Gentleman Sinner(83)

Chapter 21

It’s only been three days since I was asked to leave the hospital, and despite Theo keeping me busy, I feel like I’m slowly going out of my mind. I’ve had three days off before; it’s not alien, but the knowledge that I can’t return to work makes this stretch different. My job might be waiting for me, but I can’t go back. Not after everything that has happened.

I’ve researched positions throughout many of the London hospitals, and while there are plenty of vacancies to apply for, and I’ll apparently have a glowing reference from Susan, I’m stalling. I don’t know why. I feel safe with Theo, but vulnerable without my job. I feel comforted by his presence in my life, but anxious about depending on him too much. It’s all confusing and very conflicting.

As I suspected, the police haven’t been in touch. I asked Jess to drop off a letter of resignation yesterday and a letter of apology to Susan. I don’t expect it to make any difference, but I wanted her to know how sorry I am for what happened. I also asked Jess to check up on Mable. The dear old lady told her to tell me that the pain is still a five and her hip replacement went well. It brought a smile to my face.

I’ve also been reassured that Percy’s son has been . . . how did Theo put it? Taken care of. I balked when he told me that, and he saw it, smiling as he explained that there was no more damage for him to do, even if he wanted to. Apparently, the man caved under the pressure of Theo and Callum’s ominous presence and confessed his injuries were the result of a run—in with some unsavoury types he owed money to. I expect he had a gun held at his temple while he confessed.

Thankfully, Theo hasn’t pressed me any more on my little episode at Stan’s tattoo studio, and I chose not to mention it to Jess, either. Almost as if not talking about it means it never happened, which is just the way I want it.

As I wander into the kitchen, Jess looks up from her coffee, her eyebrows bunched. ‘It’s seven in the morning, Izzy.’

‘I couldn’t sleep.’ I set about making my own coffee.

‘Did you apply for any of the positions I forwarded to you?’ she asks as she taps away at her phone.

‘No.’ Not one of the jobs I looked at yesterday morning compared to my previous position. I realize beggars can’t be choosers, but still. I stop myself thinking that I shouldn’t be in this position, because it has me momentarily cursing Theo to hell and back again.

‘What about the nurse bank?’

‘I’m thinking about it,’ I say to appease her, splashing milk into my mug. I turn, armed with my coffee, and give her a wry smile. ‘How’s Callum? Any more puddle-induced orgasms?’ I hide my grin behind the rim of my mug as I take a sip.

‘You’re fucking hilarious.’ She gets up and swills her mug under the tap. ‘I’ve not seen nor heard from him.’

‘Disappointed?’ I ask as she slowly turns towards me, resting her weight on her hip.

‘No. I die every time I think about the other night.’ Jess grabs her bag and heads for the door. ‘What are you up to today?’ she calls over her shoulder.

There’s only one thing I have planned for today, and I’m not sure whether I’m happy or worried about it. ‘I have a date with Theo’s mother.’

She skids to a stop and looks back at me. ‘Bonding?’

‘I don’t know.’ I shrug. When she called me yesterday, at first I thought maybe Theo had asked her to offer, if only to keep me busy for a few hours. Then I wondered if she genuinely wants to get to know me. Or bond, as Jess said. I’ve only been in the woman’s company briefly, and on few occasions, but I like her. That’s not to say I haven’t detected the tough streak she has hidden under all that Chanel.

‘Well, good luck.’ Jess interrupts my thoughts and carries on her way. ‘I get off at six. I’ll call you.’ The door slams and I look around the quiet kitchen, cursing myself for not taking Theo up on his offer to stay with him last night. Because right now, instead of standing lonely in my empty apartment, I’d be snuggled into his side, warm and content.

As I make my way to the bathroom to shower, my phone rings, and Theo’s name on the screen chases away my discontent. ‘It’s like you know when I’m thinking about you,’ I answer, flipping the shower on.

‘I do. It’s all the time, right?’ His voice is the answer to all my woes, and I smile as I strip down.

‘Right. Where are you?’

‘In my office. Bored. Wishing you were here. Do you miss me?’

I roll my eyes, but I can’t lie. ‘Yes.’

‘Should have stayed last night,’ he grumbles. ‘And the night before.’

‘I can’t stay at your place every night.’


I dump my pyjamas in the laundry basket and pull the clip from my hair. ‘Because I have my own place to stay at.’

‘That’s not a reason. Tonight, you’re staying here.’

‘What if I don’t want to?’

‘You do.’ I can hear the smile in his voice, and I laugh a little at his sureness.

‘I have to go. I have things to do before I meet your mother.’

‘Oh yeah. Sorry about that.’ His apology tells me that this wasn’t Theo’s idea. I don’t know if that makes me feel better or not. ‘She’s excited. I’ve never had a girlfriend before.’

Jodi Ellen Malpas's Books