Flawless Surrender (The Surrender Trilogy, #2)(42)

“She’s right, Professor. Walt and Minnie wouldn’t want you to keep running,” Tanner said, surprising them both. He looked up at their shocked faces, “What? I don’t always agree with her, but this time she’s absolutely correct. You’ve taken on a mountain of guilt you never had a right to own. It’s not fair to you, it’s not fair to the White’s, and it isn’t fair to Ben’s memory.”

Zoey wanted to throw her arms around Tanner and kiss him for his words. They seemed to bring an entirely new light into Dalton’s eyes and his shoulders lifted again.

“Thanks for that,” Dalton gave Tanner a half smile, and the silence resumed in the truck leaving them all to their own thoughts.

By the time they arrived, Zoey was determined to find a way to bring Dalton and the White’s together. Her heart told her that Dalton had seen the situation through the eyes of a child, and he misinterpreted their feelings. If she could find a way to get him to talk to them, she just knew it would help him over his fear of remaining in Stone River. And if he stayed, well, that just opened all sorts of doors that seemed locked up tight before.

Tanner exited the truck and headed down the sidewalk toward the opposite end of town without a word, leaving Zoey and Dalton.

“I need to stop in and talk to Doc, will you be alright shopping alone?” Dalton asked as he helped her out of Tanner’s pickup.

She snickered, “Uh yeah, I’ve only been doing my own grocery shopping since I was eleven. I think I can manage.”

His fingers brushed back a piece of her long dark hair that had escaped from her ponytail. “Don’t be like that. I only asked because I don’t know if I will be alright alone. I miss you when we’re apart, believe it or not.”

Zoey felt a wave of warmth wash over her, and she melted. Accepting his kiss, she watched him walk across the street and into Thomas Plass’s office. Hopefully their meeting would be a good one. Doc Plass was in his early seventies and after his wife passed away two summers ago, he had been looking for a way to retire. Dalton might be the solution he needed.

Forcing her feet to move, Zoey went into the Merc and got to shopping. By the time she made her way up to the register she had her cart laden with groceries and she was feeling exhausted. The sleepless night filled with aerobic activity had zapped all of her energy, and she was in dire need of a nap.

Hal McCrite was waiting near the register as she started to unload her cart. Ignoring the cashier, he jumped right in and started to bag things as they were checked out. “So, you’re living with all three of the Keegan boys now, huh?”

Zoey didn’t even bother to look up. “I’m still living on the Triple T. If that’s what you’re asking.”

“And all three of them live there too?” Hal continued, and Zoey gave a sharp nod. “So does that mean wedding bells might be—”

“What it means is, that you need to mind your own business, McCrite. Unless you want to lose all of the Triple T’s business.”

Zoey jumped at Tanner’s voice. The angry look on his face was clear enough, and Hal stuttered an apology quickly finding something more pressing to do. Before Zoey could offer up her debit card, Tanner had his wallet out and was paying the grocery bill. The young cashier looked up at him with a smitten glow in her eyes Zoey found particularly revolting, but she kept her mouth shut.

The moment they were back at the truck, she thanked him.

“For what?” Tanner asked, looking puzzled.

“For putting Hal in his place back there. You didn’t have to say anything, but it means a lot to me that you did.” She gave him a small smile while handing him another bag.

Tanner froze, “I would never let anyone say something shitty about you, Zoey, and that includes insinuating that you’re fu-cking around.”

“But I am, aren’t I? fu-cking around?” She tried to hold his gaze, but ultimately her eyes dropped to stare at the tiny dark hairs that were peeking above the open collar of his shirt.

“Are you? Because I thought you might really have feelings for my brothers,” Tanner said softly. His fingers came up under her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes. “Until you say differently, you are still under my protection.”

Again she experienced an oddly warm feeling from her belly to her clit as she stared up into his gold eyes. Did he know what that did to her? The fire that smoldered in his gaze answered her unspoken question, and she inhaled sharply.

Before she could say anything, he released her and resumed loading the groceries into the bed of the pickup. She watched as he carefully arranged everything cold into the two coolers they had brought specifically for transporting, and closed all of the other bags into the long silver toolbox that stretched under the back window. He was always so meticulous and careful in everything he did. It both amazed and bewildered her. The one thing he seemed unsure of was her.

A jolt of surprise shot down her spine. Tanner still wanted her. He wanted her in a very non-friend way, and it thrilled her to realize it. A plan was just beginning to form in her brain when Dalton walked up. His arms came around her, and he pressed a kiss to the crown of her head.

“All done?”

Smiling up at him she nodded, “Yep, Tanner was just helping me load it up. How about you? How did it go with Doc?”

“You are looking at Stone River’s new family physician, well, so long as I accept the job that is. Doc Plass has been having more and more trouble with his arthritis, and he has decided to move to Tallahassee, Florida, to live with his daughter and her family. Finding a new doctor to take over a small town practice is about as hard as you can imagine, so he was elated to hear that I was back.” Dalton was watching his older brother as he answered.

Lori King's Books