Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(103)

“I’ll tell him everything, Kiera…even this conversation.” I swallowed, then nodded. “That’s fine…it won’t come to that. I’ll tell him first.”


He sighed, shaking his head as he looked out the window. “You better…I don’t need him venting his frustrations on me.” He bit his lip as his voice trailed off. I cringed. That’s exactly what Denny had done to Kellan, the night he’d beaten him to a bloody pulp.

Holding his hand in both of mine, I whispered, “Thank you, Denny.” He nodded, looking back to me. Changing the subject, I shifted to his new job. He brightened instantly, and then it was just like it was years ago, when he was telling me about something he was really excited about. He’d been in town for about a month, since the first part of the year, living out of a four star hotel until he found a place to rent.

“Why don’t you stay at Kellan’s?” I asked before I could think about it.

He looked at me oddly, then shook his head. “No, I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

I cringed, nodding. No, probably not. The ghosts were there for me, for Denny, who had had an awful situation explode in his face without any warning…the ghosts would be even harder to handle. I wouldn’t blame him if he never wanted to set foot in Kellan’s house again. It was kind of dumb for me to even ask. I guess I was just trying to be practical, like Denny often was, and Kellan’s place was completely empty right now. Vacant, patiently waiting for its owner’s return, just like me.

After explaining some of the campaigns he’d been involved in, even one for a feminine hygiene product that he could barely talk about with a straight face, I finally noticed the time on a clock behind him.

“Oh crap, I’m gonna be late.” Denny glanced at the clock I was looking at and scrunched his face. It was a cute expression and I laughed before I remembered why I really needed to go. Standing up, I collected my jacket and book bag. “We’ve been talking for longer than I realized. I’m gonna be late for work.”

Denny nodded, standing and gathering his coat as well.


Pausing as I slipped mine on, I tilted my head at the door. “Do you want to come with me?” Shrugging, I added, “I could get you some dinner…just like old times.”

He looked down, smiling softly. “Just like old times.” When he looked back up, he shrugged, his goofy grin returning. “Sure…why not?” Denny followed me to Pete’s in his company car, a sleek, black thing that looked pricey. It made me smile that he was doing well; I always knew he would. That was something I’d always been sure about with Denny—he would have success at anything he tried. And being in charge at his age…it seemed he already was going places.

Pulling into Kellan’s unofficially reserved parking spot, I watched Denny pull up beside me. He was frowning as he stared at Kellan’s Chevelle, maybe wondering where his Honda was. I’d probably have to mention at some point that Anna had nearly confiscated the vehicle from me. Hopefully he wasn’t too bothered by the news.

But he didn’t mention anything as he stood by his sporty car, waiting for me. It was so weird to see him here, like I’d fallen through a worm-hole and been shoved back in time. Things were different, but things were the same, too. As I stepped up to his side, he twisted and we started walking to the doors. I felt a split-second of loss that he hadn’t held his hand out for me. It wasn’t that I wanted him to, or needed him to, more like I’d expected him to.

When you’re around someone for so long, you learn to anticipate their behavior, and in the past, Denny would have always smiled and extended a hand to me if we were walking together. Him not doing it was a little jarring, and I instantly didn’t feel like I was reliving the past anymore.

I realized the flaw with my impromptu plan when Denny walked through the doors with me—everyone’s jaw dropped as they all stared at us together again. Rita, Kate, all the regulars…even Jenny looked taken aback. Not many of them knew the Denny/Kellan triangle, but they knew that Denny was my ex and Kellan was my current.


That Denny was conveniently back in town while Kellan was away was enough to cause a swirl of gossip in and of itself. That we were suddenly hanging out was even weirder, by several people’s standards from the looks on their faces. I’d probably have to have the “don’t tell Kellan” speech with a few of my friends too. Just for now. I needed some time first, a plan to keep Kellan from overreacting.

Leaning over a little as he stood beside me, Denny murmured, “Is it just me, or is everyone staring at us?”

I sighed and rolled my eyes, looking up at him. “It’s not just you…I guess it’s been a slow week for news.” I laughed. “We’re now the hottest story in town.”

He smirked at me. “Oh good, and I was worried that this would be awkward.”

I laughed a little more and motioned for him to take a seat anywhere he wanted. Surprisingly, or maybe it was just an unconscious habit since he’d usually sat there, he chose the band’s table.

I watched him for a moment before heading to the back to deposit my stuff. I nearly had my second collision of the day when Jenny stepped in front of me. Sidestepping just in time, I felt my heart skip a beat. I really hated running into people.

S.C. Stephens's Books