Love on Beach Avenue(40)

“Time for work,” she announced, pulling out her files. “This afternoon, I spoke with Ally and the bridesmaids to get a feel for what type of trip they wanted. They requested relaxation, beach, and pampering. No big-city trips, and no one wants to deal with additional airfare, so it needs to be drivable.”

“Wait, I told you they’d given me carte blanche on planning this trip.”

She refused to look guilty for doing her job. “Yes, I know, but I thought it would be a good idea to ask what type of getaway they were specifically looking for to make the job easier. And then Ally suggested I could help you since I know more about the area and options.”

He shook his head. Irritation flickered over his features along with a strange type of amusement. “I should have known you’d try to hijack the bachelorette.”

“Just listen, I did a bunch of research. I looked at dates, cross-referenced them with possible outings with the criteria they requested, and came up with this list right here.”

She whipped out the spreadsheet that detailed her data. The final page showed the top three destinations that had evolved from her research. “As you can see here,” she said, pointing to the picture, “Dewey Beach in Delaware is a popular bachelorette destination if she doesn’t want to stay in Cape May. They have a fun place called Bottle & Cork that has eighties cover bands if they want to venture out.”

“What else?” he asked, flipping through the various printouts and glossy brochures.

“The Hamptons. It’s at the tip of Long Island, extremely popular in the summertime. Plenty of spas, shopping, and pampering. I have a contact there who can get them all a summerhouse for the long weekend. It’s an impressive mansion with a pool, hot tub, and it’s secluded. Close to the beach.”

She waited for his reaction. He just nodded, a slight frown creasing his brow. Impatience fluttered through her. Did anything impress him? For once, couldn’t he be enthusiastic and excited about her choices? “The third option is right here. Cape May. I can book spa appointments and get some fabulous rooms at Congress Hall. Think gourmet dinners, vineyard tours, and complete pampering, plus no travel. I just need to confirm she doesn’t want to go someplace new with the girls.”

He continued perusing the paperwork, as if waiting to be dazzled. “That’s it?”

She narrowed her gaze. “Yes, that’s it. I’m not sure what you expected, but I think these spots cover what everyone is looking for.”

“Yes, you’ve done a fine job.”

And just like that, she was back to wanting to strangle him. “That sounded sarcastic to me.”

He held up his hands in surrender. “Sorry, I’m just thinking of something different for Ally. She’s extremely social, and I think she’d like to get dressed up, use one of her endless pairs of fancy shoes, and go dancing.”

“Once again, I think your maleness is interfering with your ability to know what women want,” she said sweetly. “I doubt her dream bachelorette party includes squeezing into Spanx.”

“Do I want to know what that is? Sounds like a weapon.”

“More like a needed torture device. So what would your pick be, then, if you seem to know it all?”

“Atlantic City.”

She frowned and shook her head. “No, that’s party central. Gambling, clubbing, concerts. Definitely not what Ally requested.”

“When does she ever have the chance to let loose and have some fun? She should have a weekend with some excitement and edge. That’s what I want for her.”

“But she won’t like it.”


She blew out a breath and ticked off the points on her fingers. “Because they want a spa! Wine and food and girl talk. Not club music, high heels and short skirts, and socializing with strangers.”

He grinned. “That’s exactly what Ally needs.”

“I’m sorry, Carter, but I’m vetoing your choice.”

His expression morphed into mule stubbornness. “You can’t veto me on this. I’m the man of honor, and I get to plan the bachelorette party. We’re doing AC.”

“And I’m telling you, if you insist on this course, you’ll disappoint your sister.”

“Care to make another bet?”

Her jaw dropped. “Are you kidding me? Is this a game to you? Because I’ve made a living organizing events like this to allow a bride and groom to experience the perfect wedding. You’re a damn hacker who spends most of his time with his dog!”

He ignored her outburst and grinned. “You’re just scared I’ll win again.”

She flung up her hands. “Oh my God, you are impossible. If you do this, I’m out. I refuse to help plan something she didn’t specifically request.”

“Fine, I’ll do it myself. And I guarantee she’ll love it.”

She shook with frustration. “Oh, I’ll take that bet. Because I guarantee she won’t.”

“I disagree.”

“I mean it, Carter. You tell her I had nothing to do with this one. I refuse to get blamed when her friends find out instead of massages and hot tubs, they’re getting sloppy drunks and blistered feet.”

“I’ll tell her. Will be easier when I take all the credit.”

Jennifer Probst's Books