Objective (Bloodlines #2)(68)

“Figures,” I mumble while standing up and brushing the dirt from my knees. The air is sticky and thick today, much like my mood. I help Brock to his feet as best I can and shoot laser beams at the boys.

“I need a phone,” I bark, holding out my hand.

“Uh, what for?” Bentley asks calmly.

“None of your business,” I quip.

“Mags, you gotta know people are looking for us. Using phones is not smart right now,” Bentley says. My temper is flaring, surely a combination of being overly tired and pissed as hell at him.

“Well you gotta know that Aster White showing up in Beebe is not smart right now, and if I know my cousin she’s probably halfway to Arkansas already.”

“Why the hell would Aster be going to Arkansas?” Cane interjects, looking worried.

“Because it’s been eight days since we last talked. If I don't contact her twice a week she flips out!” I say, waving my hand in the air dismissively.

“Why?” he pushes.

“Because she almost drank herself dead,” Brock offers, crossing his arms over his chest and narrowing his eyes at me. I huff and scrunch up my face at him.

“What the hell is going on?” Cane asks. “How were you even in touch with Aster all this time?”

“Does it really matter?!” I squawk at him. “Someone just give me a damned phone.” Brock's hand shoots out, handing me his phone, which I snatch from him before stomping off from the group for a tiny bit of privacy. I dial her number and wait. Five rings in and I’m about to give up but finally she picks up.


“GOD DAMMIT YOU STUPID ASSHOLE I AM GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!” she shrieks into the phone. I pull it away from my ear and grin.

“God, I miss you,” I chuckle.

“No! I am so pissed and in the middle of nowhere on my way to hunt you down, you don't get to be funny right now!” she hisses at me.

“Where are you?” I ask.

“Arkansas. According to my GPS I’m an hour from my destination.”

“I’m not there,” I tell her.


“Aster, I need you to stop freaking out and listen quickly, I don’t have much time.” She huffs audibly into the receiver but stays silent. “I’m with the ATF. They are moving me to a secure location until they can locate Ezra. Cane is alive.”

“Wha-” she starts but I cut her off. “Just shut up. There is a spare key to the trailer around back under the tarp in the wheel well of the bike. Go inside, lock yourself in and don’t open the door for anyone. It’s safe in there, but, shit, stop for groceries, I’m pretty sure there’s nothing to eat.” I finish. Silence. “Aster?”

“Alive?” she whispers, shocked.

“Yes,” I release on a breath.

“Are you safe?”

“Yes,” I tell her.

“Are you lying?” she asks.

“No. Please. Get to the trailer and wait. I don’t know when I’ll get to call again but I will make sure someone comes for you.”

“One of these days you are going to tell me the whole truth. Do you understand?” she relents.

“I promise. And A?”

“Yeah?” she answers.

“I love you.”

“Shut up, you whore.” The line goes dead and I can’t help the smile that takes over my face. Now I just need to figure out how to get the hell away from my three overbearing bodyguards. There’s work to be done and time will only be on my side for so long. I turn back to the boys and shout, “So where are we going?”


Just before cramming into the car with Brock, Cane had pulled me tightly to him and just held me. I’d stayed stiff and silent. No words passed between us but I knew what he was saying to me. I could feel the love rolling off of him. For the last hour of the car ride I’ve been kicking myself for at the very least, squeezing him back. Despite all my mixed feelings, love still wins out. I know deep down that I love him, but I’m still mad as hell at all the betrayal and lies.

We’ve been driving for two hours already and poor Brock looks like he wants to throw himself out of the car. “Whatsamatta?” I ask playfully. I am so grateful that I am riding alone with him. It seems that he’s one of the only people worth trusting these days, although I’ve been wrong before. But more than that, I’ve missed him. I missed Penny and Bentley too, but it seems making connections creates more and more heartache for me. Will I ever see Penny again? I have no idea what’s happening with this whole ATF safe house and no one feels like filling me in.

“Anyone ever told you how much you suck at singing?” he says, throwing a finger in his ear and shaking his eardrum clear. A deep laugh bubbles out of me.

“Yeah. Sorry. Should we play a game instead?”

“Damn, woman, can’t you just sit quietly and enjoy the views for a while?” he chides.

“Not really,” I admit. “I’ve been silent for so long.” I sigh.

“Fine, whatever, we’ll play a game.” He grins and pokes my side with his meaty finger.

“Okay, I spyyyyy, a liar,” I quip. He glances at me from the corner of his eye and shakes his head.

K. Larsen's Books