More Than Lies (More Than #1)(68)

“Yeees,” her voice is soft, low and breathy.

“Come for me and I’ll suck every drop of cum from your pussy.” I didn’t get a taste last weekend and I’m dying for that chance now.

“Oh, go . . . ahhhhhh. Oh.” Her walls rapidly contract around me as she orgasms. My fingers slip out as her body slows. Her chest heaves up and down. And I do something I don’t ever recall doing before this moment. I bring my fingers to my lips and suck her cum into my mouth to taste her. She is sweet, yet tangy. It’s light and wonderful and definitely something I want to do again.

It’s not that I’ve never gone down on a girl before. I have, but it’s not an act I do regularly. What the hell am I supposed to get out of it? Nada.

Keeping my promise, I release her wrists and move down her body until my eyes land on soaking wet, dark pink flesh that is calling out for me to devour. My flat tongue swipes up from the bottom to her clit.

“Shawn.” Tara calls out as she pulls her back up and off the mattress. My eyes snap up to hers as I dip my tongue inside her. Her eyes widen as she pulls air in through her mouth. Tara tries to scoot backwards, but my hands wrap around her ass, tightening so she can’t move further away from me.

“I don’t think so, baby. You’re not going anywhere until I’m done.” I pull her a few inches closer to my face. “Stay just the way you are. Watch.” With that I look back down and take another sweep upwards. With my fingers, I pull Tara’s skin back so I can latch onto her clit.

“Too . . . ahh . . . sen. Oh, my God, Shawn.” My eyes roam back up. Tara’s head has fallen back to her shoulders.

“Uh-uh. Watch me, Tara.” Her head rolls forward until she is looking down the bed at me.

“I’m too sensitive.” Tara takes a breath, closing her eyes and reopening them to look at me. “Please, put on the condom and . . .” Her voice trails, not finishing, but I press her for the rest. I want to hear her say it.

“And what, Tara?” I ask then swirl my tongue around her clitoris. When she doesn’t answer, “Tara.” I suck her clit in-between my teeth and bite down. Not hard, but with enough pressure to get her attention.

“Fuck me, Shawn. Just fucking fuck me already.” God, fucking hell if that didn’t solidify my dick; hardening me until the point I need to plunge inside her and come like I’ve never needed to before.

I come up onto my knees, grabbing the foil package. Within seconds, I rip it open and sheath my dick in record time. After tossing the wrapper, I bend forward, falling over Tara and capturing her lips with mine.

“Say you’re sure.” I need reassurance. I’ve always been confident except when it comes to her.

“I’m sure.” I press a gentle kiss to her lips as I press inside. Bliss doesn’t come close to a word to describe what’s going through me at this very moment. She’s snug around me. Her muscles contract every few seconds making my thoughts blank. My dick is incased inside an inferno that I never want to exit.

After pulling back, I ease back in slowly, making love to Tara; making love for the first time in my whole damn life.

With each thrust, I pull out slower than the last. I want this to last as long as humanly possible. The problem is, I can’t slow down the rapid rhythm of my heart or gain any control over my cock. When I come, I come hard.

The only thing I manage to do is swallow her scream down my throat when she follows me over.

How I’ll ever go back to having meaningless sex again, I do not know. I don’t want to think of anything else but these feelings taking over. This is good. So damn good, but I’m not an idiot. She’s too good for me.



I feel his chest expand from underneath me before he blows out a heavy force of air. “You’re thinking too hard.”

What does that mean? It’s impossible for Shawn to know what I’ve been lying here thinking for the past ten minutes since I woke up. Maybe I should have eased out of his bed and left before he awoke. At least that way we wouldn’t be left with the awkwardness of what this could turn into. But I couldn’t do it. I spent the first five minutes trying to talk myself into it, but this feels too good to ruin.

Lifting my head, I look up to meet his gaze. His normal, self-assured expression is nowhere in sight. It has been replaced with uncertainty and what I think looks to be a touch of fear. “Do you want me to get up and leave?” I don’t want to, but you can only live in a fictional world for so long. Eventually reality comes back to life.

“You really think I’m that much of a dick that I would kick you out of my bed the moment you woke up?” Shawn sits up and turns to look at me, the hurt evident in his gaze.

“I don’t know? I can see you’re in uncharted territory here. This isn’t exactly your normal.” His eyebrows scrunch together so I clarify what I mean. “Me in your bed—any woman, for that matter, in your bed.” Realization hits and he nods.

“You’re correct,” he states on a sigh. “I don’t know what to do, but I’d like to think you don’t believe I’m so much of a jerk that I’d boot you out.” He wraps his arm around me, pulling me close, comforting me like only he can.

N. E. Henderson's Books