Love on Beach Avenue(57)

He waved his permission, his gaze studying his competition. Carter cleared his throat. “How long have you been working at Sunshine Bridal?” he asked casually.

Gabe tapped his lips in deep thought, walking in a circle. “Oh, a good three years now.”

“Do you like it?”

“Yes. Contrary to popular opinion, it’s an exciting career.”

“I’m finding that out lately. Been shadowing Avery a bit for my sister’s wedding.”

The man smiled, flashing the whitest, straightest teeth he’d ever seen. “Avery’s the best. I learned the whole business under her direction.”

Carter’s muscles tightened. Alex frowned, snapping the tape and remeasuring as his body jerked. “Sorry,” he coughed out. “Avery does seem supportive. Do you work with Bella and Taylor, too?”

Gabe seemed to have no idea he was being grilled. He clucked under his tongue at something with the pant line, and got into a dialogue with Alex regarding brands and each one’s tendency to run a different size. “I help out everyone, but I work mainly with Avery. I’m her right-hand man. Her ride-or-die, you could say.”

His smug grin ripped at Carter’s temper. “Seems like you’re close friends.”

“Very close. Can you try on the next one for me? I want to get a comparison so you can make an informed choice.”

“Sure.” He got off the pedestal and changed into the second monkey suit while irritation scratched at his nerve endings. Was Gabe insinuating he was more than friends with Avery? Was he disrespecting her? He had to get more information. Pump him, then kill the bastard if he said anything lurid.

He stepped back out and resumed his place in front of the mirrors. The two men poked and clucked like mother hens rather than men hanging out without a group of women directing them. Damn, they took their jobs seriously. Still, he had to admit the second suit was even nicer. A lighter gray, breathable fabric paired with a deep-purple shirt that seemed to complement his color and emphasized the muscles he did own. The shawl collar had a deeper silver tone for contrast.

“Hmm, I like this better. What do you think?” Gabe asked.

“Me, too. More comfortable.”

“Can you turn to the right?” Gabe asked, fussing with the jacket. “Shoulders back, please.”

He did as directed. “Close business partnerships can sometimes get personal. Has that happened with you?”

A deep laugh sounded out. “Let’s just say my advances were ignored . . .”

Carter’s muscles eased. “She wasn’t interested?”

“Not yet. But you never know what will happen in the future. Okay, let’s try the last one. Not many men can pull it off, but I’d like to see it on you.”

He went back into the dressing room and tried not to lose it. What did that comment mean? That he was still hoping to date Avery? Maybe the asshole was trying to seduce her, using the closeness of work as an excuse. He tugged on the final tux and realized his chest was tight with the effort of not punching Gabe and telling him to leave his woman alone.

What the hell was happening to him?

He wasn’t the jealous type. There’d never been anything or anyone he was terrified of losing, except Ally and Lucy. No one had ever gotten that close. He’d only spent a few casual weeks with Avery. How could a connection be formed so quickly? And why did he feel in his very soul that she was meant to be with him?

By the time he reached the pedestal, his head throbbed with confusion and an overabundance of testosterone.

Gabe stood beside him in the mirror, grinning proudly. “Wow, man, you pull this one off well. Looking sharp. I tell you, not too many can wear the gingham gray, but you have the confidence to do it. You’ll make a hell of a statement, my friend. Thoughts?”

“Yeah, it’s good.” Carter barely glanced at his appearance. Immediately, Alex began tugging at the fabric with his magic tape measure. “You dating anyone now?”

“Me? Nope. I’m staying focused. Need to convince one special woman to give me a chance. She’s worth the wait, and I better have the decks clear, so when she’s finally ready, I can dazzle her and make her fall for me. Know what I mean?” He winked like Carter was involved in his conspiracy to seduce Avery.

A roaring rose in his ears.

Alex stepped back with a proud expression. “All done.”

“Great! You’re all set. How do you like your new tux?”

Carter blinked, the red mist clearing, and looked into the mirror. The suit was a pale gray with a bold gingham pattern that made him look like a tablecloth. A wide bright-purple cummerbund swallowed his waist. The pants rode up his ass and made him look like a twelve-year-old boy.

What the hell was Gabe thinking? Unless he wanted Carter to look awful at the wedding because he sensed his interest in Avery?

With a low growl, he stepped off the pedestal. “Fuck no, I’m not wearing this clown suit. I’ll take the second one.” He stormed into the dressing room.

Taking his time, he breathed deep and told himself to calm the hell down. He had no right to beat up Gabe’s pretty face because he was interested in a beautiful, intelligent, funny woman. He’d be crazy not to be in love with her.

But he’d be too late. Because Carter was going to make sure he closed that door and locked it tight.

Jennifer Probst's Books