Flirting with Forever: A Hot Romantic Comedy(59)

My breath caught and my throat felt like it was closed tight. Panic made my stomach clench and my eyes darted around the room, as if I needed to find an escape route.

“Dex, I think I might have let things go too far.”


“I’m sure it’s my fault. I thought I made my boundaries clear but obviously our friendship and our sexual relationship blurred together. I shouldn’t have let that happen.”

“So that’s it? You just wanted my dick but the rest of it was bullshit?”

“I told you I wasn’t looking for a relationship. And you weren’t supposed to be, either.”

He stood and swiped up our empty wine glasses. “Yeah, well a relationship happened, honey. Sorry to disappoint you.”

I got up and put my hands on my hips as he stomped into the kitchen. “I’ve never been anything but honest with you.”

“You’re right. Get in, get fucked, get out.”

“And you clearly hated every minute of it.” I followed him into the kitchen. “I don’t remember you complaining every time you came inside me. Or down my throat. Or wherever else you wanted to put it.”

“You told me to come on your ass. I thought you liked it.”

“I did like it,” I yelled. “That’s not the point!”

We stared at each other for a long moment. His brow was furrowed with anger, his eyes stormy.

Anger, I could take. But the hurt lurking behind it was going to break me.

I’d never wanted to hurt him.

“Dex, I—”

“Forget it. I shouldn’t have brought it up. You’re right, you made it very clear what this was and I was more than happy to go along with it.”

I didn’t know what else to say. I wanted to fix this but I couldn’t give him what I didn’t have.

And I didn’t have it in me to be what he wanted.

“I’m sorry.”

He nodded but wouldn’t meet my eyes. “Me too. I’m not really hungry so I’ll have the guy bring the food over to your place if you want.”

“I’m not hungry either.”

He didn’t say another word. Just walked away. I stood still, as if I’d been frozen to the spot, listening to his footsteps on the stairs.

I squeezed my eyes shut to stop the onslaught of tears. I was not a crier, especially over a man. Not anymore.

Straightening my spine, I shoved all the hurt down—both what I felt and what I’d caused—and went home.

I paced around my house, unable to keep still. My heart beat too fast and the mild sick feeling in my stomach persisted. Why was I such a mess? I hadn’t been this unhinged since…

Since a long time ago.

I grabbed my phone but a knock on the door made me fumble it and I let it drop to the ground.

“Fuck me running,” I muttered, leaving my phone where it was to answer the door.

“Hi.” The guy on my doorstep held up a brown bag. “I have your order. The guy next door said it was for you. It’s already paid for.”

The last thing I wanted was the Thai food we should have been eating together. Damn it, Dex. We should have had a nice meal and a good fuck. What would have been so terrible about that?

“Thanks, but I actually don’t want it. Why don’t you take it?”

His eyes brightened. “Really?”

“Yeah, go ahead.”

“I’m going to bring this to Jen.”

I didn’t know who Jen was but it looked like she was getting my dinner. And by the look on the delivery guy’s face, probably my orgasm.

Damn it, Dex.

“Have a good night.” I shut the door and went back to pick up my phone.

This called for reinforcements, although the way my night was going, my friends were probably all having hot sex with their husbands. Still, I sent a group text.

Me: I have a problem. Are you all busy?

Hazel: What’s wrong?

Everly: Are you okay?

Sophie: I’m here!

Me: You know how I’ve been having wild and strings-free sex with Dex? He wants to add strings.

Sophie: Is that bad? Sorry, I don’t know why that would be bad.

Hazel: Nora doesn’t engage in long-term, committed relationships.

Everly: She doesn’t like strings.

Me: No, I don’t. And I was perfectly clear about that.

Everly: Can you blame him, though? Of course he’d fall for you.

Me: Men do not fall for me. They enjoy our time together and move on.

Hazel: It would appear Dex isn’t most men.

That was certainly true. He wasn’t most men. That was his charm. He was rough but soft, strong but gentle, with the heart of an artist in the body of a mountain man.

Everly: What happened, exactly? Is he upset?

Me: He said he wanted more. But obviously I can’t do that.

Everly: What if you could, though?

That same sense of panic flowed through me again. Maybe panic was too strong a word. I wasn’t about to go running out the door screaming in terror. But it was fear, just the same. A quiet fear. One I’d harbored for a long time.

The fear of being vulnerable again.

Me: I’m scared.

Hazel: Admitting that is very brave.

Claire Kingsley's Books