Fake It 'Til You Break It(27)

My forehead creases. “Why are you pushing this?”

His jaw clenches. “Don’t you get it? People saw us last night. Now they’ll assume you’re a far different girl than they know you to be,” he says, almost troubled. “That what you want?”

I squeeze my eyes shut, shaking my head. “Oh my god.”

I’m no saint, but there isn’t anyone who could claim I’m easy or slutty either. Now they just might. I shouldn’t care what others think, it’s just name calling, but this is high school, and people can get nasty quick and for less.

My eyes pop open. “This is all your fault!”

“Getting the dumbass you want to notice you is my fault?”

“He noticed me before, we’re friendly, asshole! This isn’t some Pleasantville bullshit, the girl can do the asking and I planned to soon, especially after he wanted to hang out last week.”

“Yeah, how bad did he want to, D?” He gets in my face. “Your boy couldn’t even show up, bet he didn’t respond after you told him you were home, which I’m sure you did the second you got in the door.”

He’s such a dick.

“I didn’t ask for nor do I need your help,” I growl.

He scoffs, glaring just the same. “No, you just went video vixen in front of all my friends. What, you thought I was just gonna let that happen?”

I gape at him, lifting my palms at a loss. “I don’t... why do you care?”

“I don’t, but you were only allowed on this trip because I’m here. What, I was supposed to let some punk take advantage of you and deal with the heat from your ma? Fuck no.”

My face goes slack as I eye him.

That’s what my mom told him? After telling me to basically try and steal my friend’s boyfriend? What, is Nico her new backup plan?

Such a crock of shit.

“You are so clueless it’s not even funny.”

He lifts his hands as if to say it is what it is. “Either way, you’re stuck being mine for a while.” He dips down. “Get. Over it.”

I shake my head doubtfully. “People will never believe this.”

The vein in his neck tics against his skin, and he pushes impossibly closer, so close I almost trip in the sand behind me, but with the instincts of an athlete, his arm snakes around my waist as it seems to like to do, keeping me upright.

“Yeah, and why not? You think you’re better than me or somethin’ because your future’s lookin’ brighter?” he spits.

My head wrenches back.

Future’s brighter? Nico must have dozens of colleges after him at this point in his football career.

Does he not believe in his own abilities?

“That’s not what I mean at all,” I tell him, my voice quieter than I would have liked. I lick my lips and look away.

“D.” His tone is a mild command. “Look at me.”

Slowly, I do.

His eyes are sharp and assessing. “Why?”

I hesitate a moment, but when he lowers his chin expectantly, I start. “Fine. Despite how I acted about it when you said it, you’re right. Nobody would expect I could keep the... interest of a guy like you for more than a night.”

“Guy like me,” he says.

I swear he’s trying to be angry, but I’m not finding it when I look at him, and there’s nothing but curiosity in his words.

“Yeah. Guy like you. Careless, crass, athletic and overly popular despite your bossy attitude. Let’s not forget the fact that we don’t speak.”

His features smooth some, and he gives me a quick once over. “You act like you’re a nerd.”

A laugh bubbles out of me. “No, but I’m not some sex kitten either.”

His lips smash together and it takes a second, but he releases me, moving to grab his order.

When he comes back, it’s with a coffee in each hand.

Slowly, he hands the second cup to me.

“Thanks,” I say quietly as I accept the drink.

“I think you’d be surprised to learn what’s said about you in the locker room, Demi.”

With that, he takes off, my eyes trailing his every step.

Once he’s far enough, I walk up to the small counter and hand the girl the cup.

She frowns.

“He was... I don’t know, attempting to be nice, I guess, but I’m lactose intolerant. I can pay for a new one.”

The girl blinks. “He ordered both with soy,” she says.

My shock must be evident, because the girl smirks, and pushes it toward me. “Seems the boy knows you better than you think.” She winks and goes back to her job at hand.

I turn around, finding Nico staring right at me from his place on the pier.

Does he?

“Woke up to an interesting string of texts from a freaked-out Josie this morning,” Trent tells me of my ex as he drops beside me on the bench.

“Fuck her.”

“You have, many times.” He laughs. “Pretty sure that’s only half the reason for her panic, though.”

I offer nothing.

He stays quiet a minute, too, before deciding to go for it. His tone is slightly cautious, as it should be. “Demi, Nic?”

“Don’t,” I warn right from the gate.

Meagan Brandy's Books