Flirting with Forever: A Hot Romantic Comedy(52)

“I wasn’t sleeping with them either.”


Wait, was she winning this discussion? I had an unnatural urge to be right about this. “My relationship with Dex and Riley, as friends, is different from my fling with Dex. They’re separate things.”


I could tell by her tone she didn’t believe me.

“I mean it. Yes, I spend time with him, and with his daughter. I like them. And yes, I’m sleeping with him, as often as possible, thank you very much. And fine, even if you want to classify some of our outings as dates, which they’re not, that doesn’t mean it’s serious.”

She tilted her head and there was a hint of sympathy in her eyes. “Would it be so terrible if it was, though?”

I took a sip of my martini to avoid having to answer right away.

Would it be so terrible?

Although that wasn’t really the issue. Serious relationships weren’t usually terrible in the beginning. It was where, and how, they ended that was the problem.

“You know that’s not what I’m looking for. I like my life the way it is. And this arrangement is perfect.”

“I don’t mean to pick on you. I just want you to be happy.”

“Darling, I am happy. Life is good.”

She lifted her glass of iced tea and I clinked it with mine. “To living a good life.”


I was happy with the way things were. It was fun to spend time with Dex and Riley. As for the sex, it was incredible. The man was ridiculous. I liked having a steady source of orgasms right next door. We were both willing adults, there was nothing wrong with that. He didn’t want a serious relationship any more than I did. It was part of what made him so perfect for me.

For now. Always for now. I couldn’t risk anything else.

I finished my dinner, trying not to think about how complicated this could get when “for now” inevitably ended. Because it always did.

But Dex didn’t seem like the type to get too attached. He’d practically said so. He was too focused on his daughter. I was just a pleasant—and convenient—distraction, which was all I wanted to be.

The arrangement suited us both.

So I pushed aside the unsettled feeling that tried to disrupt my contentment. It wasn’t something I needed to worry about.



I put my book down and pinched the bridge of my nose below my glasses. Insomnia had been messing me up lately. It would take me a couple of hours to fall asleep at night, which wouldn’t have been too bad. But that had been coupled with an inability to sleep past three or four in the morning. I wasn’t getting enough sleep and it was catching up with me.

I’d finished up with my clients early, and since it was a Saturday, I’d come home instead of staying to do admin stuff. It would all be there next time I went in. Fortunately, the shop was humming along. I had a great crew and business was steady. Lots to be grateful for there.

I glanced out the window. Riley had gone next door to see Nora about an hour ago. My mom was coming to pick her up for a sleepover, so I’d need to go get her if she didn’t come home soon. Her moods had been up and down, as usual. Some days she seemed fine. Others, not so much. The emotional whiplash was getting old but I did my best to roll with it. I knew she wasn’t trying to be a pain in my ass. She just had a lot going on in that head of hers.

Although I did wish she’d talk to me about it.

That was probably what she was doing next door. And to be fair, she usually came home from her visits with Nora in a much better mood. I needed to remember to thank her.

Okay, in a way I did thank her. Hard and often.

Taking off my glasses, I blew out a breath, then set them on the side table. Sleeping with Nora hadn’t been the plan, but once it had happened, the inevitability of it had seemed pretty obvious. There had been heat between us from the beginning and we’d finally given in.

Over. And over. And over.

Still, it was fine. Simple. We took opportunities when they arose—namely, when Riley wasn’t around. Once in a while, we made an opportunity. Like early this morning when I’d crept next door while Ry was still asleep.

All the sneaking around was hot, I couldn’t deny that. Get to a bedroom, tear our clothes off, fuck like animals, get dressed and go about our business. Easy.

The what comes next question lingered in the back of my mind. I got up and pushed it aside because frankly, I didn’t have an answer. And I didn’t want to worry about it. Nora was amazing, her body was incredible, and the sex was fantastic. What more could a guy want?

A lot, but I pushed that aside too. Why make it complicated?

I went outside to find Riley so she could pack her bag for a night at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. She and Nora were sitting on her front porch with what looked like iced tea.

“Hi, Dad.” Riley smiled.

Definitely an improvement. “Hey, kiddo. Grandma will be here soon.”

“Okay. I’ll go get my stuff.” She stood. “Thanks, Nora. I’ll see you later.”

“Bye, sweetie.”

Riley ran across the yard and went inside.

“Is she okay?” I asked.

“She seems to be. I don’t think she’ll mind me telling you that she still hates PE and she’s very excited for school to be out for the summer.”

Claire Kingsley's Books