Love on Beach Avenue(67)

“Impressive. Was that Uncle Bill who fell on the dance floor? Or Uncle Al?”

“Bill. I pegged him for the sloppy drinker at the rehearsal dinner. Thank God he didn’t throw out his back.”

“You know, they say weddings aren’t like the comedies pictured in the movies, but I disagree. They’re worse.”

“At least you’ll be ready for Ally’s wedding and primed to avoid all disasters. ManOH is a serious role.”

“I’m not worried at all.”

She snorted. “Confident much?”

“Yep. Because I have you by my side.”

Her mouth almost fell open, but she kept it locked closed. The simple truth of his statement caused pure pleasure to flood her. “No more fights or bets?”

“I call a truce. You still on board with my plan for AC, or do you really think the women would be better off keeping it quiet?”

It stung, but she told him the truth. In their last phone conversation, Ally had expressed that she was excited about the upcoming bachelorette party and was glad they’d switched it from a spa. “You were right,” she muttered. “Ally deserves a bit of wildness before settling in. I think AC will be great.”

“What was the first part again?”

“I said you were—” She stopped, tamping down a grin as he cocked his head, pretending to listen intently. “I said you were right. Enjoy it now, robot man. It won’t happen again.” The nickname rolled off her tongue with affection now, and no trace of mocking. She’d been wrong about him. He was nothing close to robotic or cold. The memory of his fingers thrusting inside her, slamming her into orgasm, shuddered through her.

“Are you cold?” he asked.

She shook her head. “No.”

He stopped. Tipped her chin up and studied her face.

Heart stuttering, she stood still, helpless to move.

His voice was a deep rumble of sound, caressing her like fingers trailing lightly over naked skin. “I don’t know how to stay away from you.”

A shiver raced down her spine. “We don’t have a choice. The bachelorette party is next week, and Ally will be back. We’ll be busy, and then after the wedding, you’ll go home to DC.”

The pain of not being able to see his face, touch him, talk with him, crashed through her. But nothing had changed between them. He couldn’t give her what she needed, and she had to protect herself.

“What if I tried?”

She jerked, staring up at him. His face seemed tortured, as if uttering the words had cost him. She pressed her fingers against his lips. “Don’t say it unless you mean it. I’m looking for a man who’s not afraid to love me and take a chance on a future together.”

He reached up and released the pins in her hair, letting the curls tumble free. A moan rose to her lips as he pulled through the strands, his hands strong and soothing on her scalp. “All I know is I’ve never felt like this before. Not with any other woman.”

A terrible hope ignited within, but her fear smothered the flame quickly. What was he promising? A two-week affair? A long-distance relationship? Would she be waiting for him in desperation to call, or spend weekends with her, until he slowly realized he didn’t have enough to give?

Her voice shook as she raised herself on tiptoes. “What do you want?” she demanded.

“You. Damn you, Avery, for making me want.” He gripped her head, and his mouth crashed over hers.

She kissed him back with a touch of violence and need. The dam within her broke, and she pushed her tongue in his mouth and sank her nails into his shoulders, then bit his lower lip. He cursed, reslanted his mouth, and took the kiss deep, forcing her to arch back under the ferocity of leashed male hunger.

They kissed a long time under the ripe full moon, until she finally managed to rip herself out of his embrace. Panting, she gazed at him like an opponent in the ring, ready for another round. “I need to go home.”

He stepped back, his breathing heavy. He nodded. “I’ll walk you back to your car.”

They didn’t speak or hold hands. The aching sexual tension throbbed between them like a mocking taunt, and she knew all she had to do was touch him one time before they both surrendered, damn the consequences.

She opened her door and slid into the front seat.

“I’ll see you this week about the final plans for AC?” he said.

She nodded. The empty ache inside stretched and yearned for more. “Carter?”


She nailed him with her stare. “Figure it out.”

Then she closed the door and drove home.

Chapter Sixteen

Avery picked at the healthy parfait in front of her filled with plain Greek yogurt, fresh fruit, and homemade granola. It was definitely good, but nowhere near the ecstasy of a chocolate croissant. But Madison’s had been out, and she knew she should be more like Bella and eat healthier.

“Do we want to discuss anything before Gabe gets here?” she asked, trying to muster some enthusiasm. Her usual energy had been lacking the last few days since her kiss with Carter. She kept checking her phone for a text, and swearing she saw him around every street corner. She fantasized about him showing up at her doorstep and declaring he wanted a full-on relationship with her, then dragging her to bed.

Jennifer Probst's Books