Frayed (Connections, #4)(42)

I do, but they’re on my laptop, which is at my desk.

“I’m not in a hurry,” he says, taking a seat next to me.

With my purse in hand I again leave the room, but this time I make a stop in the restroom. I grab my phone from my bag quickly and read Ben’s text.

I’ll be by to pick you up at 7. And if you even think of saying no, I’ll still come by to swing you over my shoulder and carry you to dinner. I might even have to spank you.

Oh my God, Romeo read that! The air flies out of my lungs, but it’s not from embarrassment. A sudden burst of excitement hums through me as I read his text again. I have no idea what I’m doing anymore. I don’t know where the lines are. I entered into this determined to push him away, but all I’ve seemed to do is pull him closer. And that makes me happy, really happy.

The rest of the morning moves at a snail’s pace. Romeo and I listen to the available bands, review the other finer details, discuss songs, and the cake—ultimately he leaves the decision making up to me. It’s as if I’m planning my own wedding.

Toward the end of our meeting, Josie pokes her head in the door to get my attention.

“Your brother’s here to take you to lunch. Do you want me to tell him to wait?”

“No, that won’t be necessary,” Romeo says. “We’re finished here. I think I’ve taken enough of Bell’s time.”

We leave the break room together. I gather what I can and he kindly takes the rest. My brother is sitting on the other side of the showroom in one of the chairs at the table set for two looking down at his phone with a smirk on his face that tells me he must be texting Dahlia.

I plop my stuff on my desk and Romeo does the same. Tate’s still in his office with his door closed—I can only imagine what storm is brewing. I look up at Romeo and extend my hand. “I’ll be in touch as soon as I hear back from the bands.”

He eyes dance with amusement as he leans in a little too close and then shakes my hand. “Sounds like a plan.”

I look over my shoulder in time to catch my brother’s assessing eyes. He gets up and strides in our direction.

“Hey, I was hoping you have time for lunch.” River grins at me.

“Sure. I’d love to.” I smile back at him.

“We were just saying good–bye.” Romeo turns on his heels, but he stops. “Son of a bitch. You’re River Wilde, aren’t you?”

River nods.

“We spend all morning looking for bands and you neglected to tell me who your brother is?” Romeo says to me.

River’s look turns questioning. “What am I missing?”

“Bell has been trying to find a band for my wedding on really short notice and I never put two and two together.”

“Romeo, my brother isn’t in a band anymore,” I hiss in his direction.

“Such a small world. I went to high school with your wife,” Romeo says to River, ignoring me.

Oh my God, he’s going to tell River about Ben. My body tightens and suddenly the room seems to be shrinking.

River grabs my hand. “Hey, Bell, are you okay?”

I blink up. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.”

“You look really pale.”

“Honestly, I haven’t eaten yet today.”

River shakes his head at me. “Come on, let’s get you fed.”

He extends his hand to Romeo. “Nice to meet you, man. Good luck with your wedding.”

Romeo nods and River puts his arm around me, knuckling my side. “You need to take better care of yourself.” And when we get outside he turns to me and asks, “Who was that *?”

“He’s a client and the governor’s son.”

“Well, I didn’t like the way he was looking at you.”

I sigh, just thankful Romeo didn’t let Ben’s name roll off his tongue.

I’m distracted all through lunch with my brother and when I finally get back to my desk, I plop down exhausted. As I browse through my e-mails, my mind wanders to Ben and the reality of the situation. He will never be welcome in my family—there’s too much baggage there, not just Dahlia but with me. So what the hell am I doing with him? Why can’t I just break it off? It’s time to find a way to let him go.


Kinks Shirt


Life has a way of sneaking up on you. I’ve been content focusing on my career ever since I started Plan B. It keeps me busy and keeps my mind on what’s important and off the things that aren’t. But this week I’ve had a hard time concentrating. My mind keeps wandering to her. I know we can’t keep going on like this. We can’t keep walking the line between friends and more, because if we do the both of us will explode.

Walking to her apartment building, I spot her immediately. She looks like a burst of sunshine on a cloudy day. She’s sitting at one of the tables in her courtyard waiting for me, and when she stands to open the gate I quickly reach around and open it first just to be closer to her faster.

She rolls her eyes at me and says, “Such a rebel.”

I shrug. “Takes one to know one.”

She laughs. “Touché.”

“You look f*cking fantastic,” I say, purposefully dragging my eyes up and down her body.

Kim Karr's Books