
He presses our foreheads together.

“So, where are we off to?”

“We’ll figure it out, the three of us.”

I see the flash of brilliant white before he crushes his lips to mine.

Yazoo News Alert:

Silver Ghost grosses $150 million at the box office opening weekend!

“Never underestimate the power of silence. You can use it as the best weapon, but it’s also a good indicator of re-invention. Those you see as softly-spoken and meek may have already scaled your mountain. Stay humble and grow that way. That’s how you live with yourself.”—Madelyn “Maddie” Rosera Darling

Casey and Bonnie Morning Radio Show

Casey: Bonnie, what in the hell happened to Lucas Walker?

Bonnie: Where has that boy been?

Casey: That’s a good question, and I’m going to tell you.

Bonnie: Tell me, girl, I’ve been missing our boy.

Casey: Apparently, Hollywood Golden Boy Lucas Walker decided to clip his own wings even after receiving an Oscar nomination for his part in the controversial crime thriller Silver Ghost. Close friends to Walker state he’s on a much-needed hiatus due to his growing family and other personal goals. Other sources say Walker suffered severe psychological issues on the set because of the suicide of his best friend Blake West and cracked further under the pressure of playing one of the world’s most notorious mobsters.

Bonnie: Damn good movie. Our boy did good. Glad he’s okay.

Casey: I agree. He had me scared for a minute.

Bonnie: I miss Blake West. Blake was so talented. Underrated.

Casey: I agree. He should have gotten a lot more credit. Still miss him.

Bonnie: So where did our boy run off to?

Casey: Well, according to the reports coming in, Walker and his wife, Mila, have been living in the south of France since the birth of their son, and have been spotted with their little man globe-trotting all over Europe, Spain, India, Australia, and South Africa. Apparently, they’ve been working with a foundation to help fund the building of new schools.

Bonnie: That’s so admirable, and that little boy is so cute. He looks just like his daddy. Good for them. But when are they coming back?

Casey: It looks like not anytime soon. Recent rumors have been circulating that Walker has enrolled in a college in London.

Bonnie: He what?! He’s going to college?

Casey: Looks like our boy is going all the way and has declared a double major.

Bonnie: What in the hell for? The man is a millionaire! What’s he going to do…become an architect?

Casey: Some say an education is priceless.

Bonnie: Then he can have my education and give me his millions.

Casey: It seems silly to waste all that time when he could be making us more good movies.

Bonnie: Total waste, if you ask me.

Casey: Easy, girl, let them do them. You know we see a trend with this, actors giving back after they’ve made it big. They must feel a sense of responsibility for what they’re capable of contributing, and the influence they have and are trying to do something good with it.

Bonnie: You’re right, you’re right, and they’re still my favorite couple. Mila is fierce.

Casey: I guess she can support them with all that money she’s making off her vines.

Bonnie: For real though, that’s the best wine I’ve ever tasted on my Pilates.

Casey: That’s palate, Bon.

Bonnie: Right. So anyway, we love you, Lucas and Mila. We’ll be here when you decide to come home.

Casey: That’s right, guys, we wish you the best. And when you get back, we’ll welcome you back with open arms—

Bonnie: And legs.

Casey: Bonnie!

Bonnie: Just kidding, Mila. But if you ever decide to share, message a girl and good luck you two.

Casey: And rest in peace, Blake.

Bonnie: We love you, Blake.

Casey: Such a damn shame. Speaking of Blake West, remember his show Buzzed?

Bonnie: I loved that show. Didn’t they cancel that after one season?

Casey: Yep. Anyway, check this out. Two of the producers most known for their work on Buzzed have just been charged with sexual harassment and assault. Aaron Thompson and Steven Tungsten went on to produce a few movies. Several of which our boys starred in.

Bonnie: Those poor women. I hope they get justice.

Casey: Me too. One source says that one of the accusers has come forward with concrete evidence that there were incidents that took place on set after taping, but the cameras weren’t off. To respect the privacy of the victims, the judge has ordered the hearings to remain closed.

Bonnie: That’s video evidence. Talk about caught in the act. Daaaaamn. But isn’t there a statute of limitations on that?

Casey: The tape puts them right at the edge of the mark. The trial is set for next week. Guess like it’s time to take out more Tinseltown trash and someone’s about to pay the piper.

Kate Stewart's Books