Frayed (Connections, #4)(61)

I quickly pull my top back down. Ben is fast too, moving to redo the buttons I just moments ago undid. Patting my hair and taking a deep breath, I walk toward the door and unhook the chain.

With bags blocking their view, my mother and stepfather come in.

“So glad you’re finally using that lock I installed,” Jack says.

I smile. Ben must have used it last night. Honestly, I always forget.

“Oh, good, you’re already up. I thought we’d have breakfast together. You left so fast last night I didn’t get a chance to ask about your day at the beach,” my mother says.

“And, missy, how did you get home anyway? Xander told us you’d left. I was worried about you,” Jack scolds.

“Oh, Jack, a girl is allowed some secrets.” My mother winks at him.

He shrugs. “Charlotte, you know I can’t help it. I worry about her on her own.”

My mother dismisses his comment, but I know she worries about me too. “It smells like you’re already cooking breakfast,” she says.

As they move toward the kitchen I know I have to say something. “Actually Ben is making breakfast.”

“Ben?” my mother questions.

“Yes, Ben Covington. He stopped by to check on me.”

My mother’s face drops and she stands frozen just looking into the kitchen.

Jack sets his bags on the counter, grabbing my mother’s from her and doing the same. Ben moves toward them and extending his hand first to my mother, he says, “Mrs. Tyler, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Bell has told me so much about you.”

Surprise and shock seem to swamp her, but she eventually smiles and extends her hand.

Ben turns to Jack and does the same. Jack is more cordial. When he extends his hand he says, “Ben, I heard the announcement this morning. Congratulations on the acquisition of Sound Music. I hear you have some terrific ideas for how to boost the publication. I’d love to hear about them.”

“I do, sir. And I’d be happy to share them anytime.”

I can’t decide whether I want to hide underneath the sofa or jump on top of it in celebration at the effort Ben is making.

My mother clears her throat as she turns to me. Her eyes scan my flimsy attire that is not at all appropriate for visitors. “You said Ben was checking on you. What’s the matter?”

“I took her to the beach yesterday and was worried she might have gotten too much sun,” he rushes to answer.

“Oh, you’re the friend who was teaching Bell how to surf?” Jack asks.

Ben’s hands go to his pockets and he nods with a smile.

I’ve kept my mother and Jack in the loop on my “dates” with Ben. I just failed to mention his name. And now I wonder if that was worse than not telling them. I’d painted a picture of a proper suitor pursuing me, and he was one and he did pursue me. They just didn’t know the guy was Ben Covington. But they were both really happy for me that I was finally spending time with someone I liked. So why should it matter who it is?

Jack even mentioned that since I called my new suitor a friend and not my boyfriend, it must be serious. And I was planning on telling them as soon as I knew for sure Ben wanted more than just sex from me, so that should count for something. Not that I’d tell my parents that.

My mother’s eyes dart to me again. “Oh my, you are really burnt. You looked pink last night, but today it’s much worse. Did you put something on it?”

“Yes, Ben brought over some aloe,” I answer, rushing toward the bags that Jack set on the counter.

“Oh, let me,” my mother answers as I start unloading the items.

“Bell, I should run. I have some calls to make at the office,” Ben says, and I notice the use of my real name. I don’t like it.

“I didn’t realize you had to work today. It’s Saturday.” I know I’m frowning but I can’t help myself. He’s trying to ease out of an awkward situation, but I really don’t want him to go.

“With the announcement I really should head in and return a few calls,” he says. “Mr. and Mrs. Tyler, it was a pleasure to meet you.”

“Call me Jack.”

“Oh, and I’m Charlotte of course,” my mother adds, rounding the counter and making her way into the kitchen.

“What about breakfast?” I ask, hoping he’ll stay.

“I made it for you,” he says.

I stop unloading the goods from the bags that my mother has already started to put away and follow him to the door. My mother and Jack begin their own conversation and Ben points to his feet. Crap, crap, crap.

“Let me get you those books you asked to borrow before you leave.” I don’t know what else to say. Honestly I don’t care if you’re sixteen or twenty-six; getting caught by your mother with a boy in your room is just plain embarrassing.

Ben covers his mouth with his fingers in a move I’ve come to love but right now hate. I know he does it when he’s trying not to laugh. I scowl at him and he pats his pockets. I get it—don’t forget his keys and wallet. I make the walk of shame to my room as my mother and Jack act as if they don’t know what’s going on. Entering my room with a deep sigh, I gather everything. I come back with a brown-handled shopping bag, knowing my mother and stepfather must have noticed Ben didn’t have his shoes on. I hand him the bag filled with his stuff and some random romance novels I grabbed off my floor. When our hands connect he brushes his thumb across the top of mine. Electricity shoots through me and I finally smile at him.

Kim Karr's Books