Flirting with Forever: A Hot Romantic Comedy(48)



I’d lost my damn mind.

On the one hand, I felt fucking amazing. A bit dazed from coming so hard but my brain and body were swimming in a post-sex haze of awesomeness.

On the other hand, I’d just fucked Nora behind my kid’s school gym.

It had been a long time since I’d done anything like that. Hell, it had been a long time since I’d had sex, let alone dangerous sex with a woman who was so hot I could hardly stand it.

Something about holding her close on the dance floor had made me lose it. I’d been holding myself back, trying to deny how much I wanted her for so long. And I’d snapped.

Now she stood next to me, sipping her water, looking for all the world like I hadn’t just rocked her world outside. I wasn’t fooled. I’d seen it in her eyes. I’d made her come twice—because hell yeah, I had—and she was impressed.

I just hoped Riley hadn’t noticed us sneak out the back door. That could lead to some awkward questions.

“Hey, Dex?”

I turned to Katie’s mom, Kristin, and gave her a friendly smile—and tried to get my brain to focus on dad stuff. “Hey.”

“The girls are ready to go.”

“Sounds good. Thanks for having her.”

“Of course. I’ll try to make sure they go to bed at some point.”

“Good luck. I’ll text you tomorrow when I’m on my way to pick her up.”

We said goodbye and I wondered if I was doing the right thing. Was Nora right and Katie wasn’t the nice girl she appeared to be?

Riley came over and I grabbed her for a hug before she could leave without one. She hugged Nora, too, and thanked her for coming.

I watched while the two giggling girls trailed Katie’s mom and left.

“I hope she’ll be okay,” I said, my chest clenching with worry.

Nora touched my arm. “I bet she’ll have a great time.”

“I guess we can get out of here. Unless you want to make a song request.”

She laughed. “I’m ready when you are.”

I thought about taking her hand as we headed for the door, but she wasn’t walking with her arm against mine. Was it my imagination, or was she keeping distance between us?

Maybe she just didn’t want anyone to suspect what we’d done. I had to give it to her, she was cool as a cucumber about it. I could tell the difference but she didn’t have a distinctive I just had sex look about her.

I probably did.

We went out to my car and left. I couldn’t stop thinking about the way she’d tasted, the way she’d felt wrapped around me. I wanted her again but it wasn’t the fire of lust that needed to be sated right this second. I wasn’t about to pull over and hope she’d be into fucking in the car.

I wanted her in my bed, her hair fanned out over my sheets. I wanted to undress her slowly so I could savor her body. Kiss her soft skin and fuck her slowly. I’d come so fast behind the gym, it was almost embarrassing.

Although I was just happy I hadn’t come in my pants when I’d had my fingers inside her. I’d been close.

I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye. She had her elbow resting on the window, her hand in her hair. Her long legs were crossed at the ankles, her body language relaxed and casual. She looked so breezy and free. Content.

I loved that I’d done that to her.

But I still wanted more.

I pulled into my driveway and turned off the engine but hesitated before opening the door. “Will you come in?”

Her lips parted, a flash of surprise passing across her features.

Maybe she needed more convincing.

I slid my hand through her hair and pulled her to me, taking her mouth with mine. I kissed her hard and deep, all traces of gentleness gone.

“Come in,” I said, my voice rough. “I’m not done with you.”

A smile played on her lips. “All right, Dex. I’ll come in.”

I got out and walked her to the door, already on fire for her. She brushed past me, into the house, letting her hand trail across my erection.

She thought she was in control. She had no idea what was coming for her.

I slammed the door behind me and unceremoniously picked her up over my shoulder. She squealed and laughed as I hauled her upstairs. We lost one—or maybe both—of her shoes along the way. I ignored them. One less thing for me to take off.

“Dex, what are you doing?”

I dropped her on my bed and stood over her while she rolled to her back and held herself up on her elbows. “Still yes?”

She bit her bottom lip and nodded.

Reaching behind me, I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it aside. Her dress was already hiked up her thighs, revealing all that silky smooth skin. I didn’t bother taking off my pants yet. I needed to touch her and we had plenty of time.

I started at her ankles and kissed my way up her legs. She tipped them open and I ran my mouth up her inner thigh, kissing and biting as I went. It was tempting to stop at her center and lick her into a frenzy—she tasted amazing—but I kept moving up. I unfastened her belt and took off her dress, leaving her in nothing but her bra and panties.

My hands roamed over her body, touching and caressing. She unhooked her bra and I pulled it off with glee, finally getting access to her glorious tits. They were full and round, her nipples darkening with her arousal.

Claire Kingsley's Books