Frayed (Connections, #4)(53)

“Nothing. Nothing at all,” we both say in unison.

My phone dings and I quickly pull it out of the pocket of my little romper. Finally . . . Ben. Why is seeing him in such a short time making me so nervous? It’s not as if we haven’t sleep together before. I read his text.

Did I tell you how much I enjoyed the noises you made in the parking lot earlier?

A slight rosy color blooms on my cheeks—I can feel it. My body already feels ten degrees hotter than it should, and his message only intensifies the heat.

“Who’s that? A guy? Maybe a boyfriend?” Ivy teases.

Xander snorts. “You don’t know Bell well enough yet—she always has a boyfriend.”

I try not to let his quip jab me in the heart, but it does. Yes, I always had a boyfriend, but they were never really boyfriends, not that he’d understand that. I’ve always had this overwhelming need to make men happy. It’s deep-rooted, my therapist said—stems from feeling that I couldn’t make my father happy so I was trying to make up for that. But I’ve worked through those issues now.

I redirect my attention to my brother and put my hands on my hips. “I’ll have you know, brother of mine, I have not had a boyfriend since Tate almost a year ago.”

Xander raises his arms in surrender. “Wow, calm down. I didn’t know. But I’m just teasing you.”

I roll my eyes at him and quickly text Ben back.

Did I tell you I make those sounds when I eat my favorite foods?

I slide my phone back into my pocket and watch Xander slip a stuffed mushroom in Ivy’s mouth.

“Um . . . these are so good,” she says, and I want to gag. Fungus with bread crumbs is definitely not something I had selected for the menu tonight. I wonder what else got messed up.

“Hey, little sis, aren’t those your favorite?” he asks, pointing to a silver tray with scallops wrapped in bacon.

“Very funny.”

“Why don’t you try one of them for old times?” Xander asks.

“No, thank you,” I say almost menacingly.

“I dare you,” he challenges.

My gaze flits over him in an assessing manner. In our family we never shut down a dare. So I reach for the appetizer. I squish my nose in disgust and pop it into my mouth, swallowing it without even chewing. Then I cover my mouth to stop from gagging.

“Happy?” I wave my hands in the air at me.

“What? Are you going to throw up?” Xander asks, now with concern in his voice.

I cover my lips again, not really sure if I’m going to, and decide I’d better hurry to the bathroom just in case. “I just remembered. I forgot the Bellinis. I’ll be back.”

I make it into the bathroom and I’m fine by then. There’s a chair in the corner and I take a seat, pulling out my phone to see if Ben responded. He did.

Do you forget, I’ve heard the sounds you make when you’ve eaten and they are nothing like what I heard today. Just admit it, you want me.

I smile hugely and my cheeks prickle when I do. Quickly I text him back.

That’s a fact I’ve never denied. You just never asked.

I was being respectful of your “guidelines.” But tell me now, “Do you want me?”

I’ve always wanted you.

Fuck me.

That’s the plan.

My stomach flutters and I’m feeling pretty proud of myself for my wit. I shove my phone in my pocket and stop to look in the mirror. When I do I’m a little shocked by how red my skin is. I splash some cool water over my face, but my discomfort level is starting to rise. A dab of powder takes away the shine and dulls the color.

A few hours later, I’m tired but happy watching everyone enjoying themselves. I’m also feeling eager for it to end.

“Perk up,” Tate whispers in my ear.

The hand he places on my waist starts drifting down to my rear. I jump and turn around with a glare that should remind him where things stand between us. The dilation of his pupils tells me he’s had way too much to drink.

He lifts his glass. “You know how to throw a great party.”

“Thank you,” I say curtly.

He frowns at me. “You don’t look happy.”

I step back. “I am . . . about the party.”

I glance around, trying to avoid his scrutinizing stare. Romeo is dancing extremely close with some woman. Their bodies are rubbing against each other in a way that screams we’re having sex tonight—I’m not sure whether it’s his fiancée, because I’ve never met her, even though this woman does look familiar to me.

Jagger and Aerie are dancing in the same way, but the sight of them together makes me smile. And River is kissing Dahlia while Garrett stands next to them as if waiting for him to finish. Garrett really needs a girlfriend of his own. I thought he was into Ena, Xander’s assistant, but it seems she’s with Leif. I can’t keep up.

“You’re extremely moody,” Tate says.

“Me?” I say, trying not to sound as offended as I am. My grin fades. “I’m not the moody one,” I say in a bold tone I haven’t displayed in a while.

He clams up.

“I have a few things to take care of.”

He grabs my arm before I can walk away. “Dance with me.”

“No, thank you.”

Kim Karr's Books