Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(57)

As I was considering yanking him over the table so his entire body could be on mine, a particular voice broke through the chaos. “All right!

We playing spin the bottle?”

Kellan and I broke apart at the same time and glared over at the annoyance who’d distracted us. As Griffin strode up to the table, I sup-pressed a sigh. Well, I knew he was here…it was really only a matter of time before he made an appearance. Glancing behind him, I noticed my sister leaning against a wall, a familiar, satisfied expression on her face. I instantly did not want to know where they’d been hiding.

As Griffin stood beside Kellan, clapping a hand on his back, Kellan fully stood and shook his head. “No, we’re not, Griffin.” Ignoring him, Griffin reached down to the table. Finding an empty beer bottle, he laid it on its side and spun it in a circle. The table instantly started laughing at the new aspect being introduced to our game.

With everyone chuckling around us, I sat back down, blushing. I hadn’t played spin the bottle since the eighth grade, and I was pretty sure I didn’t want to ever play it with Griffin. Even my frazzled brain knew that much. The brunette beside me bit her lip as she stared at Kellan; I knew exactly where she was hoping her turn would land her. I had 159

no intention of letting her wish be fulfilled. Breech of party etiquette or not, no one was kissing Kellan tonight but me.

Griffin had an eager look on his face as he watched the brown bottle start to spin slower. As the room quieted in anticipation, I glanced over at Kellan; he was still standing in front of his seat, arms crossed over his chest as he watched Griffin with a smirk on his face. I wondered if Kellan was just as against anyone kissing me as I was about anyone kissing him.

I wondered what he’d do if the bottle stopped on me? Oh God, what would I do if the bottle stopped on me? Griffin wouldn’t let it go with a simple refusal. Even if he had to hunt me down, he’d stop at nothing to get his kiss.

Just when I was about to gather all of my slow senses together so I could make a bolt for the back door, the bottle stopped spinning and the room started laughing…hysterically. I couldn’t figure out why until I looked down at the bottle, then I started laughing hysterically too. It had finally stopped moving with the neck pointed perfectly…at Kellan.

Kellan was twisting his lips unhappily as he stared down at it, then he suddenly looked back up at Griffin who was still staring at the bottle, maybe thinking it was going to move again. Griffin looked up at Kellan when Kellan shook his head and said, “Nuh-uh.” The table laughed even harder and so did I, my eyes starting to water as I clutched my stomach.

Matt and Evan sauntered up to see what all the fuss was about while Griffin scowled, then shrugged. “Sorry, man. House rules, you play the bottle where it lies.”

Kellan shook his head again while Evan and Matt joined in the laughter bouncing off the walls in the room. “Griff, we’re not playing—” Kellan couldn’t finish his sentence. Griffin reached out and grabbed his head, pulling him in for a kiss…and not a peck. Kellan struggled for a second, then managed to break free. He took a step back with his hand raised at Griffin in warning. Several people around the table had to wipe tears of laughter out of their eyes, me included. I guess I was wrong about no one else kissing Kellan tonight.

“Dude! What the f*ck!”


As Kellan glared at Griffin, Griffin took a step back and regarded Kellan with a puzzled expression. “Huh.” Cocking his head as he looked Kellan over, he shrugged. “Yeah, I don’t get what all the fuss is about…I’ve had better.” He gestured with his hand while Kellan scowled, re-crossing his arms over his chest. “Maybe if you did this thing with your tongue…”

Evan and Matt bent over they were laughing so hard. Jenny and Kate joined them as they peeked their heads into the room. My sister was in hysterics against the wall, and even shy Rachel was quietly laughing.

The few people who had dared to take a sip of their drink, were desperately trying not to spew their drink everywhere. I really didn’t want to laugh at a man kissing my boyfriend… and then calling him bad at it, but it was too funny and I was too drunk. I laughed as hard as the rest of them, maybe harder, since I couldn’t imagine anything worse than being Frenched by Griffin.

Kellan backhanded Griffin across the chest for his comment, then let out a small chuckle and shoved his shoulder away from him. “Get the f*ck out of here, Griffin.”

With an offended look, Griffin backed away from the table.

“Whatever, man, it’s just a suggestion. Take it or leave it.” Clutching my sister’s waist, he drew her in for a deep kiss. I cringed until they pulled away. Smiling at her breathless face, Griffin smirked. “I’ll just save my skills for people that appreciate them.” Anna laughed and brought his lips back to hers while Kellan rolled his eyes.

Matt clapped Griffin on the back and they left the room with Anna and Rachel. Matt was holding his stomach he was laughing so hard. Kellan closed his eyes and slowly shook his head. Opening them, he turned to look at where I was still giggling. He smiled at my enjoyment of his situation and then shook his head at me.

Kellan glanced around the room of people all still laughing at his mis-fortune. Chuckling himself, he picked up his beer from the table and motioned with it to the now-forgotten game. “Well, needless to say…I’m done.”

S.C. Stephens's Books