Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(51)

“Besides, it is my big night.”

Summoning all of my will power, I pulled back from his mouth. “Why would you have Pete fix the door?”

He shrugged, heading back towards my lips. “I like it back here. This room holds…happy memories for me.”

Avoiding him, I raised an eyebrow. “Happy? Us screaming at each other is a happy memory for you?” I cringed at the night we’d finally blown up at each other. It had been the worst verbal fight I’d ever been in, and hoped to ever be in again.

He grinned lazily, the alcohol flowing through his veins apparent in his features. “Remember what I said about your being angry making me hot?” The tip of his finger brushed over a curl below and I hissed in a breath, yanking his hand up a smidge. He grinned wider, then exhaled softly. “I told you I loved you in this room.” His voice wistful, he shook his head. “I should have said it earlier.”

Seeing the love in his drunken haze, I smiled and released one of my hands from his arm to stroke his cheek. “Yes, you should have.” Sighing, I shook my head. “And I should have said it back.” His expression turned serious for a second and he lowered his head against mine, closing his perfectly deep eyes. “Yes, yes you should have.” Giggling, he added, “You always were stubborn as shit, though. It took you forever to admit you even had feelings for me.” Pulling back from him, I frowned as deeply as I could with his hand still down my pants. He giggled more and leaned over to kiss me.

“What? You know I’m right.” His tongue brushed against mine and I moaned. I considered letting him do whatever he wanted with me. He did get the door fixed after all…


Maybe sensing where my head was, or maybe too drunk to care, his hand slid down to cup my body. I groaned, aching with the need for him to lift a finger and touch me. He didn’t, though, just held his hand there and passionately kissed me. His breath was harder, and as my fingers reached down to tentatively touch his arousal, I could feel that it was harder too.

Wanting to scream, “Okay, okay, just take me!” I suddenly remembered the chaos we’d left in the bar. Releasing my hand from him, I pushed his shoulder back. “You have to go play, Kellan.” Narrowing my eyes, ignoring the throbbing in my body, I looked over his slightly glazed face. “Can you even do that?”

Laughing, he nodded. “There’s a lot I can do when I’m drunk.” He laughed again and I frowned, also remembering the earlier revelations that had been made to me by my coworkers.

“Yeah, I hear you make out with Pete’s waitresses on New Year’s Eve when you’re wasted.”

He looked at me blankly, a dopey, satisfied smile on this face, then he frowned. “What?”

Rolling my eyes, I yanked on his hand still happy and content on my privates. “Kate, you ass. You never told me you almost had sex with her…Jenny too.”

He rolled his eyes and slurred, “I never got anywhere near sex with Jenny. She said no. And Kate….doesn’t count.” I narrowed my eyes, leaning into his face. He blinked as he readjusted his vision to look at me. “What do you mean she doesn’t count?” He shrugged slowly. “Almost doesn’t count.” Grunting, I successfully yanked his hand free from my jeans. He openly pouted at me as I handed his hand back to him; he even gave me puppy dog eyes. Smiling, in spite of my objections to his comment, I shook my head. “What am I going to do with you?” 144

His smile turned lascivious as his eyes locked onto my pants. “I could think of a few things.”








his…situation…wouldn’t be too apparent to the patrons when I stormed him back out to the bar. That could be a little embarrassing for him. Then again, probably not. Kellan didn’t get embarrassed by things that would have most people mortified. He’d probably just shrug and drink another beer.

He sighed morosely while I pushed him forward. I chuckled again, realizing something. He looked back at me once we got to the door.

Frowning, he muttered, “What’s so funny?”

Smiling at the look of insolence on his face, I grinned and laughed a little more. “Well…Casanova…since you are obviously living it up on your night, guess what I get to do later?”

He grinned again, bringing his still ready body around so he could press it into mine. Unfortunately, I was still ready too, and it felt, really, really amazing when we pressed together. I started to close my eyes but opened them when he mumbled, “Me?”

Pushing him back, I raised a finger in warning. “No…” Smiling innocently, I reached behind him to open the door. “I finally get to drive the Chevelle again.”

He frowned and instantly started protesting, but I shoved his drunken ass though the door. There was no way I was letting him drive to the after party.

Just as he was back out into the hallway, adorably sputtering that he was fine and of course he could drive, he started ringing. Well, the cell phone in his front pocket started ringing, but since Kellan wasn’t used to wearing one on him, he looked around himself like he had no idea why he was making noise. He started patting his body, looking for the source of the sound. Laughing, I stopped his hands and put one of them on the slight bulge that was his cell phone.

S.C. Stephens's Books