’d have first rights to match any offer, and he didn’t want to play anywhere else—and we wanted to keep him.
Duke and Roger were thrilled and shook his hand before making their way out of the room. Wolf and Buck were discussing some of the prospects we were interested in signing when the time came.
“Hey now, girl. Don’t you go running off. I want to take you to lunch to celebrate you becoming an official Lion today,” Buckley said.
I smiled, not missing the venomous glare coming from the man beside him. The nerve of this guy. He all but runs for the hills after a make-out session, and he thinks he gets to decide who I go to lunch with?
No. He is sorely mistaken if he thinks I will cower to him.
Buck and I were just friends, but I didn’t mind seeing Wolf get all worked up.
“I’d love that. Thank you.” I smiled, and I could literally feel the anger radiating from the man standing next to me.