Cruel Prince (Royal Hearts Academy, #1)(108)
I raise an eyebrow. “Last I checked, my mother was dead.” Raising my middle finger, I turn my chair back around. “Unless you’re feeding or fucking me, I don’t owe you shit.”
Behind me, Cole snorts. “I guess that means we should get Dylan over here then.”
The tiny hairs on the back of my neck stand on end at the mention of her name.
“Fuck off.”
Focusing on my computer screen, I punch in a new line of code.
But then the screen goes black…because Oakley pulled the plug on my desktop monitor.
“What the hell, asshole? I was—”
“I don’t give a fuck.” Frowning, he gestures to Cole. “We’re worried about you, man.”
“I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not.” Scrubbing a hand down his face, he sits on the edge of my bed. “I figured you and Dylan would work your shit out, but that doesn’t seem to be happening.”
“Wow, good observation, Captain Obvious.”
Dylan and I can’t work out our shit.
There’s too much of it.
“Well, for what it’s worth, she’s miserable too,” he informs me. “Yesterday was her first day back at school and it’s only because my dad flipped his shit and Crystal forced her to go.” His eyes are grim. “She won’t talk to me…not like she used to. All she does is go to work and visit Liam’s grave.”
I’m about to remind him her lack of conversational skills probably has more to do with him screwing her aunt, but his last statement reverberates through my skull.
I swallow the brick in my throat. “She visits Liam?”
I can’t even bring myself to go there more than twice a year.
Cole takes a seat next to Oakley. “According to Sawyer, she’s been there every day this week…apologizing.” His face screws up. “Ever since the night of your birthday party, I’ve had a feeling something wasn’t adding up, but when Bianca unleashed on her…I fucking knew it.” He holds my gaze. “That wasn’t guilt, Jace…that was grief. I don’t give a fuck what Tommy says, that girl didn’t do a damn thing to Liam.”
His words are the equivalent of bullets piercing straight through my heart.
I know she didn’t.
The anguish in her eyes…it was like seeing Liam in that closet all over again.
I exhale sharply. “I know.”
It’s why I haven’t been at school this week.
Seeing her will rip me to shreds. Or rather, seeing her so upset and not being able to fix it will.
But I can’t. Not without betraying Liam.
As much as I hate to admit it, making Dylan pay for what I wrongly assumed she did was easier.
At least then, I got to have little pieces of her while trying to convince myself it was okay because I was defending my little brother’s honor.
Now I’m just back to feeling hollow and guilty all over again.
Just like I deserve.
I stand up and plug my monitor back in. “I have to get some work done.”
Cole and Oakley exchange a glance.
“Dude, seriously?”
“Seriously what? I have work to do.”
The company who purchased Z.I. asked if I could develop a sequel. The kind of money they’re offering will set me up for a while after I graduate, so I’d be dumb to screw it up.
“Are you kidding?” Cole’s nostrils flare. “Dylan being innocent doesn’t mean anything to you?”
“It means she’s a good person who didn’t deserve the shit I put her through, but…” I curb the end of my statement before I can finish it.
“But what?” He wrinkles his forehead. “You waiting for some other guy to tap that ass and set down roots before you come to your senses?”
My lips twist into a scowl. “What?”
He opens his arms wide. “I don’t know, man. I’m just trying to figure out why you’re still moping around when you know Dylan didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Because it doesn’t change anything,” I bite out.
I can’t have her.
He looks at me like I’ve sprouted another head. “Like hell it doesn’t.”
Huffing, Oakley walks over to my window and opens it. “I’m with Cole. Now that the truth is out, it’s time to man the fuck up and get your girl.”
What don’t these idiots understand? “She’s not my girl.”
Oakley takes the joint out from behind his ear and lights it. “Not yet.” Coughing, he hands it to me. “Give her a call and fix that shit.”
“Sure. Want me to resurrect Liam too, while I’m at it? Because that would be the only way to fix any of this.”
Confusion mars his face. “I thought we already settled this, my dude. Dylan didn’t do your brother dirty.”
Bringing the joint to my lips, I inhale deeply. “I know she didn’t.”
He snatches the joint from me. “Then no more ganga for you because you’ve obviously smoked yourself stupid.”
I glare at him. “I’m not stupid, dickhead. I’m—”
“Still letting your guilt over Liam’s death eat you alive,” Cole says with a heavy sigh. “Figured as much.”