Frayed (Connections, #4)(54)

“Who are you seeing?” His short, sharp tone isn’t the normal one I’m used to. This tone is laced with menace.

“Oh, there you are,” my mother says, oblivious of the scene before her.

I try to smile at her, to make everything seem all right.

Her eyes zero in on my face and I know it must be flushed with anger. “You look like you got too much sun today.”

“Yeah, I think I did—”

I’m interrupted by the sound of Xander’s voice in the microphone. “Here she is, everyone—Ivy Taylor,” he announces.

“Come on, darling, we’re going to miss it,” my mother says, reaching for my hand. I take hers and despite myself I feel guilty I haven’t told her about Ben.

We press our way over to the stage and listen to a medley of Ivy’s new songs. I close my eyes and sing along, but all the while visions of Ben kissing me, putting his hands on my body, feeling me in the most intimate places are all I can think about. I open my eyes when everyone applauds, smiling when I see the look on Xander’s face. He holds out his arm for Ivy to join him and then does something completely out of character and jumps onstage, swinging Ivy around. I look at my mother and we both have tears in our eyes. She pulls me in for a hug and her slight touch feels like pinpricks against my tender skin.

“Don’t cry, Mom.”

“I’m trying not to, but seeing him so happy makes me so happy.”

“I know, Mom. I know.”

She takes a deep breath and whispers, “It’s what I want for all of my children.”

I pull away. “I have to go check on Dino and Matt.”

She nods.

I spend what’s left of the night talking to the guests and trying to avoid both Tate and Romeo, who have approached me numerous times together and separately. My phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and read the message.

I should be there in about twenty minutes.

I text back.

I can’t wait to see you.

I can’t wait to do a lot of things.

My nerves flutter like the butterflies in my stomach, but I don’t have much time to think about them because the music begins and I know it’s time for the engagement announcement. Keeping my mouth shut has been difficult but I managed it. River starts to sing “Marry Me,” the No Doubt version, of course—Xander always said Ivy looked like Gwen Stefani. As River sings, Xander braces his arms around Ivy and they dance. My mother has tears streaming down her face and when they finish she goes to hug them.

A tinge of jealousy flares within me. River and now Xander—both of my brothers have found their happily ever after. Will I ever find mine? But I push that aside because I couldn’t be happier for my brother. Our family has been through a lot, but I think Xander has been through the most. He deserves this. I notice Jack flash a grin at them and then engulf Ivy in a huge embrace.

Dino elbows me. “Didn’t you want these?” he asks.

“Yes, oh yes.” For the first time as I thank Dino I think Ben might be right—he’s interested in me. I’m flattered, but it’s almost laughable, as he’s so young.

I wave my hands toward River and he crosses the room to grab the champagne.

“You’re on fire,” he comments.

I laugh. “I’m prepared.”

“No, for real. You’re so red. Are you okay?”

I jab the bottle at him. “I’m fine. Let’s get a move on.”

Dahlia is at his side, snapping pictures, and I trail behind with the tray of champagne flutes.

“Pssttt,” I say to her.

She looks over her shoulder.

“Happy anniversary.”

She smiles. “Thank you.”

We all circle around Xander and Ivy, and River tugs on the cork and it goes flying. I jump, startled by the noise. Laughter fills the room when he spills a little on the floor and flashes a grin. “I always say I’m not much of a bartender.”

Xander whispers something to him that I can’t hear. River nods and then the two embrace, pulling me in as well. Now tears well in my eyes. I love them so much.

River turns back to the crowd and hoists a glass high for a toast. “To Ivy and Xander. To true love.”

We all clink our glasses and my tears of joy spill over.

I make a toast next. “To Ivy and Xander—if I ever doubted fate you’ve changed that for me. Because of you I believe in fairy tales, butterflies, and destiny.”

Everyone looks at me questioningly. I shrug with a smile and they all let it go and start sipping their champagne.

When everyone starts to converse, I whisper in Ivy’s ear, “I have to leave, but I’ll be calling you to plan the wedding.” And with that my heels click the floor as I dash as fast as I can toward the door.


Navigate Me


The road between Laguna Beach and LA is once again becoming very familiar territory to me. In my BMW X-5, I head toward the City of Angels. I have a thing for BMWs—always have. I remember my father driving the oldest, ugliest orange BMW when I was a kid. They’re some of the clearest memories I have of him. I’d be sitting in the backseat on the perforated black leather and watching as my father jammed his foot up and down when he tried to unstick the clutch or when he’d pound his fist against the stick next to him because he couldn’t get the gears to shift. We’d almost always roll out of the driveway backward and my dad would yell words my mother would scold him for. I didn’t understand why either of them seemed upset when to me it was nothing but fun. I’d sit in the backseat and laugh at them both.

Kim Karr's Books