Love on Beach Avenue(63)

“I got this. Just tell me exactly what you need me to do right now.”

The quiet confidence in his tone and reassurance of his gaze loosened her tight muscles. “Okay. Go down the line and check in with the bridesmaids, making sure they’re calm and have their flowers. We’re on live time.”

She pivoted on her heel and headed to her stressed-out bride, praying it wasn’t a dress issue. They were the worst. She channeled her calm, hypnotic voice that helped in every situation. “Selena, what’s the matter? We’re ready to go. Do you need a few more minutes?”

The bride blinked furiously behind her veil, but, thank God, there were no tears to mess up her makeup. “That dog is going to ruin my wedding—I swear it.”

Avery glanced over at the canine ring bearer. The pug looked clueless, his fat body scrunched into a tuxedo that matched his master’s. His tongue lolled out as he sat on the floor, his black eyes peering out from a face full of thick rolls of flesh. The rings were secured to his collar in a velvet pouch.

“Gus is going to be fine,” she said firmly. “You’ve practiced with Adam, and the dog knows exactly what to do.”

“I wanted him to have someone walk him down with a leash, but Adam insists he’s trained to do it on his own. What if he stops walking? What if he runs around?”

Knowing all of that could possibly happen, Avery smiled with reassurance. “Gus knows what to do,” she repeated. “I’ll be standing by to handle anything. Now, look at me, Selena. This is your wedding—your moment. Don’t let Gus take that from you.”

The bride nodded, her chin tilted up as if to be strong. “It’s just that he hates me. Has hated me since Adam and I began dating. If he’s in the bed first, he growls at me and pretends to be sweet when Adam comes in. When we’re alone in a room, he turns his back and refuses to acknowledge I exist. I think he wants to kill me to have Adam to himself again.”

Her mind flashed to Lucy and her possessive glares. Before, she would’ve laughed and figured the bride was ridiculous. Now she wasn’t too sure. Dogs were smarter than anyone imagined, and their love knew no limits for their owners. But this was not the time to fuel her suspicions. “Gus loves you, too. You’re his new mom, and you’ll have a beautiful, happy family together.” Knowing Selena did better with a firm hand, Avery looked her in the eye. “Now, are we ready to do this?”

The bride seemed to calm. “Yes. You’re right, I’m overreacting. Let’s do this.”

Avery smiled, smoothed Selena’s train, and dragged the FOB from outside, where he was trying to sneak in one last cigarette. “Mr. Banks, we’re ready for you,” she said, getting him set up next to his daughter. She double-checked the line, and saw that Carter was charming the bridesmaids, keeping them in position. She rushed to the front, shooting him a grateful look, and cued for the mothers to begin walking and take their seats.

Carter moved to stand beside her. The delicious scent of soap and spice rose in the air. With all the heavy perfume and cologne in the church, his smell was like finding home. She swallowed past the tightness of her throat.

The aunt and flower girl made the trip down the aisle perfectly. One by one, each of the bridesmaids followed. Selena and her father were tucked behind the heavy carved doors, out of sight for the big reveal.

Saying a quick prayer, she bent over and said the magic word to Gus. “Showtime.”

The dog got up from his perch and shot her a look. Yawned. As panic teased her nerves, he began to slowly move, heading straight down the center of the aisle just like he’d practiced.

“That the crazy dog?” Carter whispered.

“Yeah. Come on, Gus. You’re almost there.”

The crowd tittered and laughed, kids pointing as the fat pug jiggled past, gaze on his master, who watched him with a prideful grin.

Halfway down the white runner, the dog paused. Looked to the right. Glanced to the left. More chatter and giggles. A childish voice yelled, “Look at the doggy, Mommy!”

The sense of impending disaster hit her before it happened. In slow motion, she watched in horror as the dog slowly began to lift his leg.

And peed.

The church erupted. The groom’s face turned to horror and fear, telling her that he was deathly afraid his bride would walk out. The music stuttered, then kept going, and everyone seemed to look around to see what would happen next.

Gus finished emptying the last of his bladder and trudged the rest of the way without pause, settling beside the groom and plopping his ass on the floor.

Holy shit. The bride was about to walk into a puddle of pee.

“Holy shit,” Carter said, echoing her sentiments.

She’d trained her mind and body to not only see any impending crisis but also take only precious seconds to solve it. Selena still hadn’t seen the debacle, so she needed to move fast.

Mind clicking on the endless trinkets, tools, and emergency supplies in her giant bag, Avery turned and grabbed Carter’s arm. “My bag is in the little room to the right,” she instructed. “There’s the tea towel from your sister’s favors. Can you get it as fast as possible and cover that pee stain while I distract the bride?”

He didn’t bother to take the time to answer. He headed to the room, and she lifted her hand with two fingers up, giving Pierce, the musicians, and the priest the signal she needed two minutes. The organist began to play a new song, and the singer launched into some generic tune.

Jennifer Probst's Books