Gentleman Sinner(56)

I force my breathing to calm and start pacing back towards the door from which I came, but my steps slow as I register through my anxiety that Penny’s face is glowing. She’s . . . happy? Enjoying herself? She doesn’t look like she’s here under duress. And then I remember her words when I was tending to her, when I told her she was at Theo’s.

Then I’m safe.

I rip my eyes away from her as she bends at the waist, thrusting her arse into a guy’s face, though he remains in his seat, just watching. He doesn’t touch her. Doesn’t even try. I look around, seeing most of the people at the tables around the stage are men, though there are a few women, too, all impeccably dressed. It’s a stark contrast to what I’ve experienced. Some of the crowd are watching Penny and her friend intently, but some are chatting and drinking. There’s no heckling, no men throwing themselves on to the stage. I see a well-appointed bar with sharp bartenders, as well as suited waiters delivering drinks on trays. My shaky being starts to settle a little, and I don’t know why. Everything in here is a trigger to me.

I wander past the bar in a bit of a daze, trying to take it all in. It’s bustling, the music loud but not ear-piercing or uncomfortable. People can talk easily without the need to shout.

My pace slows when I catch a glimpse of Theo across the room, and any last scrap of anxiety is chased away at the sight of him. He’s seated in a booth that’s cordoned off with gold posts linked together by thick crimson ropes. He’s reclined, a glass in his grasp, but his face is tight, the lines of his handsome features sharp as he talks to a man sitting opposite him. He nods once and stands, offering the guy his hand. They shake and Theo leaves the area, drink in hand. His casual dress is perfectly sexy, just a simple navy shirt open at the collar and tucked into a pair of jeans that fit his long legs too well. I press my lips together, as well as my thighs, an untimely hot flush getting the better of me. As he strides towards the bar, everyone moves from his path, some nodding in respect. It is literally like the parting of the waves. I’m completely rapt.

And I just remain where I am, my shock at discovering this place being replaced by something that’s dominated me since the moment I met Theo Kane. Wonder. Appreciation. I’m spellbound.

‘Can I help you?’ a voice hits me from the side, and I find a waiter giving me the once-over with confused eyes.

‘Um . . .’ I follow his stare down to my bare feet and wince. ‘No, thank you.’

‘Are you a member?’ he asks.

‘Not exactly.’ I laugh nervously.

‘Oh.’ He smiles. ‘Dressing rooms are in the far right-hand corner of the club.’ He points and I look, seeing Penny disappear through a door. Oh, Jesus.

‘I’m not a stripper.’ I swallow and search out Theo, pointing to him. ‘I’m with him.’

‘You’re with Mr Kane?’ the waiter questions dubiously.

My hand comes to my hair and starts to smooth it over as I nod. ‘Yes.’

‘Right.’ He looks doubtful as he decides what to do with me, scanning the club for I don’t know what.

‘She’s with Theo.’ A woman speaks up, pulling my attention to a nearby table. She smiles at me, sliding out of the booth with a few files in her hands. She’s mature, maybe sixty or so, and very well dressed, sophisticated in a black trouser suit, her blonde hair short with choppy layers. Her blood-red lips frame perfect teeth as she holds her smile, approaching me.

‘Yes, madam.’ The waiter falls into gracious acceptance as he backs away.

‘Get me my usual, Simon, please,’ she says. ‘For you, Izzy?’

My hand comes to my chest. I feel highly underdressed in the company of this strange, perfectly groomed woman. How does she know my name? ‘I’m fine, thank you.’

‘I insist.’ She looks to the waiter. ‘Something light. Maybe white.’

He nods and leaves us, and the woman holds a hand out to me. I look down at her perfectly manicured fingertips, the colour of her polish matching her lips, and she gives me a knowing smile when I return my gaze to hers. She comes closer, gently taking my arm. ‘Come have a seat with me.’ Leading me towards the booth, she gestures for me to sit, which I do, completely non-plussed. She’s still smiling as she takes a seat opposite and places her files down.

‘How do you know my name?’ I ask, unable to stop myself from scanning the club, looking for Theo.

She offers me her hand across the table, and I eye it suspiciously for a few moments before accepting. ‘I’m Judy.’ She gives me a little wink. ‘Theo’s mother.’

I don’t mean to pull my hand from hers, but it happens all the same, my surprise clear. ‘Oh . . .’ I breathe, now seeing that the shade of her eyes is an exact replica of the deep spellbinding blue of Theo’s.

‘It’s a pleasure to meet the girl who has been the unexpected object of my boy’s affection.’

I blush a million shades of red, burning up before her. He’s told his mother about me? I die a little on the inside, wishing I wasn’t currently looking such a state. ‘Forgive me for my appearance,’ I say, embarrassed, as I pull at my tee. ‘I didn’t expect to find myself here.’ I blindly indicate around the room. I really didn’t expect to find myself here. And the fact I’m still actually here and not high-tailing it is a miracle.

Jodi Ellen Malpas's Books