Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(59)

Kellan walked us down the hallway backwards while we made out, occasionally running us into a few partygoers that didn’t move aside fast enough. He stopped beside a closed door. I didn’t know whose door it was or where it led, and as his tongue flicked along mine, I didn’t care, just so long as he opened it soon.


Missing the handle on his first attempt, Kellan had to try again. He finally got the door open on his third try and we hurried inside. He closed it blindly, flicking the light switch on afterwards. As Kellan locked the door, I briefly looked at what room we were in. My light-as-air head hoped it wasn’t Griffin’s. Luckily it wasn’t…it was the bathroom.

Frowning, I looked up at Kellan. “This is a bathroom.” He nodded, his mouth parted as he eyes locked on my lips. “Yeah, I know.”

I wanted to object or something, but his mouth came back to mine and the only sound I made was a moan of delight. Wanting him so bad I ached everywhere, I threw my hands back into his hair and pressed my body against his. Our lips were frantic as the passion within us boiled over.

Nearly overcome with desire, I growled, “You always make me feel so good…I’m going to make you feel good, too, Kellan. I want you so much.”

He nearly panted as my lips shifted to his neck. Kellan closed his eyes and let his head drop back. “Oh God…I love it when you’re like this.” Breathing heavy myself, I peeked up at him. “Like what…drunk?” I started to laugh, but his skin was calling me and instead, I drug the tip of my tongue along his throat.

He hissed in a quick inhale, then swallowed. “No,” he breathed.

“Confident…like you finally get it.”

I pulled back to look at him and he brought his head back down to stare at me. “Get what?” I whispered, licking the edge of his lip as I pressed my aching body into his clearly strained one.

His eyes fluttered for a second before he refocused on me. “That I’m yours…that you can take me…anywhere, anytime, anyway. That you own every piece of me.”


Heat and desire pooled in me. “If I own you, then I want to take you…now…here. I want to make you come,” I murmured, surprisingly myself.

As he smiled crookedly, I pushed him against the counter, grinding my hips into his and yanking his head back down to mine. I wanted him so bad that it didn’t even bother me anymore that we were in a tiny bathroom, making out in the middle of a raucous party. I moaned in his mouth, panting with need as his tongue brushed mine. His breath was equally fast as he cupped my bottom, pulling me tighter into his fully ready body.

“God…yes. I need you, Kiera,” he breathed into my mouth. “Can you feel how much I need you?” I could only whimper in response, my fingers brushing down his chest to pull feebly at the denim looped around the one button holding his jeans closed.

People knocked and banged on the door, but we ignored them and they eventually walked away, grumbling something my buzzed mind couldn’t make out under the loud music streaming in from the living room. Breaths and hearts racing, our mouths attacked each other’s.

While my numb fingers tried unsuccessfully to unfasten his jeans, his slid up my ribs, sweeping my t-shirt with it. Giving up on the button, since my drunken fingers never could unfasten them, I helped him remove my shirt over my head.

My hands came down to his shirt as the beat boomed on through the door. Within seconds his bare chest was before me and I pressed our stomachs together, relishing the similar heat. Tangling my hand back through his hair, I forced his lips back to mine. His fingers slid across my necklace, feeling the symbolic representation of him on my skin. Then they slipped into a bra cup, pinching a nipple. I cried out, the sound echoing in the tiny room.

“Uh, Kellan? You in there?”

A voice behind the door broke through our growing moans of passion, but I was far too drunk to care. I ignored the irritated person just as much as Kellan did. His mouth broke away from mine, sweeping the cup of my bra aside to lock around a nipple, his tongue swirling around 166

the rigid peak. Groaning, I held his head to me and ground my hips into his, needing to feel that wonderful hardness, that connection full of erotic promises.

“Dude, Kellan, I know you and Kiera are in there…people saw you two head that way. Open the door.”

Cursing, Kellan separated from me. I instantly went for his mouth, but he pushed me back a little and unlocked the bathroom door right next to us. Cracking it open, he scowled at the person on the other side of it.

“What, Matt?”

I laid my head on Kellan’s chest and stared blankly at Matt looking at us through the slit in the door. He didn’t look happy. “Are you about to have sex in my bathroom?”

Without missing a beat, Kellan responded with, “Yes,” and started closing the door. My hazed mind found it funny and I started laughing.

Matt stopped the door with his hand. “Kell, we only have one bathroom. I don’t want people peeing in my kitchen sink.” Sighing in irritation, Kellan opened the door wider and glared at Matt.

Matt looked down at Kellan’s bare chest, then my half naked chest, then snapped his eyes up to Kellan’s eyes. Kellan shook his head and shrugged. “Bedroom or bathroom,” was all he said.

S.C. Stephens's Books