Flirting with Forever: A Hot Romantic Comedy(64)

This was starting to make slightly more sense. At least I knew who they were. Nora talked a lot about Everly, Hazel, and Sophie, although I had yet to meet them.

But what were their husbands doing here?

“It’s come to our attention that you’re in a relationship with Nora,” Shepherd said. His low voice was almost monotone but there was an undercurrent of threat.

“Can you tell me something?” Corban asked.

A flicker of annoyance flashed across Shepherd’s face.

Corban didn’t wait for me to answer. “How did you get through Nora’s defenses? I always knew Shep was locked up tighter than Fort Knox, but Nora has such an elaborate system of emotional protection. I’m fascinated to know how you got through it.”

“Did he?” Cox asked.

Corban pushed his glasses up his nose. “What do you mean?”

“Did he get through all that emotional protection or is he still on the outside?”

“He must have. This is Nora we’re talking about.”

“Fair point.”

They all nodded in agreement.

Strangely, I understood what Corban was getting at. “She tried to keep me out but I guess I was keeping her out, too. Although I don’t know why any of this is your business.”

“She’s just such an interesting case of avoidant attachment,” Corban said. “You see that more often in men than in women. And Nora really has her own spin on it.”

Shepherd held up a hand. “Okay, Nash.”

“Yeah, careful,” Cox said. “Once Corban gets going on a topic, he’ll tell you everything you never wanted to know. Don’t ask him about lobsters.”

“Lobsters?” I asked.

“Or penguins.” Cox grinned again.

“The animal world has a lot to teach us about human behavior,” Corban said, as if that were the most obvious thing in the world.

“Focus,” Shepherd said. “Here’s what you need to know. Nora is one of the most important people in my wife’s life. That makes her one of the most important people in my life. And I will not tolerate anyone hurting her.”

“Exactly,” Corban said.

Cox raised his hand again. “Same, here.”

I eyed them like they were all crazy. “You guys are kidding, right? This is a joke.”

“Nope,” Corban said. “Don’t worry, I got the same speech. You’re doing great.”

“Same, again,” Cox said, looking more amused than ever. He turned to Corban. “You’re right, it is fun being on the other end of it.”

“I told you.”

“You really came down here to tell me not to hurt Nora?”

Corban and Cox nodded.

“If you do, I’ll do everything in my power to ruin your life,” Shepherd said.

The emotionless way he delivered that line sent a chill down my spine.

“This is crazy. You realize that, right? You’re like a bunch of overprotective brothers.”

“I had a feeling you’d catch on,” Cox said. “And don’t be fooled. Shepherd isn’t kidding. He really will destroy your life. So my advice? Don’t hurt Nora.”

I kind of wanted to be offended at this display. They didn’t know me. They didn’t know how I felt about Nora or how she felt about me. Who did these guys think they were?

Then it hit me. They were her family.

All too often, I took mine for granted. My parents, who were still happily married. My siblings with their own crazy families, and continued insistence on being involved—sometimes too much—in each other’s lives.

Nora didn’t have that. She probably never had.

So she’d created it.

She’d told me plainly that she loved her friends more than anything. And faced with their husbands, who clearly cared about her deeply, I realized I was finally getting a window into another part of her life. Her family.

“You guys don’t have to worry. I care about her. A lot. She’s the one who balked when I said the word relationship. But we figured it out.”

“I like him,” Cox said, his amused grin never leaving his face. “When he first came out, I thought we must have the wrong guy. But I get it.”

“You liking him has nothing to do with it,” Shepherd said.

“No, it does. He looks a little intimidating with all the tattoos and whatnot.” Cox turned back to me. “And I certainly wouldn’t have picked you out of a lineup for our Nora. She has pretty specific taste. But I’d say that makes you more likely to be right for her. The last thing she needs is another suit who just wants her for the temporary arm candy.”

“That’s a good point,” Corban said. “Trust me, the fact that we’re here is a significant development.”

That was interesting. “You guys don’t show up to threaten every guy she dates?”

“We don’t show up to threaten any of them,” Cox said. “Apparently you’re special.”

“The responsibility is yours,” Shepherd said. “If she gets hurt, I’m blaming you.”

I smiled again. “That sounds like a challenge.”

“It’s a threat.”

“Okay, I get it. Like I said, you have nothing to worry about.”

Claire Kingsley's Books