Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(104)

Jenny frowned as she glanced at Denny. She leaned into me. Speaking quietly, like she was afraid Denny could hear her all the way across the room, she whispered, “What are you doing, Kiera?” I looked over her face, a flame of irritation starting to flicker in me. Did everyone think I was incapable of just being friends with a guy? “Well, I thought I’d start my shift, since I am a few minutes late.” I tried to continue on to the back, but Jenny grabbed my arm. “No, with him, what are you doing with him?”

I looked over at Denny. Leaning on his elbows over the table, he was looking around the bar, absorbing being back inside it. Maybe he’d missed the place? Seeing his friend back in the city, Sam started heading 290

Denny’s way. I heard his booming greeting as I twisted back to Jenny. “I ran into an old friend who is back in town. I invited him here to buy him dinner, because I’ve missed seeing him.” Carefully unfurling her fingers from my arm, I added, “Why is that a problem?” I knew why…and so did Jenny. Shaking her head, she murmured,

“He’s not just a friend, Kiera, he’s your ex, the ex you and Kellan…” She sighed and I bit my lip to hold back my comment. Yes, I knew exactly what Kellan and I had done to him. I didn’t need it spelled out.

Glancing at my promise ring, she changed what she’d been about to say.

“Does Kellan know he’s here? Are you going to…see him…while Kellan’s away?”

I tilted my head, wondering if she’d really just asked if I was going to start carrying on with two men again. Shaking my head a little more harshly than was necessary, I snapped, “No!” She flinched a little at my reaction and exhaling, I made myself relax. I looped my arm around hers and started walking us to the back.

She relaxed against me as we walked, and in a more controlled voice I told her, “Yes, I’m going to probably hang out with him a few times while he’s back in town.” She raised her eyebrows at me and I quickly added, “No, I’m not ‘seeing’ him.” I glanced down at the ring snug around my finger and smiled. “I’m Kellan’s…and that’s not going to change, but Denny is a friend, and I’m not just going to ignore that he’s here.”

We stepped into the hallway and Jenny nodded, looking contemplative. Shaking my head, I added, “I’m not going back down a road that ended…as badly as it did.” I sighed and dropped my head. “I’ve learned my lesson, Jenny. I’m not that person anymore.” She patted my back as we stopped in front of the back room. “I know, Kiera. I guess I just didn’t want to see you mess up a good thing.” She ducked down to meet my eye. “And you and Kellan are a good thing.” I smiled and nodded. As she gave me a swift hug and prepared to leave, I grabbed her elbow. “Can you…when you talk to Evan, can you not mention that Denny’s here?”


Her shoulders slumping, she gave me the exact same look Denny had earlier. “Kiera…”

I shook my head. “Kellan won’t understand. He won’t believe that nothing is going on. He will drop the tour and come home. He’ll stay by my side until I’m done with school or Denny leaves, whichever comes first.” I shook my head, slowly. “He’ll throw away everything, Jenny. His dreams…and Evan’s.”

Jenny sighed, holding my gaze. “You’re going to tell him?” I nodded. “Yes…as soon as I figure out how.” Closing her eyes, she shook her head. Opening them, she seemed resigned…and irritated. “I hate lying, Kiera, especially to Evan.” Releasing her elbow, I looked down. I hated lying too, but sometimes you had to fudge a little bit, to protect people. As Denny said, sometimes the truth was cold. Why inflict someone with the sting of it, if you didn’t have to? “I know, Jenny.” I peeked back up at her. “Just don’t mention it, if you can help it.”

She twisted her lip, then nodded. Shaking her head a little, she walked away. I called out a thanks but she didn’t look back at me. I sighed, hating this small deception already. It was necessary, though, for the time being.





When I got back out to the bar, Denny was still chatting with Sam, only now Kate and a couple of the regulars had joined him. They were all laughing as they sat around talking, and I took a moment to just smile and absorb the fact that he was back here. Watching his goofy grin, hearing him laugh, it brought back all the good feelings from when we were together. It made me realize how much I’d missed him this past year. I knew it was going to be hard on me when he left again. And it had been pretty hard the first time.

As Kate squeezed his shoulders and gave him a hug, he looked over to where I was still standing and watching him. His goofy grin changed in-to a warm smile and he nodded a little at me. Face flushing a million degrees, I stopped reminiscing and headed towards the bar to get him a drink.

Rita eyed me speculatively as she poured a beer for him. At just high enough of a level for me to hear, she murmured, “When the cat’s away…”

I rolled my eyes and grit my jaw. Snapping at Rita wouldn’t do any good. She tended to think everyone was hooking up with everyone. She saw sordid behavior in just about anything. She’d even told me once that The Little Mermaid was darn near pornographic. I still have no idea why…

S.C. Stephens's Books