Objective (Bloodlines #2)(65)

“A safe house.” There’s a light shining through the trees up ahead. As it gets closer I see a truck parked near a cabin. I haven’t made contact with my contact in twelve months. But in my panic I couldn’t see a better option for safety. Bentley James had been the only other person outside of Mags who was trying to get me out and away from Ezra with few or no casualties. So much for that. I'd contacted him after I'd woken up, and had told him if he found her first to keep her safe. I was still in hiding and didn't have the inside daily edge on Ezra at that point, so we both felt it wasn’t safe to risk meeting anymore.

“Stay here,” I tell her as I throw the car in park. She nods and continues to stare out the window. I don’t know how to deal with her emptiness. She’s turned off, completely shut down and it’s scaring the shit out of me. I felt like I just got her back. Why the hell wouldn’t she just disappear with me when I'd asked her to? This could have all been avoided.

I trot up the path to the front door but before I can knock Bentley swings it open and looks pissed. “Where’s Mags?” he barks. Jesus, what’s his problem?

“Hi, Bentley, oh hey - if they find out I'm talking to you, they'll kill me. Nice to see you too,” I deadpan. “She’s in the car. Safe and completely in shock. I’m worried.” His creased brow smoothes out and he pushes past me for the car.

“Bentley, wait!” I call. He doesn’t get to comfort her, that’s my job. Then again, I can’t imagine an acquaintance bringing much comfort to her anyways. He swings the door open and Mags stares up at him, completely bewildered. Her eyes change from vacant to warm to shocked.

“Bentley?” she breathes, bottom lip trembling.

“Princess, are you hurt?” he coos at her. Princess? What the f*ck is going on? Her eyes stare up at him wildly, nostrils flaring. Her lips are a thin straight line now.

“What. The. Fuck?” she bites out in a calm, determined tone. Not the response I imagined but my sentiments exactly. I elbow Bentley out of the way and drop to my knees in front of her.

“What’s wrong, baby?” I ask, trying to calm her. Her eyes leave Bentley’s and move to mine, rage burning beneath their surface. Hard and angry.

“Who the f*ck ARE you?!” she screeches. She starts violently shaking in her seat and I am at a complete loss for what to do next.

“Move,” Bentley commands.

“Screw you!” I bark over my shoulder. “Mags? Talk,” I push. She looks down at where my hand holds hers and yanks it from my grip. Swinging her legs out, she knocks me off balance and leaps out of the car.

“I don’t know what the hell is going on but if either one of you f*cking come near me I will beat you within an inch of your life,” she growls at us. I push up, brushing the dirt from my knees and approach her.

“I wouldn’t,” Bentley sighs. Who does he think he is? I spin around, fists clenched, and face him.

“Talk,” I spit.

“I watched her for you,” he shrugs. Magnolia gasps behind me.

“Seems like a little more,” I grind out.

“We got involved, Cane. It just happened. I care for her.” Red fills my vision again. I trusted him. I asked him to keep an eye on her. To keep her safe. I did not ask him to love her or befriend her. I charge him, swinging and cussing. He doesn’t back down, or move at all. The bastard lets me pummel him. It’s not cathartic at all. It soothes nothing in my chest right now but I keep my fist moving, connecting over and over with his face.

“STOP,” a frail voice commands. Bentley’s face is bloody as he lies in the dirt, looking away. I swivel my head around to Magnolia.

“You’re both scum,” she whispers, before turning on her heel and stumbling inside. My heart cracks wide open at the sight. Her fight seems to have left her. She carries herself like she's broken down and done trying, shoulders slumped. How would either one of us explain that we knew each other? How would I explain to her that my need to make sure she was safe always outweighed my job, my family, my own anger and confusion? Things were already so f*cked up - I never anticipated that they could get any more complicated.

I storm into the cabin after her.

“Magnolia, stop! Let me explain!” I shout at her back.

She swings around to face me, her skin flushed and with tears in her eyes. “You think that I don't know you? You are dead wrong. The only thing that has ever come out of your mouth is lies. God dammit!” she shrieks, throwing her hands in the air. “I don’t want to hear your explanation. I wouldn't believe a word of it at this point.” Her voice trails off, showing her true exhaustion. She points to a door to her left. “I am sleeping in there. You are not welcome, nor is Bentley. Try not to kill each other before morning.” She shoves the door open and slams it loudly behind her. I walk to the door and put my ear to it. A loud thwack assaults my eardrum as something hits the door on the other side with great force. I jump back, worried that she knows I’m there, and slide down the wall until I’m sitting. Her soft whimpers are the only sound in the cabin and each one wrecks me a little more than the last. Why can’t I get anything right?

Bentley stumbles back into the cabin some time later. I’m still in my spot on the floor outside her bedroom door. He grunts at me but doesn't say anything as he passes me to the kitchen area. He reaches in the freezer and pulls out a bag of frozen corn, and presses it gingerly to his face as he leans against the counter.

K. Larsen's Books