My Maddie (Hades Hangmen #8)(74)

I never believed I could have a life where I would be allowed to keep them. If a cursed had fallen pregnant in The Order, the child would have been taken from the mother and sent elsewhere, never to be seen again—like Rider and Judah had been taken from Ruth, like Sapphira had been taken from Phebe, like we had all been taken from our mothers.

“We are very lucky,” I found myself saying quietly. All talking ceased. Bella reached out and held my hand. Tears filled my eyes. I quickly wiped them away. I met Mae’s, Lilah’s, Bella’s and Phebe’s eyes. “If we remained in The Order we would never have known this kind of love.” I noticed Phebe tense, and my eyes drifted to her. “Or we would mourn the child ripped from our embrace.” Sapphira leaned against Phebe’s side and curled her head into her mother’s arm. I adored Sapphira. She was quiet—too quiet. She had barely attended school before she eventually left.

In fact, over the past few months Sapphira had scarcely left the cabin. Phebe feared she had regressed. Sapphira never talked. Phebe said she believed Sapphira’s brief experience in the outside world had been too much for her to cope with. Rather than helping her take strides, she had pulled back into herself. She had no friends but for Zane and Grace. What little contact she had with Asher had ceased. Asher had begun working with Tank and Bull at the motorcycle shop. He was doing better, and I was so proud of him. For a while I was terrified he was spiraling into trouble, into something he could not come back from.

Mae cuddled Charon. Lilah held Talitha, and Sia held Azrael. “I could not bear it,” Mae said as she kissed the top of Charon’s black hair. “The love I have for him… it is unrivaled. To take him from me would be to rip out my entire heart and leave only a cavernous hole.”

“I would not be able to live…” Lilah started then paused. Her watery blue eyes landed on Phebe, her blood sister.

Phebe tightened her hold on Sapphira. “It…” Phebe pressed her cheek to Sapphira’s head. “I was soulless. When they took her from me, I was soulless until I found her again.” Phebe put her finger under Sapphira’s chin and lifted her pretty face. Sapphira’s cheeks were wet but her eyes were haunted. They always were. We had all suffered heinous atrocities at the hands of The Order and the disciples, in accordance with Prophet David’s teachings. But I feared Sapphira had suffered the worst of all. I knew only the tip of the iceberg with regard to the horrors she faced. When I let myself think of her young but heartbreaking life, I wondered how she would ever place her trust in anyone again. I felt my baby move and sympathetic devastation washed through me. Would she ever fall in love? Would she ever be in a position to have a child of her own? If it had not been for Flame, I would not have. I prayed she found someone to lead her from the darkness into the light. Someone worthy of her sweet nature, and fragile heart. Someone who would adore her and keep her safe from the ghosts of her past.

“We will know them now,” Phebe said, and kissed Sapphira on her cheek. Sapphira’s loving smile toward her mother was almost my undoing. My emotions were on edge at the moment. But when it came to Sapphira, my heart was always open. She reminded me of myself before Flame. I would do anything I could to see her happy.

“Phebe?” Lilah said carefully. “Are you pregnant?” I held my breath waiting for the answer.

“No,” she replied. But her cheeks flushed with redness. Phebe reached into her pocket and slid a ring onto her finger. “But I am engaged.” She dropped her gaze. “AK has asked me to marry him…” Her smile radiated pure happiness. “And I said yes.”

“FUCK YES!” Beauty jumped from her chair and rushed across the room to hug Phebe. One by one we stood and congratulated her. “Right. When were y’all thinking?” Beauty asked. “’Cause y’all know I’m planning the whole fucking thing!” She clapped her hands. “The new clubhouse is nearly finished. It’ll be fucking perfect.”

The door opened behind us and Styx walked through. I laughed when he took in the scene before him with wide and somewhat fearful eyes. “Prez! There’s gonna be a motherfucking wedding! Get ready for me to be around more than usual.” Styx nodded at Beauty.

“Papa!” Charon wriggled out of Mae’s arms and waddled across the room to Styx. I rarely saw Styx smile. But as he lifted Charon into his grasp, his son’s chubby arms wrapping around his neck, Styx’ smile was unmissable. Mae walked over to greet them. Styx put his hand on the back of Mae’s head and pulled her to his lips. The way he met Mae’s eyes showed, without words, how much Styx loved her. Loved them both.

I could not take my eyes from the sight. My stomach turned in trepidation. In my mind’s eye I could see Flame as the perfect, doting father. But I simply did not know how he would react when our baby was finally here. I closed my eyes and felt him laying kisses on my stomach. He did that daily, worshipping our baby before it was even here. He slept with one hand on my bump and the other clutched around me. But I still saw fear flicker in his eyes. Sometimes I awoke to him pacing the floor beside our bed, examining the scars on his arms, tracing up and down his veins with his fingers.

“Maddie?” I opened my eyes to find Bella beside me. “Are you well?” I nodded and found myself watching Styx take Charon into the kitchen. He was whispering into Charon’s ear. I fought a lump in my throat.

Tillie Cole's Books