Love on Beach Avenue(52)

Bella nodded. “Yep, proof. Now, tell us everything. Don’t leave out any details.”

She blew out a frustrated breath. “There’s nothing to tell. I’m just . . . confused. I don’t think I like him, but then after we had that dinner at Peter Shields, we—”

“Wait, he took you to dinner?” Taylor asked. “Why didn’t we know that?”

“Because we’re all running ragged with work, and I didn’t mention it in our morning meetings. Plus, I paid because I lost a bet, so it wasn’t a date.”

“What bet?” Bella demanded.

“Remember when he picked Ally’s dress? He told me if she chose his option, I had to treat him to dinner.”

Her sisters shared a meaningful look. “Oh yeah, he’s definitely interested,” Bella said.

“So, after dinner, he suggested we walk on the beach and—”

“It’s illegal to walk the beach after nine,” Bella interrupted.

“I know.” She tamped down a groan. “We snuck under the chains.”

Taylor’s jaw dropped. “You? The ultimate rule follower? I can’t believe it. That’s the craziest thing you’ve done since you moved back home.”

She glared. “Can I finish my story, please?”

“Sorry,” Taylor said.

“We snuck on the beach, and before I knew it, we were kissing.”

“But you said you didn’t like him,” Taylor pointed out.

“I didn’t think I did, but there’s this intense chemistry between us. Freaks me out. And when he lets his guard down, he’s different and sort of sweet and I want to get close and comfort him.”

“So romantic,” Bella said with a sigh. “How does he kiss?”

“Really, really good. Who knows what would’ve happened if Ron didn’t break it up?”

“No way,” Taylor breathed. “You got busted by Ron?”

“Yep.” She told the rest of the story, all the way up to yesterday, when they’d made the beach date. “Now I’m supposed to go to the beach with him, but I have the Mitchell wedding and a million things to do, so I’ll probably end up canceling.”


Avery looked over at Taylor, whose face was set in the serious lines that showed she was not playing.

“You’re going. This man actually interests you, and even better? He challenges you, Avery. I’ll switch my day off and cover for you Monday.”

Bella chewed on her lip. “Uh-oh. I need some help with Zoe on Monday. I was going to ask if you could watch her just for a few hours, T.”

“Damn,” Taylor said.

Bella waved her hand in the air. “I’ll find someone else. Trust me, a man is much more important at this point. I agree with T. You need to spend some time with him and see if there’s anything there other than intense dislike and sexual chemistry.”

“Absolutely not. I refuse to lounge on a beach while you scramble to find a sitter for Zoe. Unless . . .” She trailed off, the plan forming perfectly in her mind. “I have an idea. A way to really test things out.”

“What?” Bella asked.

“I’ll take Zoe with me to the beach. He promised her a few weeks ago, anyway, and this will be a great way to see how he is in a relaxed environment. Stick a man with a preschooler for a few hours in the sun and you see the truth.”

“That’s kind of mean,” Taylor said. “But it may work. Especially if he’s trying to mask the bet as a way to get you alone. Teaches him a lesson and gives you the chance to see things more clearly.”

Bella sighed. “I think you should just skip the beach date and sleep with him.”

Avery laughed. “Sleeping with your best friend’s brother is so . . .”

“Cliché?” Taylor asked.

“Tropey. It screams romance novel and chick-flick movie. Maybe it was just a hot kiss and together we’ll be one hot mess,” she said with a sigh.

“Better to find out now,” Bella said. “I will allow you to borrow my daughter for your wicked plan. Just make sure you tell us everything afterward, and don’t leave out the good stuff.” She finished her wine and stood up. “I gotta get to bed. I’m exhausted.”

“And I have to finish this painting,” Taylor said. “Pierce said he’d hang one in his studio and try to sell it for me.”

Avery paused, studying her sister. Her cheeks were a bit flushed, which was unusual. “Hey, you didn’t tell me you wanted to try selling them. We can put some up in the conference room, too, if you want.”

Her sister shook her head. “Nah, that’s overkill. No one’s going to buy them anyway. Pierce just thought it would look nice behind his desk when he meets clients.”

“That’s nice. And don’t say that about your work. I always told you to try and go commercial or make a website.”

“Agreed,” Bella said. “I’ve always thought you had amazing talent.”

Taylor glared, a normal reaction when she was beginning to feel vulnerable. “Give me a break. Family doesn’t get to have an opinion, because they can’t see clearly. I should’ve never mentioned it.” She stormed out and shut the door behind her.

Jennifer Probst's Books