Fake It 'Til You Break It(24)

“Any other girl would realize if a guy doesn’t notice her on his own it’s a lost cause.”

“What do you know about having to fight for someone’s attention?” she snaps.

This time it’s me that lets out a humorless laugh.

She tries to look away, but I drop my forehead to hers to keep her facing forward, and her eyes darken, in annoyance maybe, but the pink tinting her cheeks has nothing to do with the sunburn she got today.

More and more voices fill the area, so I cut my stare down the hall. My eyes narrow, spotting Alex and Sandra walking this way, to his room, I’d bet.

He laughs at something she said and then looks up, spotting me standing here with Demi in front of me and an instant frown pulls at his brows.

Fuck, man.

He makes an excuse that gets Sandra to pause with him and they talk in place, where he can pretend he’s not fixated on us.

I look back to D.

Tension has her face drawn tight as she nibbles at her lower lip.

“You’re seriously trippin’ on him?”

She ignores me but can’t hide the dejection eating at her.

The longer I look into her eyes, the more a really dumb thought settles in low in my gut, and once it starts, there’s no stopping it.

My mind fucking races, nothing but flashes of the pretty little dancer in front of me spinning round and round and god damn.


No, no... bad idea.

Talk about the possibility of full force backfire and now knowing for sure she wants him? It’ll be worse. Harder.


Her green eyes are low and on mine, a hint of gentle concern hidden behind the unease.

What are you worried about, D?

“Nico...” She trails off, her gaze roaming across my face, noticing the question written across it.

He’s seen me with her, in her space. This can be read a lot different than what it is, not much I can do to erase that.

What choice do I have at this point, right?


Fuck, I shouldn’t.

I do it anyway.

I keep my eyes on hers, needing to witness first-hand the look in hers as I slide my hand across her stomach until I reach the loop on her little shorts. I bring her against me.

Her hip almost meets mine she’s so tall, five-eight or nine to my six three.

Shock has her eyes widening, but damn, she doesn’t fight me in the slightest.

“Acting desperate, that’s your plan to get what you want?” I question. “You’re good with gaining notice that way?”

Her mouth opens but those lips clamp closed just as quick.

“No, no, D,” I egg her on with a whisper. “Say it.”

“I was dancing, I’m a dancer, there’s nothing desperate about it. I was having a good time with my friends.”

I fight to keep my mouth shut, but the little cloud in her normally bright green eyes spurs aggravation I can’t suppress, and words I shouldn’t share fly from me. “He won’t want you if you dangle yourself like bait.”

That has her frown coming back and she lifts her hands, attempting to push me away, but all it does is make it appear as if she’s rubbing on me.

My body is a brick fucking wall against hers.

“How the hell would you know?” she hisses.

“Because he’s a punk...” Stop fucking talking, I curse myself, but it’s to no avail, and fuck if I don’t say more. “He wants what belongs to someone else. It’s all about the chase, winning over another, for an asshole like him.”

“Maybe I can be different.”

“Maybe... you can be mine.”

Words fail her and she takes in a quick breath through her nose, her brows knitting as she silently studies me.

“What?” she croaks after a second.

Slowly, I allow my fingers to slide up her bare side. When my hand twitches against her chilled skin, she pulls her lips between her teeth.

I dip my mouth close to her ear.

“Nico, what are—”

“What the fuck’s the point of this thing,” I exhale against her, my other hand tugging at the bottom of her wannabe hoodie.

Her swallow isn’t missed and I glare at the softness of her neck as she leans to the side, trying to escape my heated breaths, but all it does is tease me with more creamy, sun brushed skin.

A harsh exhale leaves her. “It’s a crop sweater for... for over my suit. Nico, what are you doing?”

I shift my feet forward, so one leg is between hers, the other blocking her left hip in. “I told you.”

My brain tells me one thing, while also transmitting another.

Shut the fuck up and walk away, but damn, don’t she feel good...

I keep going.

“Hammons wants what someone else has. You a girl worth his competition’s time and attention?”

“Stop acting like everyone wants to be you.”

“Stop acting like they don’t.”

“God! You’re so—”

“Shut up, D. Your man is still watching.” She tenses against me, her fingers involuntarily bending, making it seem as if they’re fighting to get closer.

“I bet his eyes are trailing my hand,” I tell her, allowing my palm to slide lower and this time her little nails do bite into my skin. “Waiting to see how far you’ll let me go, right here in the open, for him... and everyone else to witness.”

Meagan Brandy's Books