From the Ashes (The Elder Blood Chronicles, #3)(3)

“Shade? He is my friend, or was, anyway. I will admit, when I first arrived in Sanctuary I was attracted to him. He lost my interest when he left us to rot in Rivana. I understand why he did it, but it didn’t earn him any of my respect,” Jala explained.

“Imagine your drive to fix the world combined with Shade’s desire to change things. He never could while under Myth’s thumb, but married to you as High Lord Merrodin he would have answered to no one but you. Combine that with the fact that he is a very powerful Changeling and the two of you become a force that no one wants to deal with. So they formed a soul bond with a dashing young man that had a very short life expectancy. Even before meeting you, Finn Sovaesh was courting Death daily. Understand better now?” He looked over at her with a raised eyebrow and motioned to a bench near the gardens.

Jala nodded and took a seat. “You are saying they sacrificed Finn to me to occupy my heart long enough for them to get Shade out of the picture.” She spoke hesitantly, not wanting to accept that Finn had died for something so petty.

“Essentially. Notice Shade joined the Fionaveir? So ironic eh? I promise, Lutheron didn’t factor in your trip to the Darklands, though. You are supposed to be mourning right now.” He clicked his tongue against his teeth and shook his head at her in a mock scolding. “Arrogant child, don’t you know how to properly follow plans?” he asked with a chuckle.

“I won’t be their puppet any longer,” Jala declared firmly.

“Good to hear. Now all we have to do is teach you to recognize intrigue. I am going to ask you a delicate question now. Please try not to get too upset. If your emotions rise, you will wake. How well do you trust your companions? They swore fealty so quickly to you. Did they mean their vows or are they part of the puppet show?”

“I don’t want to doubt any of them, but you are right. They did swear fealty quickly and before they truly had a chance to know me. I had wondered at that, but I thought it was for Finn. But now Finn is dead and they still stand by me. Are you saying that my friends are not truly friends?” Jala asked, her stomach clenching at the thought. She forced her emotions back to calm and let out a slow breath.

War worked his jaw from left to right as he pondered the matter. “Sovann, I believe, is genuine. He has no ties elsewhere that I’ve seen. Valor is disgraced in Arovan and because of that has no ties elsewhere. Jail… Well now, he is a tricky one. Watch him and decide for yourself. Neph, he is Delvay. I can’t believe that he is following you honestly and I highly doubt he is anyone else’s lackey. Wisp, as with Jail, I have suspicions on. Her brother is Fionaveir and her House works with them very closely. Watch her. I don’t like your new addition of Joseph Walker, either. It was rather convenient that he showed up in Sanctuary wasn’t it?”

“Valor is disgraced? Why?” Jala asked, dumbfounded by the thought.

“By his knightly order, not by his family. Suffice it to say that in recent years he has broken more than one of his knightly vows. Drunken debauchery being his most frequent sin. You latched onto that quickly enough. Care to explain why?” War asked as he plucked a flower from behind them and shifted to sit cross-legged on the bench.

“If not for his help in the Darklands, I think I would already be dead. It just doesn’t seem possible that he is disgraced, but I suppose if it is from debauchery, then I understand it. I’ve certainly witnessed enough of that in Sanctuary. I just need someone to trust right now, and Valor is all I have. Without Finn and Marrow I feel lost,” Jala explained, trying to ignore the irony of her words. Even with Valor she was lost, literally. They had been in the Darklands for close to two weeks now and still had no idea of where they needed to go.

“Don’t let it trouble you. It’s Arovan and they have changed quite a bit in their captivity. Beyond the barrier they were Warlords. Here they have become Nobles. You can get disgraced in Arovan by passing wind in the wrong room. Very prickly these days. I think it all started getting worse with the fall of Veir. Arovan apparently decided that someone needed to fill the void of the Holier-than-Thou pricks in plate mail.”

“I have a question for you,” Jala began and watched him until he met her eyes. “What do you want from me? Why are you helping me? I have a hard time believing it’s simply our Blood tie.”

His smile broadened and he nodded to her. “Well, of course I want something. Everyone does. I’ll let you in on a secret, Jala. Life is one big manipulation. From your mother telling you scary stories to get you to behave, to your husband buying flowers to sweeten your mood. It is all individuals out to get what they want from you. However, what I want from you is exactly what you want, so my advice is the only bribe I need offer. I want my namesake, Jala, I want war.”

“You are going to get that regardless. Delvay is already fighting against Rivana. Even if they weren’t, though, how could I possibly provide that for you? I have no armies,” Jala replied in a disgusted voice.

“I didn’t ask for one tomorrow, Jala. Let me tell you how it will happen if you don’t prepare soon. You can trust me on this as well. I know the forces fighting and I can see the broader picture. The Blights are going to pick off Arovan and Glis like Assassins. Nerathane and Rivana will destroy Delvay. The Blights will weaken the Firym and Faydwer enough that Morcaillo and Avanti will crush them. Then Han’shy will surrender and house Morcaillo will step forward as King or Emperor, whichever title he decides he prefers.” He plucked petals from the flower as he spoke casting each down as he listed the falling houses.

Melissa Myers's Books